Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 749: 731 young unicorn

Chapter 749: 731 young unicorn

Chapter 749 731. Young Qilin

After the Grand Leaders reminder, Lan En also immediately felt a sense of violation.

When he was in the ancient forest, he basically saw many creatures the first time he entered, including the herbivorous dragon, the ferocious jackal dragon, the big ferocious jackal dragon, and the barbarian jaw dragon.

The Great Ant Mound Wasteland, even if it is traversed by a huge ancient dragon like Laoshan Dragon, there are still various animals active in it.

But in this magnificent land coral platform, the two of them seemed to have never seen any animals appear so far.

There are no monsters, not even harmless critters.

There was no sound from living things, only the muffled thunder from the sky sounded one after another.

Monotonous and heavy.

Through Lan Ens previous trace reconnaissance, there must be a lot of creatures on the mainland coral platform, and the biological species are also rich and prosperous.

The current situation cannot be called normal.

Lets go to the floating ship of the third phase of the group first, over there.

The leader frowned and only said half a sentence of "Where to take shelter" before he was suddenly grabbed by Lan En and walked towards the edge of the disc-shaped coral reef.

The Grand Leader did not resist, but he believed that Lan En's senses were sharper than his.

This has been confirmed repeatedly by him before.

So Lan En was able to drag the leader and run to the place where he had been hiding to watch the Nergigante and the Deer-headed Elf fight with each other.

A piece of coral reef stacked high on the edge.

As soon as the two of them lay down on the coral reef, the sound of horse hooves sounded in the distance.

The sound of horse hooves trampling on the disc-shaped coral reef is very gentle, indicating that the owner of the footsteps is not very heavy. In this abnormal atmosphere, the mood was not tense.

Not long after, the gentle sound of horse hooves got closer and closer, and the owner of the sound of horse hooves also appeared in the field of vision of the Grand Leader and Lan En.

That is a beautiful and noble beast.

The overall color is blue and white, and its body shape is like a horse, but its neck, shoulders, and four hooves have white manes that are flying and swaying like flames.

The mane on the neck extends to the chin, like a steady and solemn beard, with a pale blue horn on the head.

The face has feline-like features.

The dark thunderclouds in the sky would have a few bolts of lightning strike down from time to time and fall next to it.

But this high-voltage electricity, which is bright and hot and can melt steel almost instantly, cannot move this beautiful beast in the slightest.

It still walked at a leisurely pace across the charred and molten ground.

Like he is so arrogant that he doesnt bother to observe the dust around him.

[Fantasy Beast] Qilin!

The head of the group shouted in surprise.

Youre so lucky, kid! Ive been wandering around the Coral Platform for several years and Ive only seen him once or twice!


Lan En repeated the name in a low voice from the Grand Leader's mouth.

He had heard this name before in a battle meeting at the Star Stronghold.

The supplies squad of the fourth phase of the regiment came to the New World following the [Ancient Dragon Crossing] of this phantom beast.

In the mouth of the supplies squad leader, this is a super small ancient dragon.

"But this is too small, isn't it? Is it four meters long?"

Lan En looked at the Grand Leader in confusion.

Is this really an ancient dragon?

The Grand Leader is worthy of having made a name for himself in the Old Continent and can assume the role of leader. Even though he looks like a super Saiyan fool, he actually has a lot of knowledge and experience.

He held his chin with **** and said thoughtfully.

"This unicorn doesn't seem to be very old. I remember that the standard body shape of unicorns is five meters in length and three meters in height at the shoulders." "Perhaps the unicorn that the fourth phase team chased over was produced in the New World. ? Oh ho! This is a big discovery!"

The hunter's instinct excited the Grand Leader.

If it weren't for Lan En pressing his shoulders, this guy would have stuck his head out just now to observe.

There are three types of ancient dragons that Lan En has seen so far, but these three seem to be different from regular ancient dragons.

The Lava Mountain Dragon is so big that rather than saying that it has the ability to control nature, it is better to say that it carries an active volcano on its back and is part of the natural environment.

And the unicorn in front of me

Lan En looked at the heavy dark clouds above his head, and the ancient dragon who was struck directly by lightning, as if it was just ashes falling on his body.

It is quite clear that he has the power to control nature, but his body shape is abnormal.

In front of the witcher's eyes, his originally smooth and beautiful silver hair began to become a little frizzy.

And there began to be a vague tingling sensation on the skin.

The ion environment has undergone drastic changes due to the appearance of Qilin.

Its no wonder that when the unicorn appeared, the originally prosperous and noisy ecological environment suddenly fell into silence.

Lan En just sighed in his heart, he finally saw the power of the ancient dragon that controls nature.

Then I saw the ancient dragon with his head erect and noble, lowering his head, and then

He picked up a piece of land kelp and started eating it.

The crisp texture of terrestrial kelp made a crunching sound in Qilin's mouth.

The originally noble Qilin, when eating kelp, the rhythm of its mouth reminded Lan En of a capybara.

The noble temperament has now turned into a peaceful, lazy sluggishness.

The cheeks bulge in and out, not urgently, but never stopping.

As the long terrestrial kelp slowly shortened in Qilin's mouth, and finally disappeared, Lan En felt like he was watching an animal mukbang.

It just feels like I feel an inexplicable sense of relief and calmness in my heart. Quite touching?

Is it vegetarian?

It is a little hard for the demon hunter to imagine that an ancient dragon with the destructive power of [Controlling Thunder] is actually gnawing on terrestrial kelp.

Omnivorous, Kirin can survive in most areas. This ones taste seems to have been distorted by the environment of the mainland coral platform.

The head of the group looked at the young unicorn intently while answering Lan En's questions.

But after he finished speaking, there was a trace of confusion in his tone.

"However, the ancient dragon's momentum and the abnormality of the ion environment can indeed drive away many timid monsters. But like now, not even the roar of a large monster can be heard from a distance. Isn't this still a bit wrong?"

The roar of a large monster when fighting, or the roar of a demonstration. This is the sound that can often be heard in the New World.

The terrifying lung capacity of large monsters can allow their roars to suppress experienced hunters, so the noise cannot be ignored.

It is normal to pass it for several kilometers.

It seems not enough to say that the Kirin's power and ion anomaly alone can scare away large monsters several kilometers away.

But then, Kirin, who had been leisurely chewing terrestrial kelp from the ground, stuffed his mouth full.

Suddenly he let go of the food in his mouth, became sharp again, and looked in one direction.

Lan En and the leader were already a little uncomfortable due to the anomaly in the ion environment, but when they saw the strange movement of Qilin, they still put their heads out to see what was going on.

However, the abnormal atmosphere swept every inch of the air even faster than the movements of the two hunters!

The heavy aura, full of fighting spirit and violent desire to fight, suddenly came down like a waterfall pouring down from the sky!

Just in an instant, Lan En and the Grand Leader understood

The reason why all living things in the entire area have disappeared!

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