You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 184 (2)

Chapter 184 (2)

Amidst the exclamation of amazement from the audience, Caitlyn now had two marks that Kennen had placed on her. If she got another mark, Caitlyn would be stunned and would definitely die-- --The only thing Kennen needed to do was cast a Q ability to stun Caitlyn then use a basic attack!

Right at the moment when Kennen raised his hand, Lu Sicheng used flash from underneath the turret, barely dodging Kennens Q ability. He circled to go behind Kennen, used three consecutive abilities, E, Q, A. Combined with the damage from the turret, he killed Kennen!

Double kills! ! ! ! 

Just as everyone thought Lu Sicheng would die, he counterattacked and got a double kill based on his keen observation and precise predictions!

Little Fatty: Im dumbfounded.

Old K: See that! Without us, our captain can still do very well-- --Very nice, a self-serving type of player!

Old Cat: I thought you all were going to be killed, didnt even bother trying to teleport. Hahahahaha!

Tong Yao: 6666666. Ill probably have 1.2 billion more love rivals with that performance.

Lu Sicheng stood in the bush to show off his teams tag (*nicknamed flashing their dog tag; every player from each team has one chance to emote their team logo during each round of a match. Theres no practical meaning in doing so, its purely for fun or to taunt the other side)...... Then he walked another two steps before hitting the B key to go back.

Commentator D: [OH-- --MY-- --God! Ive already said this to ZGDX so many times, but I still want to say it out loud again: OH-- --MY-- --God!]

Commentator F: [A totally unexpected counterattack. Just as all of us thought ZGDX was about to lose, Chessman snatched a double kill out of the blue It messed up their opponents tempo and saved his own team from peril!]

Tong Yao: I havent felt the handsomeness of our captain for quite a while. Today that feeling is overwhelming.

Lu Sicheng: Am I awesome?

Tong Yao: Awesome.

Lu Sicheng: Can you see my desire to win?

Tong Yao: I see it.

Starting from the double kill, ZGDX accumulated a 2000 gold advantage by the 11th minute of the game, though that advantage basically rested with Old K and Lu Sicheng who both had acquired kills earlier

The whole teams morale had a boost.

While Lu Sicheng was doing his counterattack, the deadly period for ZGDX, because their mid lost both of her summoners skills, was counting down-- --

In the end,  ZGDX survived the cooldown safely and soundly. Tong Yao regained use of her two summoner skills. She breathed out a long breath of relief: Thanks to everyone.

At the 18th minute, ZGDX initiated the fight for drakes after pushing the minion waves at both mid and bot lanes to the opponents turrets. They started the fight for the second inferno drake. Knowing that if ZGDX added this inferno drake to their kills, this round would end far earlier than anyone would expect. TAT initiated a team fight despite the fact that the items their AD and top had were more inferior to ZGDXs! 

Tong Yao: Here they come!

Lu Sicheng: I want them to come. Old K, drag the drake this way more, hurry rush the

Before Lu Sicheng finished giving his order, the other sides Azir had already rushed over. Azir used his ultimate to divide the battlefield, separating Lu Sicheng from Old Cats Rumble and Little Fatty-- --Azir was well developed and used three attacks to kill Old Cats Rumble. With one player down, ZGDXs formation had become disrupted!

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