A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 159: Command Accepted.

Chapter 159: Command Accepted.

You Xi Wang stood beside the vehicle, admiring it. He asked, "Do we have this vehicle road-tested?"

Andrews replied, "It has been tested on the test track behind the factory, Young Master."

You Xi Wang asked again, "How long before we can introduce her to the world?" The 'her' in his sentence was the vehicle. Andrews did not understand this as he was not a car enthusiast. He scratched the back of his head while glancing at the chief technicians on the side.

The chief technician spoke, "Anytime you like Young Master. She has been tested completely and all the features work normally. Also, her performance is better than the other vehicles. I can guarantee that she will become the face of new vehicles in the future."

You Xi Wang spoke, "Give me the keys, I want to take her for a ride. Don't worry, I will be on the track." He assured the group of people who thought he was up to some mischief. The chief technician handed You Xi Wang the key.

You Xi Wang unlocked the wing style door and got inside. The interior differed from those conventional mag-levs of Metropia. The module contained a few switches such as an air conditioner, auto-drive, a gear shift module, which was never seen before. Although the car was automatic, it still had to be put in reverse, neutral, and parking manually. This was a feature You Xi Wang came up with to remove the bulky computer system inside. This vehicle was designed for speed and thus it should not contain those heavy computers. 

The whole body comprised graphene. The whole exterior of the car was covered by countless strengthening arrays. There was not a single joint in the body. A sheet of graphene was manipulated by spirit energy and precision machines to create the body. Graphene made the vehicle light and sturdy. The chassis was usually made up of Star iron, but because of its heavyweight, it was replaced by an alloy SD1. This alloy was composed of mixing steel and diamonds on a molecular level. As for the 1 in the name, it was the first molecularly manipulated alloy of the world. 

The vehicle used the traditional mag-lev technology, but the performance was enhanced by two points more than other sports class vehicles because of the design. The vehicle was designed in a way that it had a lower center of gravity, which provided it a boost. It flew just a few inches above the ground, just like any car with wheels would. The vehicle was also equipped with a laser surface scanning system to change the ground clearance according to the terrain in advance and save the passengers from trouble. 

You Xi Wang pressed the start button and placed the triangular key in a slot. This key was actually an integrated computing system that would provide the user with features such as Speed limit warning, fastest routes to the destination, and also monitor the condition of the vehicle while it was being used. This key was also acted as the stereo inside the car and the users can ask it to play some songs and videos. It also acted as a link between the driver's holo-phone. In case the driver gets a call on the road, then he can use his voice to connect the call directly on the key system while the holo-phone acted as the medium. 

Vroom, Vroom...

The vehicle came to life and grooming sounds echoed throughout the room like a beast roaring. The mag-lev vehicles do not make any noise, but You Xi Wang wanted this vehicle to make a noise whenever the accelerator pedal was pressed on. He put the vehicle into the drive gear and the vehicle slowly moved. You Xi Wang's movements were rigid and hesitant in the beginning, but by the time he drove the car to the track, he was a natural. This surprised the people a bit because they knew that Mag-lev driving took at least a week to learn.

You Xi Wang took the car to the starting line and slowly started increasing the speed. He drove for one lap at a very moderate speed. The real driving began on the second lap. He floored the accelerator, and the vehicle flew. Everyone who accompanied him was very anxious at this moment because You Xi Wang was their boss. Although they were all cultivators. The vehicle they designed was stronger than them. Now if something stronger than you mess up, imagine the outcome. 

This vehicle also had power breaks, which were something never used in any vehicles before. The mag-levs used in Metropia operated with four modules responsible for the speed and the speed and levitation of the vehicle. The Countach also adapted the same mechanism, but instead of using four separate switches to act as an instant break. A single lever was added inside the central control panel. This lever worked under the steering wheel position. If the steering wheel is straight and the lever is pulled, then all four of the magnetic motors would come to a stop, if the lever is pulled when the steering wheel is turned to the right or the left then it will activate the gyroscope inside the car chassis to prevent the vehicle from tilting and also it will reduce the speed. 

