You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 182 (1)

Chapter 182 (1)

On October 17, the match between ZGDX and TAT was another battle between old nemeses-- --

Some fans complained: Battle of nemeses, why is ZGDX always having a battle against a nemesis?

The ZGDX break room before the match was in a greater commotion than usual. The ZGDX break room had become the LPL break room, because the entire YQCB team didnt leave after their elimination but stayed to watch ZGDXs semi-finals match-- --Last night, the night they lost, they even happily played a skirmish with ZGDX Since it was the night right before a big game, the skirmish was more for fun than anything else.

After the skirmish, Ai Jia even sat down next to Tong Yao to pass on some of his experience in defending mid lanes third turret......

YQCB bought their return tickets for October 18. According to Ai Jia, they wanted to enjoy watching an international competition between two strong teams without having any weight on their shoulders. Therefore they werent in a hurry to leave and stayed to cheer for ZGDX on the 17th before leaving on the 18th.

Tong Yao took a look at Ai Jia who was standing between Little Fatty and Lu Yue not too far away while laughing and chatting: Why do I find his words to not be all that convincing?

Jinyang: Yesterday after the match, he told me behind everyones back that there are still many seats open on the 18th flight. So, after your match on the 17th, theres no problem buying 6 more tickets

Tong Yao: ......

Dont mind him. Let him be jealous. LPL has stopped at the quarter-finals for so many years and this year, suddenly, they were able to dream of having two LPL teams at the finals? Have they forgotten the idiom learn to crawl before you leap? Jinyang wasnt interested in the topic and waved her hand to change the subject: I watched the interview after your match with OP. Whats going on with that TAT mid? And whats that cameraman trying to do? That mid was there especially to watch you play? Damn, it feels like thats exactly what he was doing Is there something going on between you two, has your Cheng Ge-- --

Before she could finish, Tong Yao covered her mouth.

Tong Yao stretched her neck to look around-- --Fortunately Lu Sicheng was standing much further away talking to Pope. He seemed to sense the look from Tong Yao and paused while talking to look up at her.

Tong Yao gave him a smile.

Lu Sicheng gave her a warning look which seemed to say behave yourself, dont cause any trouble.

Tong Yao looked back and lowered her voice as she spoke to Jinyang: For todays match, Lu Yue will be the one who plays the first round Its exactly to prevent us from locking eyes with each other at mid lanes-- --Im only joking. Its probably because the few times weve beaten TAT in a skirmish were all played by Lu Yue.

Actually, if you told me it was the first reason, Id believe you. Your man is the most jealous man in the whole of Asia. I truly believe that after he retires, hell organize a team named the worlds best AD is me, not Gao Xuecheng...... Jinyang patted Tong Yaos shoulder: I really envy you, having a boyfriend who loves you so much.

Tong Yao gave a mirthless smile.

Just then, Xiao Rui opened the door and stretched his head in to inform the players for the first match to gather their things to go on stage. Lu Sicheng and the others got ready to leave the room. Tong Yao was left with YQCB players, watching them leave-- --

Before Lu Sicheng walked out of the room, he patted Tong Yaos head: Watch carefully and learn well. Youll get on for the next round.

Before Lu Yue walked out of the room, he also patted Tong Yaos head: Watch carefully and learn. Sit tight at the substitute seat, you wont be on for the next round.

Tong Yao crushed the paper cup in her hand into a ball and threw it at Lu Yues head. Lu Yue pinched his voice to imitate Tong Yao: Lu Sicheng, your wifes bullying me! She threw the water cup at me! Shes not happy about sitting out on the substitute seat! She has a problem, she doesnt want to win!

Lu Sicheng slapped him.

Old Cat closed the door behind him and the world became quiet again.

Tong Yao turned to nod at YQCBs players behind her without much expression on her face and seriously said: Our substitute mid is a retard. Dont mind him.

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