You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 164 (2)

Chapter 164 (2)

At the beginning of the match, OPs mid, top, and jungler teamed up to get CKs 4 raptors. They killed the raptors and met Yang god there! Yang god was forced to use flash to escape at low health. After drinking two health potions, Yang god managed to get their red buff, then he went home. OPs jungler took the chance to steal CKs blue buff and placed a ward in the bushes next to the blue buff.

Yang god certainly didnt know the blue buff on his side of the jungle was gone. He walked out of the base, passed by the blue buff, and wandered about in the empty arena-- --He didnt know that not only his blue buff was stolen, but that OP could also clearly see his movements. He tried to hide in the bushes to wait for OPs bot duo but the duo didnt come his way. He turned to steal OPs blue buff at bot

It wasnt easy to steal the OPs blue buff. OP seemed to have anticipated Yang gods intentions. OPs mid turned around and worked with their support to take down their own blue buff. Yang god came back empty-handed.

By then, 30 seconds had passed since the beginning of the game. It was crucial for a jungler in the first 30 seconds to accomplish something. Yet Yang god had wandered in the jungle for 30 seconds with nothing to show for it. If it were some other jungler, he mightve gotten frustrated-- --

But Yang god was doing fine and managed to keep his cool.

However, he knew in his heart that his jungler rhythm had been completely messed up.

The disruption also affected the other lanes-- --

OP noticed that Yang god was at bot and their jungler immediately went up to top to attack CKs top, Come Good Luck. At this point, both sides had just reached level 3 and Come Good Luck never expected the opponent would target his Gnar. He had pushed a bit too far to the opponents side of the lane and died.

Everyone in the break room called out aiyo in unison. Tong Yao heard Pope use Chinese to say to his teammates behind her: CK isnt good at playing a catching up game. OP is invincible when playing from an advantaged position.

Tong Yao: ......

She thought Pope had learned Chinese well and could even say invincible in Chinese.

Tong Yao used her elbow to nudge Lu Sicheng: Then how do they turn the tables around?

Lu Sicheng: Use their heads.

Tong Yao continued to prod him: Speak nicely.

Tong Yao asked again: What would you do if it were you playing?

Lu Sicheng patted her bottom to tell her to stop talking. Then he turned his head to discuss with Pope in Korean for a while. After he turned his head back, he took his time to say slowly: Dont know. It looks like all the things like stalling for more time or trying to gain control of the lanes wont do. Maybe to grab a dragon? Its important to boost morale Besides, its not just CK who isn't good at playing catch-up games, OP isnt any good at it either.

4 minutes 30 seconds into the game, OP was in the lead with one kill.

Tong Yao, after hearing Lu Sichengs explanation, stayed quiet and waited for CK to fight for the dragon.

The game played out just like how Pope had said earlier. CKs players were all quite impetuous; when playing in a disadvantageous situation, they lacked patience and ignored the details. They kept looking for chances to start team fights-- --

The Korean teams, unlike Chinese teams, didnt easily initiate a fight.

They liked to play a more stable game.

When CK found out that after 30 minutes they still werent able to get into a fight with OP, they grew anxious, fearing that they would slowly die like this-- --Then, a chance presented itself, OP was fighting Baron. CK went up to grab Baron; Yang gods Lee Sin went down the arena and successfully used smite to steal Baron!

Everyone could clearly hear Jian Yang roar in the camera. The other CK players also had their spirits lifted. The commentators almost lost their voices from shouting too hard. The audience jumped up from their seats and the cheering boards were raised high up

In the meantime, people in the breakroom were also marveling at the performance.

Tong Yao: Ah!

Tong Yao: He just grabbed it! The other teams jungler!

Old K: Speak nicely. You dont want to completely break the friendship between our teams mid and jungler, do you?

Amidst all the cheering and applause, OPs jungler simply laughed and shook his head in frustration-- --

With this small victory, CK won the first team fight with the help of the Baron buff that Yang god had stolen. In addition, CK was able to push the enemy turrets in all three lanes and earned back around 4000 gold. After doing all this, Barons buff ran out

With Yang gods success, CKs players changed their passive playstyle. They discovered that they were good at team fights and instead of waiting for OP to initiate it, they chased after OP players to engage in another team fight. They lost two of their own but killed four of their enemy, they won again.

Tong Yao: Its spooky. CK knows how to play catch-up games now?

Lu Sicheng: OP has also lost their cool. If they didnt respond to the challenge and just kept dragging the game on and building their strength, it wouldve been enough to let CK die on its own, but they had to get in the fight Theyll have to kneel on a washboard[1] after they get back.

Tong Yao: Its good to get into the fight. The China region is good at fighting, welcome to the China regions tempo.

Lu Sicheng: ......

[1]: (gu cu y bn), literally means kneeling on a washboard, is a common joke about punishing people since a washboards surface is jagged, so kneeling on it would be particularly uncomfortable.

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