A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 160: Date Night.

Chapter 160: Date Night.

You Xi Wang asked the house assistant to set DND mode on and went into the kitchen. He picked up the apron and tied it. Petra followed him, then she also took an apron and got ready to help You Xi Wang. The boy opened the refrigerator and took out some vegetables and uncooked chicken. He washed the vegetables while Petra peeled and chopped them. You Xi Wang took out a deep, heavy-based pot. 

He spoke, "Petra, do you have refined butter at your place?"

Petra smiled and walked up to an overhead shelf. Then she took out a small box from it. You Xi Wang took the box from Petra and poured the content inside the pot according to his requirement. Soon the refined butter was heated. You Xi Wang quickly took out some spices and put them inside the pot. He said to Petra, "You cook the vegetable, I will make chicken, Okay?"

Petra nodded and sauteed some vegetables on a frying pan. The two worked in harmony without disturbing each other. They did not talk but looked at each other from time to time with a content smile on their faces. Soon the dishes were cooked. The two people plated the dishes and left the kitchen. The dinner was set on the small dining table Petra had. The couple set the table, and the dishes were served. You Xi Wang was completely immersed in the pampering boyfriend roll. He pulled the chair for Petra, then he severed the dishes. He opened a bottle of red wine and poured some into her glass. 

He sat down and spoke, "XiaoAi, dim the lights by fifty percent." the lights dimmed and You Xi Wang lit up a candle in the center of the table. The dim light illuminated Petra's beautiful face, giving her an ethereal appearance. You Xi Wang was also very eye-pleasing at this moment for Petra. You Xi Wang played a romantic instrumental music piece on his Holo-Phone. Petra's eyes shone with joy. The atmosphere between the two people was very romantic right now. The boy stretched out his hand and held the girl's jade hand as the two ate in silence.

It was not something planned, but the DND mode had been applied on the two of them as well. They enjoyed each other's company in silence with no vulgar thoughts. The two people were very content. Petra knew that You Xi Wang had just come back from his training and he came straight to spend time with her. This made her feel very warm in her heart. She was an introvert and always maintained a certain distance from people. She was 21, but she was a child prodigy in her teens. She was only 18 when she became a full-fledged programmer with a license and then she started helping around the company. Because of her being a genius, the surrounding people always looked at her with a Halo around her. 

She was idolized by her peer and when that happened everyone looked at her through a halo of a genius. Gradually the treatment of the surrounding people changed. So she distanced herself from the people and only interact when needed. You Xi Wang was the only one who treated her like an ordinary person. His love and care made her open up to him. Women are stage creatures. Once they get curious about something, they would find out everything about it. 

Petra was wiped off when the first time she saw You Xi Wang domineeringly coming inside the office of ProCode. Then the way he handled her grandfather, the famous, Old man Shark. When she was a kid her grandfather's attitude towards other people did not matter to her but as she grew up and she learned how utterly hurtful a person her grandfather is she started to deliberately distance herself from her. 

The two people were eating in silence when Petra suddenly said, "Xi Wang, why do you hate my Grandfather so much?"

You Xi Wang hid nothing he said, "I respected him until three years ago. You might not know, but your grandfather insulted my parents during the annual party of our then Tianlong Technology. He had the gall to curse my mother by calling her a manipulating witch who took away the bright engineer. My father was Old man Shark's half disciple. My father spared him because of this relationship only, otherwise, he would have died then and there. That is why I feel disgusted with that man. He is an intelligent person, but he let it go to his head and became arrogant. I hope you do not mind my feelings for him because I will not let it affect us."

Petra smiled and shook her head slightly, "no, I don't mind. I will also not let any third person affect us."

You Xi Wang suddenly smiled slyly and said, "I wonder if that old man would cough up a pail of blood if he found out that his jade granddaughter has been robbed away." his tone was brimming with mischief. 

Petra shook her head saying nothing because she knew this boy is a big baby and he would only be more brazen if she said anything to him. The two people ate and then You Xi Wang washed the dishes while he asked Petra to store the leftovers inside the refrigerator. Petra dried the wet dishes with a piece of cloth and let them stay on the slab while You Xi Wang ordered some ice cream for them to eat. He ordered a drone service delivery so that they are not disturbed. 

Drone delivery worked in two ways. First, a man will deliver the order at the entrance of the building, and then an automatic drone will drop the order to the person after it collects it from the guard window. This was a very wonderful service. It reduced the risk of getting murdered by the delivery boy. 

Petra came out of the kitchen and You Xi Wang already had the ice cream in his hands. He quickly opened the box lid and beckoned Petra to come over and eat. Petra took out two glass bowls with spoons and came to sit beside him on the couch. You Xi Wang pursed his lips and said, "Why should you dirty the bowls? We eat directly from the box." He did not pick up the spoon but licked the lid and Petra said, "why do you lick the lid? Is it not dirty?"

You Xi Wang said, "Sweetheart, you haven't had ice cream if you haven't licked the lid." with a smug expression as if he had just tasted the holy nectar he picked up the spoon and the two people started eating the ice cream from the Box. Unknowingly Petra was snuggling close to You Xi Wang when the ice cream finished. Petra asked XiaoAi to play some horror movies. 

What surprised Petra was that the war god, You Xi Wang, a big boy was holding her hand. He would let out a scream at every ghost appearance and he would make sounds when the screen turned silent and the ghosts are sighted. Petra was amused by this and her horror movie turned into a comedy by You Xi Wang. 

The movie ended, and it was already midnight. You Xi Wang wanted to go to the washroom, but he feared going there alone because in the movie the ghost killed a person in the washroom while the person was relieving himself. Petra registered his unusual behavior and said, "Xi Wang, what happened?"

You Xi Wang squeezed out an ugly smile and said, "Umm... that... Petra can... can you go... go to the washroom with me?" he was embarrassed and couldn't help but stutter as he asked this question.

Petra was stunned but then she figured he might be scared. After all, he was a teenager. She nodded and took his hand and guided him to the washroom. 

[Fuck, are you actually doing this? If you fear this fucking artificial ghost in the movie, then how will you face the tribulations of the world. Mother fucking dog you better straighten up or I will possess you.] the system roared with anger and shame. The scolding did not stop here, [Are you a man? You are letting this little girl take you two to the washroom. Do you know what self-esteem is your shameless pig?] the voice was getting stronger and stronger.

You Xi Wang pondered and found out that this was indeed shameful for a boy to ask a girl to help in this matter. He spoke, "Petra, you stay here I will go myself. I should not be so scared." his voice was calm and determined. As she heard these words Petra nodded and let go of You Xi Wang's arm. 

You Xi Wang walked in the bathroom and relieved himself. He came out of the washroom and found that Petra has already changed and was sitting at the edge of her sofa. She hurriedly stood up and said, "Xi Wang you in my room here, and I will sleep here."

You Xi Wang said, "This is not fair. This is your home how could I let you sleep in the living room? Also, do you not have a guest room?"

Petra said, "That guest room has never been used, and it is not clean."

You Xi Wang stubbornly replied, "I will sleep in the living room."

Petra tried to pursue it, but You Xi Wang did not budge. Although You Xi Wang wanted to say that they can share the same bed but he was still shy. He laid down on the couch and was about to drift into slumberland when a timid voice sounded. It was Petra who said, "Xi Wang, you can come here and share my bed. If that is not a problem."

Hearing this, You Xi Wang's heart was galloping like a horse.

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