You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 157 (2)

Chapter 157 (2)

As Tong Yao was holding the door knob to her room, she was still debating whether she should let her son reunite with Lu Sicheng in order for the TV drama to have a happy ending. The leading male character in her drama was still soundly sleeping and had just rolled over in her bed.

Tong Yao pushed the door open and went in. She walked over to the bed and sat down right next to the man.

Lu Sicheng semi-consciously felt the bed sink down a bit right next to him but didnt fully wake up. He reached over to hold her hand-- --The warmth in his thick palm softened her heart and she had decided on the spot that the drama should have a happy ending. She shouldnt be so harsh

Tong Yao slipped down from the bed and sat on the rug next to the bed with her hand still in Lu Sichengs. She placed her chin on the edge of the bed and stared at his handsome face for a while. Then she called his name.

Lu Sicheng wasnt in a deep sleep and humphed when he heard his name being called.

Tong Yao thought for a moment before saying: Captain, I might be pregnant.

Lu Sichengs closed eyes immediately opened.

The dark brown pupils met with the pair of black eyes next to the bed for a few seconds. The expression in his eyes changed from shock to perplexity then dumbstruck in a short period of time-- --After a while, under Tong Yaos nervous gaze, he nodded and spoke with a deep and hoarse voice: Thats a much better original excuse than others before. Compared to the one a few days ago when you said you had broken the summer championship cup, this one is more refreshing.

Tong Yao: ......

In the past few days, she was so bored that she had made up different excuses to make Lu Sicheng get up and play with her. In a short ten minutes, Tong Yao once again had a profound realization of the meaning of you get what you deserved.

While she was still lost in her thoughts, Lu Sicheng yawned and pinched the tip of her nose: Ill get up in half an hour.

He was going to roll over again-- --But before he could turn his body over, Tong Yao rashly pulled her hand out of his and used her two thin arms to force Lu Sicheng to turn his body back: Dont sleep! I mean it! My period is two days late! For the past five years, my period always comes in a thirty-day cycle every month and now its been late for two days! Lu Sicheng, get up-- --

Before she finished, Lu Sicheng rolled over to sit up on the bed-- --She was half leaning against Lu Sichengs body at the time and the sudden movement almost flipped her back down to the ground. Fortunately, Lu Sicheng reached over with his long arm just in time to pick her up and set her down on the bed. He held her with the blanket in his arms and said next to her ears: Say that again.

He sounded quite calm.

Tong Yao wasnt sure what his reaction would be and became flustered again.

I know we always have protection, but we didnt the first time. Aiyo, it actually probably was my fault, I had forgotten to take the pill that time. I know, I know, I know, you had bought the pill, but I simply forgot about taking it since you didnt remind me later-- --By the time I remembered about it, it was already a few days later. I figured if theres really a baby, its genes had already been decided by then. I was afraid you would nag me if youd found out, so, so, so I just threw the pill away behind your back

As she was talking, she somehow felt a little guilty. Before she finished mumbling, Lu Sicheng had pulled her onto the bed which was still warm While Tong Yao was confused by his action, Lu Sicheng had gotten off the bed and was about to turn away. Suddenly he paused, bent over to cover her with the blanket, then turned around to walk away from the bed-- --

Tong Yao thought he was going to walk out of the room and her heart sank.

But the man was only turning to go into the bathroom.

Tong Yao was left by herself sitting on the warm bed and listening to the noise of water running in the bathroom. She was in a daze...and felt a little at loss as well. All kinds of thoughts went through her head: She had heard that a pregnancy would make a woman silly for three years. If she became so clumsy that she couldnt even farm properly, how could she bear the responsibility of saving Chinese esports? This was exactly like what they said of a general dying before reaching the grand objective. The Huns hadnt been wiped out and Mulan got pregnant first. If people found out about this, wouldnt they laugh their heads off?

No way, no way, it was simply unacceptable-- --

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