You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 183 (3)

Chapter 183 (3)

The game began.

Tong Yao looked all over the screen then said something that surprised everyone: Wheres my cursor? I cant find my cursor!

Lu Sicheng sighed. Despite having already loaded the game, he lifted his hand off the keyboard to put it on Tong Yaos hand which was randomly moving her mouse around. Her hand felt quite cold-- --

Cursors here, here, see it? He held her hand: Keep your cool, be calm. Its just Ah Tai. Youve been defeated by him so many times, what does one more time matter? When you took his challenge, weren't you in high spirits and eager to do it

Tong Yao threw away Lu Sichengs hand: Is this your way of comforting people?

Lu Sicheng smiled and sat back straight in his seat. His hand was back on the keyboard Tong Yao took a deep breath and moved to her lane, Azir was already waiting for her at the other side.

Azir was a champion that developed at a steady pace and could resist pressure. Leblanc, at level one, also needed to stay put to farm and quietly develop. Therefore, both sides were rather calm at level one and stood behind their own minion waves. Occasionally, when the other side moved a little closer, they would randomly attack the other and deal some damage-- --

When both sides reached level two, Tong Yao began to use Q, W to hit her opponent She was successful twice but missed once. Ah Tai played Azir very well and Azir was as slippery as an eel. It was hard for Tong Yao to get a hold of him! On the other hand, Azir struck Tong Yao several times. If it wasnt for the fact that she had used a health potion beforehand, she probably would be dead by now!

Usually, with Azir in the lineup, it would be hard to take down any of the turrets in mid. Therefore, ZGDX didnt plan to do too much in the mid lane in the early game Around the fourth minute, ZGDXs top and jungler, Old Ks Nidalee and Old Cats Rumble, teamed up and tower dived, taking first blood when they killed the enemy top, who had moved too far ahead!

Fuck! You look down upon the blue collar top and Ill just use Rumble to kill you! Old Cat cursed as he took the 400 gold while cleaning up the minion lane. Then he hid in the bush to return to base: If you dare, ban my Rumble. If not, then Ill take Rumble and kill you. What about it?

...... Tong Yao sulkily said: Youre also quite irritated. Today our team is all hotheaded.

Little Fatty: The rage of the blue collar laborer, hahahahahahahahahahaha!

Lu Sicheng: Im getting old. I dont understand your young peoples passion.

As he was talking, he pinged and Little Fattys Tahm flashed over to swallow the enemy AD. It happened so quickly that the AD didnt even realize what had happened. Little Fatty turned to slowly waddle back, then spat out the AD at Lu Sichengs face-- --

At the same moment, Old Ks Nidalee came over. The enemy AD was struck by Little Fattys exhaust and Nidalee placed a trap right on top of him. He had no choice but to use flash. But his landing position happened to be the place where Lu Sichengs Caitlyns trap had landed. He died instantly!

Both the top and bot lanes had kills!

Old Cat: Nice!

Old K: Nice!

Little Fatty: Nice!

Lu Sicheng: Drake.

Old Cat: Mid, watch Azir, dont let Azir and their jungler come over

Lu Sicheng checked the stat: 0/0/0 in five minutes and missed 5 or 6 minions Mid? You offline?

Tong Yao: Youre so vain. Dont you talk.

Lu Sicheng: You have Leblanc but play like Lu Yue. Come, after the fight for drake, find a chance to get him. Even if you cant win, itll be alright, just 300 gold. Ill get it back for you.

Tong Yao: ......

Little Fatty: This is the finals of a world competition of professional leagues. Its not some entertainment match where you play with girls at Bronze back home. You two, behave yourselves.

When he finished, Tong Yao reached level 6. QRWE, ignite, then Q again at Azir. Azir had a sliver of health left. Azir pushed Leblanc back and Leblanc instantly flashed-- --

Old K: Aiyoo!

Old Cat: Aiyoo!

Little Fatty: Aiyoo! That was truly a quintessential flash-- --It fully reflects the lesson our mid has learned after being bullied by OPs Jin Yuguang, that one should cherish ones life. Killing them with counterplay? No way.

Tong Yao: ................ He has a ruby crystal, whats going on? Is he testing my ability to do arithmetic? The damage was a little off. Next time I meet him, Ill be able to kill him. Now Ill just run away!

Lu Sicheng: Playing acrobatics.

Eight minutes into the game, ZGDX was temporarily in the lead with 1000 more gold, had taken the first infernal drake, and their mid hadnt died. Their prospects were looking quite optimistic.

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