You Xi Wang did this to make drifting in the vehicle a lot easier. This is what he was doing at this moment. The vehicle was completely in his control and he perfectly performed the S turn. The technician monitoring the performance chart took note of this. You Xi Wang's average driving speed was better than the professional driver in the company and he also broke the fastest lap record in this vehicle. This was because the professional driver wasn't used to the power break and gyroscope inside the chassis. While You Xi Wang was completely familiar with the lever break. He asked the engineers to affix a gyroscope to add it to his convenience. 

The technician ran up to the chief and said, "Sir, the boss ran the record. He beat it by two minutes. The performance potential of the vehicle is also better than our previous run." his tone was filled with excitement. Just as they were speaking, You Xi Wang parked the vehicle near the service station. He walked out of the vehicle with an exhilarating expression on his face. He spoke to Gerrard, "Uncle, get this vehicle ready and serviced for a public run. Also, arrange a media address for tomorrow morning. We are going to shock the world." 

Gerrard replied, "Yes, Young Master."

You Xi Wang turned to face the three chief technicians and said, "You guys have done a very good job. This vehicle will only be produced on demand but will not exceed 100,000 units. I will give you other designs to mass-produce. Those units will have a standard performance but make sure they are all safety tested, and the quality is good. Also, make the interior of the Countach luxurious. Use wood and leather in combination along with some chrome paint around the dials and the screens."

The technicians all nodded. They were very moved by the vision of this young man. They all took the chance to praise his driving skills as well. You Xi Wang smiled and shook his head. He exited the factory with Gerrard and Andrew, only to see Robert waiting for him with the vehicle. You Xi Wang bid farewell to the two people and came to Robert. 

He spoke, "Uncle Robert, drop me at CyberNest apartments. I have to meet Petra tonight." his voice was firm but at this moment he was feeling butterflies inside his stomach. Robert smiled and nodded. The two departed in the vehicle and after two hours they reached Petra's housing. You Xi Wang had texted her about five minutes before he reached, but he did not expect Petra to be standing at the entrance of the complex. You Xi Wang felt very warm and said, "Uncle Robert, you go home. I will stay here tonight and go straight to the company in the morning. Do me a favor and bring Emily with you tomorrow."

Robert said, "Very well, Young Master. Take care and please call me if you need anything." he gave You Xi Wang a knowing smile. You Xi Wang obviously understood what this guy was hinting at but he acted dumb. He got out of the vehicle and walked up to Petra with ease. 

[I am going to sleep. I don't want to witness what is about to happen.] the system spoke. He would stay quiet usually, but whenever You Xi Wang was about to experience love. This guy would turn up and pretend to be forced. You Xi Wang had become used to him by now and ignored the exaggerated sigh of the system. 

You Xi Wang smiled at Petra and hugged her in a warm embrace. Petra blushed, but she liked this feeling. She whispered, "Stop, go home first. People are watching." her voice sounded like a buzz. You Xi Wang turned around and found that the security guards at the entrance were giving him a death stare. They were very jealous of the public display of affection. You Xi Wang acted shamelessly and left while he held Petra's willow waist.

The two reached the elevator and quickly came to Petra's residence. The two had just entered when You Xi Wang hugged Petra in his arms and said, "Did you miss me?"

The girl nodded as she looked him in the eye. She spoke, "What will we do tonight?" her voice displayed her anxiety. You Xi Wang smiled and kissed her forehead. He said, "Cook some food, eat a good meal, and then we will dance and watch some movies. After we get tired, I will hold you and fall asleep. How is that as a plan?"

Petra buried her head in his chest but said, "Okay."

The two took off their shoes and entered the living room. The artificial assistant spoke, "Welcome home, sister Petra, Xi Wang."

You Xi Wang spoke, "XiaoAi, you switch on the DND mode. We do not want any disturbance and also lock the doors of the apartment." he ordered XiaoAi. He did not want the AI to provide them any help and causing the two to miss even a moment together. 

XiaoAi replied, "Command Accepted."

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