You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 174 (2)

Chapter 174 (2)

Tong Yao and her teammates sat at the designated area in the arena to watch the match between CK and G4. There were loud cheers for G4 from foreigners but cheers for CK in Chinese were also audible

Chinese are present anywhere one goes.

And at critical moments, they could also show solidarity-- --

When it was time to show their presence and the volume of their cheering, they wouldnt shy away from it.

The two commentators for the match seemed a little surprised to hear people cheering in Chinese. After a few moments of silence, one of the commentators couldnt stop himself from giggling. Commentator T: [Uh oh, hrm, dont keep thinking youre in the home court and then find out that the Chinese in the audience are not to be outdone.]

Commentator G: [I hope next time we can be even louder when we cheer. They cant distinguish passports when they're selling tickets. We cant be outdone on our own turf.]

Someone in the audience shouted out as if in protest to what the commentators had said: Go CK. Long live LPL. The audience burst into laughter and the players of this match stepped onto the stage-- --

Commentator T: [You know whats the most annoying thing here? The most annoying thing is that they can understand what we say here but we cant understand a single word theyre saying.]

Commentator G: [Hahahahaha!]

While the commentators were chatting, the first match began with the ban & pick phase. Tong Yao and her teammates could also feel the same nervousness as the players on stage G4 wasnt a favored team, so there shouldnt be any problem for CK to defeat them since CK had defeated OP before?

Tong Yao thought to herself.

Then the game officially started and she found out that it didnt go as she had anticipated-- --

The way the European and North American regions played the game was different from the China and Korea regions. They would usually come up with strange line up in comparison to the LPL and LCK teams. Champions like Amumu, Ziggs, Anivia, Aurelion Sol, Katarina, and Yasuo seldom appeared in official competitions in the LPL and LCK regions. But European and North American teams would take them without hesitation-- --

In addition, they didnt have the same kind of stress to win.

G4 was from the second seeded pool. Before the competition, the media didnt think the team was favored to win. Therefore losing the match, though regretful, wasnt a big concern of the players.

In the first round of the match, G4 took Varus and Jayce, two champions that had a strong poking ability and could quickly push lanes. Though this line up didnt have any advantage in lane during the early game, it was fast at taking turrets and agile in the jungle. They would stay away from fights and keep stealing resources to fuel their own development

In the mid game, CK started to get bogged down and the economic lead they had been enjoying began to get narrower-- --

Then CK carelessly lost two outer turrets and two drakes.

During the team fight at the 25th minute, they lost three players in exchange for only one enemy.

In the midst of commentators exalted shouting and the passionate cheering from the audience, G4 advanced smoothly. At the 37th minute, they pushed into CKs base. Varus used three arrows to shoot down CKs ad. CK had no choice but to retreat. On their way back, their mid, Xiao Hua, also died. Without both of their carries, they could only watch in despair as their nexus exploded.

When the first round was over, G4s players had beaming smiles on their faces. In contrast, CKs players were drinking water from their water cups with stone faces Tong Yao got hold of Lu Sichengs hand. She had suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Lu Sicheng probably sensed the temperature of her palm and he turned his hand over to cover her hand and lightly patted it: Dont panic, its alright.

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