You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 185 (2)

Chapter 185 (2)

Twitch, stealthed, crept up to attack Lu Sicheng. Lu Sicheng fought with him as he retreated with Little Fatty-- --Little Fattys Braum stayed in the front to take 80% of the damage. He drank two health potions after retreating back under the turret While Little Fattys health was low, Lu Sicheng had no choice but to give up a small portion of the minion wave and stay safe under the turret. He moved the camera to take a look at the mid lane: Wheres our mid? You arent going to come down to bot?

Lu Yue: Your mid is playing safe as usual.

Lu Sicheng switched the camera back, not willing to look at mid anymore: Youve taken Ekko and decided to play safe against Viktor? Its better if you told me youre offline so I wont get so annoyed.

Lu Yue: This Ah Tai is quite aggressive this round. He keeps poking like crazy, Im afraid.

Lu Sicheng: Youre like a turret, what do you mean youre afraid

Lu Sicheng just finished speaking when something terrible happened. 

Ekko walked out of the range of the turret and cast some abilities but he dealt a little less damage than he expected. At this moment, a wave of enemy minions pushed forward and the weakened Viktor counterattacked with a Q, basic attack, E combo, instantly triggering the Thunderlord's Decree mastery skill. Ekko was dead right under the turret-- --Viktors protective shield soaked up the damage from the first shot from the turret. Lee Sin came over to give him a shield and Viktor flashed out of the turrets range while Lee Sin remained to tank the second shot from the turret. Their teamwork was perfect!

First blood!

Commentator D: [Alright, alright, Ive never seen such a bold tower dive! Perfect teamwork from the mid and jungler, working together. Weve seen the desire to kill from TATs mid!]

Commentator F: [And its only been five minutes into the game! First blood has arrived! TATs mid performed a preemptive strike to create advantage for his team!]

Usually, a first blood was just a 400 gold difference. But to Ekko, it was the beginning of his collapse-- --Since Ekko was at a disadvantage in his own lane, he was unable to support other lanes. Ekko was locked down in mid and could only farm there Once the game reached the middle and late stages, Ekko was far less powerful than Viktor in team fights. It was exactly what Lu Sicheng had said: it would be better if mid said he was offline which would be less annoying!

The first blood at the fifth minute of the third round had decided the tempo of this game. For the rest of the game, Viktor was free to roam all over the place. At the 8th minute Viktor reached level 6 and killed Ekko again.

Around the 12th minute, Viktor teleported to bot to get a double kill there and took down the first turret of the game and the first drake-- --

At the 20th minute, the economic difference between the teams had reached 4000 gold because both mid and bot lanes were doing badly and at top, Old Cats champion was a tank which couldnt deal much damage during team fights in the mid game!

[Li Mintai is too strong Hes set the tempo for the whole team.]

[If you ask me, it doesnt make much sense for Lu to take Ekko if he wants to play safe! If he really wants to play safe, he should take a champion whos good at developing, why Ekko-- --Hasnt he learned from Smiling to play Diana, why didnt he use her?]

[6666666. Has TAT woken up? Or should I say, Li Mintai has woken up. Him deciding to roam around bot was really brilliant-- --On the other hand, it looks like ZGDX has fallen asleep. Lu Sicheng hasnt done anything with Ashe.]

[Losing two rounds then catching up in the next three rounds? Is it going to happen again?]

Tong Yao saw all these comments on the streams back home and anxiously rubbing her hands-- --

At the 30th minute, the fight over Baron began. Ekko flew into the crowd trying to stun the other sides jungler so his teams jungler could get Baron, but he failed. He didnt even have the time to cast R before he was hooked by Threshs E ability. Then Viktor used Q, basic attack, R, and E plus ignite to kill Ekko-- --

Originally, Elise was going down the arena to fight for Baron. But since Ekko failed to stun the opponent, Elise had also become easy prey. The moment Elise landed, she died!

TAT took down Baron and with an additional two kills. ZGDX was behind in economy and, given the circumstances, had to retreat. TAT went directly to ZGDXs base and took down the first inhibitor of the game!

[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[Wheres Ekkos R? He didnt use it at the 8th minute and didn't use it again now!]


[Nevermind, its a waste of time. What are they going to do to turn it around?]

[? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[I figure he didnt have the time to click it. Li Mintai is really tough.]

[I feel that Lu Yue lost his confidence when he died the second time. Next round, if my wife isnt dead, please bring her on.]

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