You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 182 (4)

Chapter 182 (4)

During the laning phase, though ZGDX didnt create much of an advantage over TAT, Lu Yue did manage to get away from TATs junglers ambushes several times like a slippery eel at mid. At bot, Lu Sicheng together with Little Fatty was very aggressive, causing the other side to miss twenty or so minions. But TATs Alistar and Kalista were very strong in providing protection to their teammates, Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty didnt get the chance to kill any of their enemies

Once the game reached the middle stage, during a fight over drake that had been initiated by TAT, their jungler Lee Sin and top Rumble actively chased after Old Cat trying to slay him. At that moment, both Lee Sin and Rumble had their ultimates already and were at full health. Everyone thought that Old Cat was dead for sure. But Old Cat let the fans all over the world  witness a different Old Cat-- --

Old Cat used his E ability to drag Lee Sin to the same position as Rumble, then in that instance used W to stun both of them! He then followed with R at Rumble, basic attack and Q to hit Lee Sin, and Q ability again dealing splash damage to Rumble, killing him. At the same time, he used A, repositioned, A again, pulled back and at the instant when Lee Sin was placing the ward, he went back to using W to stun Lee Sin and successfully killed two enemies all by himself!

It was a brilliant play!

Not only the audience but the people back in the break room were also awestruck by Old Cats play-- --

Commentator D: [OH-- --MY-- --God! ! ! !]

Commentator F: [I cant believe my own eyes. It feels like Im watching a fake game-- --Now we can see the scene being replayed again, alright, I still did get a clear view of how he did it! ! ! Its the third time Im watching it. We can count it together; before Lee Sin placed the ward, Cat had made at least 7 attacks!]

Commentator D: [He knows Riven inside and out. Its impossible that this is a champion he has chosen just because hes pissed off. He is Riven himself! If-- --I mean if ZGDX won the championship, I suggest that the championship skin for Cat has to be The Exile!]

Commentator F: [His maneuver could be one of the top three plays of this world competition-- --Let me say it again, I simply couldnt believe my own eyes!]

In the previous matches, Old Cat always played a dull game at top most of the time, remaining low key and taking hits well. Many people were like TATs top and thought that Old Cat was ZGDXs only vulnerable point, the weak link-- --until today.

In the first round of the match, Old Cat used a super carry champion he rarely used in any competition but had used while playing ranked matches. He secured two kills all by himself and became a monster that the opponent couldnt find a way to counter till the end of the game. His performance decided the direction of how this round would end!

Until the end of this round-- --both commentators and the audience were still reminiscing about Old Cats play. Tieba was also filled with analysis posts. They exclaimed that his performance couldnt possibly develop simply during ranked matches-- --

The fact that Old Cat could perform that series of actions just showed that Old Cat knew very well Rivens damage output at every level, her ability cooldowns, and how her abilities targeted enemies. Furthermore, how cool-headed he had to be when doing all those things. If he made any mistake in any one of the attacks or he had tapped the floor an extra time when doing the basic attack, those series of actions wouldnt have worked!

[Thanks to the world competition, it has let us witness a different ZGDX! Before, all we see are  Chang Ge and his wife. Now, weve discovered that we have a support god and a top god!]

[If anyone says it again that ZGDX without Lu Sicheng would be 0 to 10 against TAT, come out to have your words slapped back at your face!]

[Congratulations to TATs Sasali. He grabbed Rumble and trashed Old Cat before the game and successfully unleashed ZGDXs ultimate monster hidden at top.]

[Ive become a fan. Old Cats Riven play is really shocking!]

[Under the blue collar, theres gold Didnt expect to see this kind of play. To tell the truth, I feel that ZGDX is well prepared this time. For sure!]

Amid all the praise, the MVP of this round was announced and as expected, it was Old Cat. The audience cheered. They shouted Old Cats game id in unison-- --


Amidst the cheering, Old Cat pushed open the door to the break room to enter. Everyone in the break room including the staff all stood up and applauded while laughing. It was like welcoming back a victorious hero. They were welcoming back their blue collar top who had been willingly dormant for so long and had now displayed his talents for the first time! 

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