You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 176 (1)

Chapter 176 (1)

Before the match between YQCB and RP, Tong Yao checked Weibo and discovered that a repost from Facebook had gone viral on the internet. It was originally posted roughly 10 minutes after Team CK had left the hotel by a RP substitute player: Saw the team from LPL left, made my day. Soon another team from LPL will be following in their footsteps This region only knows to pick up what we dont want, how could there be any improvement.

Five minutes after the post, the substitute player was bombarded by netizens from both China and Korea-- --LPLs fans certainly would come out to defend their own teams. As for Korean fans, they were upset with the post because Li Junhe was a member of YQCB. Li Junhe had a large fan base back in Korea. They severely criticized the substitute In any case Li Junhe is your senpai, wheres your respect Even though hes gone to the LPL, hes still Li Junhe. How dare you Who are you saying is the one we dont want Have you played any competitions yet, dont bark here......

Certainly there were many Korean fans who thought the post was quite interesting. Even some Chinese netizens agreed with the post. Youre right, LPL sure is trash Cant argue with you......Yet, soon afterwards, the substitute deleted the post under tremendous pressure.

However, it was too late. Many of the ugly words had already gone viral.

Tong Yao was delighted that she had caught up with the fuss before the match: The Koreans have created some fuss for themselves right before the match.

Lu Sicheng leaned over to look at her cell phone: How did it end up?

Its gone viral.

Tong Yao shook her head while giggling, but couldnt help but curse the substitute player in her mind. It was someone she had never paid any attention to before.

As the time for the match drew near, the fans back in China temporarily put this unpleasant incident behind them. They had learned to find pleasure in disappointment-- --

[I heard CKs already back? Looks like their manager had posted their location in the airport on Weibo Why are they in such a hurry? They should stay for a few more days. They can even be daigou[1] and earn some money to pay for the airline tickets.]

[What the above post said is so true. If they waited for a few more hours, they could come back together with YQCB and keep each other company.]

[Then why not wait for one more day and they can come back with ZGDX as well. Three teams could charter an airplane to fly back, wouldnt it be nice Ah, hahahahahahaha!]

Why do these people like to talk so cynically! If we really lost the match, wouldnt they be as depressed as us

Tong Yao was sitting in the audience with Jinyang on her left and Lu Sicheng on her right. She put away her cell phone and looked around her-- --Since the two teams of todays match werent from the LCS region, the fans present in the audience were basically half for the Chinese team and the other half for the Korean. YQCB had the support of the Chinese students studying abroad while RP also had many Chinese fans since most of their players had played in China before. Teams from the Korean region always had fans from other countries because of the strength of their teams-- --

When the RP players came on stage, the cheering from the audience was quite loud. The players walked up briskly while chatting and laughing, relaxed.

The players of YQCB, on the contrary, looked quite serious. When Ai Jia stepped onto the stage, he tripped over his own shoelace and almost fell onto Pope. Jinyang lifted one of her hands to cover her eyes, but her other hand clasped onto Tong Yaos hand tightly

Dont worry. Tong Yao patted her good friends hand: Ai Jia has been through everything. From the relegation game in the spring season to keep the teams standing in the league to-- --

Lu Sicheng: Are you sure youre comforting her?

You talk too much. Tong Yao stepped on his foot, then continued to talk to Jinyang: From the turn around at the spring competition to taking the lead in group match at the summer competition, then defeating ZGDX at the cross group match to taking second place of the summer competition, then to the stepladder tournament to get the last ticket to S6, then, then now, theyre in the world quarter finals-- --Its like a fantasy in novels. This team is invincible, isnt it? They have endless possibilities. If it isnt for the fact that ZGDX exists, its quite possible that this years S series champion could be them.

Jinyang: Whats so magical is that from the spring season till now all theyve done is get a new AD.

Tong Yao: What get a new AD, that is called the last piece of a puzzle.

[1]: (digu), is a Chinese word to describe people who buy things from overseas for people back in China (or back to your home country generally).

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