You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 177 (3)

Chapter 177 (3)

[AD group]

OP, Bunny (wringing his hands, nervously): Lu Sicheng, ah, is a senpai. He has a lot of fans in Korea as well because hes handsome and a strong player. I truly cant afford to offend him! But on the other hand, if Lu Sicheng didnt go back to LPL at the time, he probably would have several sets of skins of his own. (*Riot Games will award each of the S series championship teams a set of specially designed skins especially for them)...... He shouldnt have gone back. Its the same this time, hell be defeated again, right? I really feel sorry for him.

ZGDX, Chessman: Sorry for what? Talk about it when you beat us  He truly is living in dreams.

Everyone from ZGDX: ......

Lu Sicheng: I wasnt going to say the last few words originally.

Everyone from ZGDX: ......

Lu Sicheng: I didnt think there would be a time when I couldnt stop myself from saying it. Im still too young after all.

The video ended as Lu Sicheng sighed. The audience was in a frenzy, making all sorts of exclamations hahahahahahahahaha whoa. They all felt that, though they didnt know how todays match would go or what the result of the match would be, it was already worth the ticket price to watch the trash talking segment!

The war between LPL and LCK was surely a never-ending topic.

The match officially entered the ban and pick phase.

Ming god came onto the stage with his notes-- --Since the champion pools of the players on both sides were quite deep, even if one team could ban ten champions, it still wouldnt cause any problem to the opposing team. Therefore, both teams were quite relaxed in regards to banning champions

In the first round of the match, OP was on the blue side and ZGDX the red side-- --

OP banned: Nidalee, Leblanc, Ryze.

ZGDX banned: Gnar, Fiora, Azir.

The ban phase ended. Old K and Tong Yao received the respect they deserved when the two champions they were best at got banned. Ryze got banned because he was too strong in the current patch of the game. It looked like Jin Yuguang himself wasnt interested in playing Ryze and so they banned him

The pick phase followed-- --

OP picked: Maokai, Kindred, Zilean, Lucian, Tahm.

ZGDX picked: Rumble, RekSai, Syndra, Sivir, Alistar.

Zilean and Tahm were preferred champions of the LCK teams. Zileans ultimate could revive teammates and Tahm could swallow teammates to save them. With these two champions in the line up, the teams carry could usually survive till the end and in team fights, the team could usually keep fighting for longer The LPL teams on the other hand liked swift attacks and seldom used this tactic. Therefore, they didnt get much practice countering this tactic-- --

However, it didnt mean that this tactic couldnt be cracked.

Old Cats choice of Rumble could use his ultimate to divide the battlefield. The enemy couldnt even cross over and all these tactics would just be armchair strategies.

The commentators were also quite impressed with the Rumble pick Old Cat however gave a wry smile: They all say that Im the blue collar top, I truly havent been taken seriously. Ive used Rumble from our league competitions all the way to the world competition and carried you guys numerous times, yet no one wants to ban my Rumble but instead banned Twisted Fate and Leblanc

Tong Yao: Its a good thing. You can play this champion now with your eyes closed.

The match began and a dramatic scene happened right at the beginning of the match.

When everyone bought their items and left their base to go into their respective lanes, Little Fatty was a step behind Lu Sicheng-- --As they walked near the bush at bot lane, Lu Sicheng suddenly stopped, probably out of his sixth sense or because he noticed some unusual movement in the Summoner's Rift, as if he sensed something was wrong. Before anyone realized what was going on, Lu Sicheng abruptly cast his Q ability at the bush-- --

Little Fatty: Cheng Ge, whats that for

Before he finished, four enemies jumped out of the bush and scared the hell out of Little Fatty that he almost threw away his mouse-- --He watched the other sides Tahm first cast exhaust on Lu Sicheng then opened his big mouth to swallow up him. Little Fattys Alistar at level one couldnt do much to help. When Tahm spat Lu Sicheng out, Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty used flash plus heal to run away with only silver health left!

Little Fatty patted his chest: That scared me to death, scared me to death Shit, not even people at Bronze rank would play like this! These sneaky guys!

Lu Sicheng went back to base immediately since the minion hadnt spawned from the bases yet. He calmly said: If I had walked even half a step further, I wouldnt have come back.

Tong Yao: Thats really something, a mans sixth sense.

Lu Sicheng: A mans sixth sense tells me that though they had me use both abilities, they wouldnt come to bot again as you would expect. You guys are on your own.

Tong Yao, Old Cat: ......

The first round of the match between ZGDX and OP thus officially began with a surprise.

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