Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 748: 730 Guess something is wrong

Chapter 748: 730 Guess something is wrong

Chapter 748 730. Something is wrong with speculation

Just wait and see, the area ahead is where I witnessed the fight between the Deer-headed Spirit and the Nergigante.

Its very different from the large ant mound wasteland and the ancient tree forest.

The head of the group said confidently.

Lan En was a little confused.

Although the New World is very magical, the ancient tree forests and large ant mound wastelands should have covered most of the possible terrain conditions, right?

No matter how magical the remaining place is, he can still be surprised.


Before the slander in his mind was over, Lan En could not help but let out a low voice.

As the Winged Dragon led the hunter through the crack that was knocked out by the Lava Dragon, there was a burst of white mist condensed by water vapor.

What appeared in front of Lan En was a fairy tale and dreamlike scenery.

But the Grand Leader seemed to have anticipated Lan En's reaction, so he said with a smile in a matter-of-fact tone.

Welcome to Coral Terrace, boy.

The air flow here generally blows from bottom to top, so the pterosaur flies easily.

Some fluorescent spore-like things floated all over the sky from bottom to top along the air current.

The main body of this area is a light blue-purple ground, but if you look closely, you will find that the so-called "ground" is not rock or soil.

But big chunks of coral reef!

Disk-shaped coral reefs, upward-growing coral reefs, and tube-shaped coral reefs.

Lan En even felt as if he had been under an illusion spell.

The scene in front of me is like being at the bottom of the water with good lighting and rich ecology, rather than on a platform with a high altitude.

Scholars of the Third Phase Group speculate that this place was once an ocean. It was just lifted here due to sudden geological movements or large biological events like the recent Laoshanlong Gulongdu.

"But the originally aquatic coral polyps evolved rapidly with the support of abundant leyline energy, so that they adapted to the terrestrial environment and became terrestrial coral polyps within a few hundred years. These scattered fluorescent spots in the sky, They are the eggs of coral polyps.

After the coral polyps, which are the most basic level of the ecosystem, have completed their environmental adaptation, the reconstruction of the ecosystem is a matter of course.

After briefly introducing Lan En, who had his mouth wide open, the leader pointed in a direction.

Thats where the third phase groups aerospace ship crashed. They built a small stronghold based on the aerospace ship. Do you want to go there first?

After the initial shock, Lan En finally came back to his senses.

He shook his head slightly.

"Time is tight and the task is heavy. You can say hello later. First, go and see the place where you witnessed the two of them fighting and see if there are any clues."

The head of the group shrugged, his strong and deep voice revealing that he didn't care.

You are the expert, you have the final say.

So the leader of the regiment drove the pterosaur and led the way.

Soon we arrived at a huge coral reef.

This disc-shaped coral reef seems to have experienced an unknown number of years, and it seems to be as large as one square kilometer.

The floating soil deposited on it has almost all turned into a white sandy soil layer. Plants, terrestrial kelp, and even honey-restoring plants and honey-restoring insects grew on the soil layer.

It looks like an ecologically prosperous place.

The two men released the hook lock of the projector from the saddle of the Pterosaur and landed on the white sand.

Lan En raised his head and glanced at the sky. Dark thunderclouds were brewing in the sky.

Because of this, the pterosaurs did not fly far as usual. Instead, they just found a relatively high stacked coral reef and landed on it, scratching their backs with their beaks.

It was this big platform. They were fighting fiercely. I hid there and watched the whole thing.

The leader raised his hand and patted Lan En's shoulder. He was one of those rare people with a body type who could pat Lan En's shoulder without much effort.

The witcher's perspective follows his finger.

The conflict between the Deer-headed Spirit and the Nergigante took place in the center of this huge disk-shaped coral reef. At that time, the grand leader was hiding on the stacked coral reefs that were similar to the footholds of the pterosaurs, recording the conflicts between the ancient dragons and other creatures.

Lan En nodded silently, took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the pupils in those cat eyes had shrunk to a single line.

The demon hunter's senses and [Spiritual Vision] are turned on at the same time.

In this different world, the demon hunter began his own work of hunting the deer-headed spirit.

As Maoyan observed step by step, Lan En got a lot of information.

On this platform, there are usually many creatures coming and going. They left their own footprints and scents.

However, there are few places in the New World that are not ecologically prosperous, and the messy biological traces can be considered a difficulty that Lan En expected.

The boots with external cladding stepped on the white sand and advanced, and the eyes swept forward.

At the center of the coral reef, Lan squatted down.

Digging into the white sandy ground with his hands, he rubbed the deep soil with his fingers and put it in front of his nose to smell it.

This is the smell of Nergigante blood, both arterial and venous blood. It was the deer-headed spirit that opened the chest at this moment.

Lan En murmured in a low voice.

After starting to hunt the deer-headed spirit, he automatically entered the mission state in the magical world. This automatically started the demon hunter's 'occupational disease' - mumbling and retelling clues.

The Nergigante fought back based on its own experience. It broke the deer-headed spirits arm. But unlike the monsters in this world, the deer-headed spirits arm was still controlled by magic after it was separated from the body.

Drilling into the Nergigantes chest, trying to dig out its gems.

Elsewhere in the battle site, Lan found traces of tree roots emerging from the ground.

But there is no doubt that the environment of the terrestrial coral platform has never supported the growth of this plant, let alone its breakthrough.

This is the magic of the deer-headed spirit.

The silver roaring bear head necklace on the chest also proves this.

The magic power is very strong, and there is still a significant residue even today. Tsk, its really full of eat here.

It seems that even if it did not land in the ancient forest most suitable for its survival from the cross-world journey, the prosperous ecological environment of the New World has still benefited a lot from the deer-headed spirit.

There are more other traces on the ground. The Nergigante was broken into small pieces of thorns and oak wood chips that should not have appeared on the coral platform.

There are also traces of the Nergigante's claws hitting the ground, and the traces of the sharp claws of the deer-headed spirit.

Lan En is basically certain that the deer-headed spirit should have appeared on the Coral Platform for the first time.

After all, this deer-headed spirit appeared not long ago. If you want to accumulate the power it has now, you must set up a totem as soon as you enter this world, get in touch with the land, and seize power.

80% of Nergigante discovered something was wrong here during the deer-headed spirit's manipulations, and then came over to fight.

Next, Lan En will search for the totem of the deer-headed spirit in the Coral Platform, as well as the possible people who have been marked for rebirth.

A big question was solved, which made Lan En feel a little relieved.

But then. Crack!

Violent and sudden thunder exploded in the black clouds in the sky, startling both hunters.

The weather here has always been like this? Lan En stood up from his squat and asked the leader, It looks gloomy.

But the grand leader had a serious face and looked thoughtfully at the thunder clouds in the sky.

No, the usual light here is bright and mild. And

The head of the regiment shifted his solemn gaze from the sky to Lan En.

Dont you feel something is wrong?

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