
Chapter 152 First Day: Homeroom

"You know the drill. Check that you're here. If you're one of the two new transfer students, come up here. I'll need to give you your tablets and login info so you can check yourself in and pair your tablets to the desks you sit in." Mr. Icarus spoke. Mr. Icarus tapped his watch and moved to the boxes in front of him. Names of the students popped up in alphabetical order. Lee Seng and Olivia stood up and moved to the front of the room.

Mr. Icarus moved the top box and read the box labels with Lee Seng and Olivia's names on them.

"Olivia Ok." Mr. Icarus read her name. Olivia stepped forward.

"Here, sir." Olivia responded. Mr. Icarus nodded at her and handed her the box with all of her things in it.

"Lee Seng Chang." Mr. Icarus read his name. Lee Seng stepped forward and nodded at Mr. Icarus.

"Here, sir." Lee Seng responded.

"I guess you'll be in my homeroom then. I'll also see you at the end of the day as well?" Mr. Icarus handed over the box. Lee Seng nodded and took the box.

"You'll be my Fighter teacher?" Lee Seng smiled. Mr. Icarus nodded.

"A Specialist like you is going to be busy. Do stay on top of your studies and alternate training days. If you need extra help, feel free to ask with the training. I know Specialists have it harder than the rest. As for both of you, if you have any questions and need help setting up the tablets, let me know. There should be instructions in there for you to follow. That box also has your gym outfit according to the sizes you marked on the documents sent to you through email." Mr. Icarus explained.

The board had all checkmarks except for two people. Lee Seng and Olivia headed back to their seats, gathering attention from the rest of the homeroom students. Lee Seng slipped in first and sat down. Lee Seng pulled the tape off and opened the box. The box held a tablet box with its contents inside it, a tablet pen, the instruction papers with login information they both got beforehand, and gym outfits.

Lee Seng pulled the tablet out and began to unbox both the tablet and pen box. He moved his backpack and set it on the wall, pushing the box to hold it while he separated the contents. Lee Seng booted the tablet on and noticed the desk was already wirelessly charging the tablet.

'Hmm, how much tech is in this desk?' Lee Seng wondered.

"While those two are setting their things up, I got some announcements to give you." Mr. Icarus spoke. He tapped his watch and the attendance list moved to the right side of the white board and the left side was replaced with a list of announcements in big text.

"If you guys are living under a rock, we have transfer students joining us on their first day today. This homeroom has two transfer students. I've said their names and given their things to them, but I will let these two introduce themselves to you. If you two could introduce yourself to the class, that would be great." Mr. Icarus motioned. Olivia turned to look at Lee Seng who motioned for her to go first.

"After you," he spoke. Olivia stood up turned to look at the class.

"H-hello, my name is Olivia Ok. I'm a transfer student from a small village outside Captiol City. I'm a Tactician Observer." Olivia introduced herself. The class clapped as Olivia nodded and bowed at the students and Mr. Icarus before sitting down. Lee Seng stood up and all eyes immediately glued onto him.

"Hi, I'm Lee Seng Chang. Transfer student from Griffyth High. I'm a Fighter/Glass Specialist." Lee Seng waved at everyone. The students seemed to lag behind and clap a couple of seconds later. Lee Seng waved a bit longer before he sat down and glanced at the tablet. The had loaded with the preset of apps the Academy had on it. He began to follow the instructions and signing into all of the necessary apps with his student information on the sheet.

"Miss Ok and Mr. Chang are two of eight Third Year transfer students joining us this year. This is the most Third Years the Academy has taken in years. With their personal introductions out of the way, let's move onto the next task." Mr. Icarus motioned. He tapped the second bullet point and it brought up a new slide.

"It's been a couple of months since you've started your Third Year here at the Numbers Academy. I just want to remind you there is a check-up exam that's coming up in the next couple of weeks. This is a check-up exam. The Academy will be conducting an exam to place the students in a ranking system for first timers and to see where the students are in the development of their abilities.

"Somethings to keep in mind about this test are: your training regement, your general studies, and your health. Make sure you stay on top of these things. If your health isn't the best, you need to make sure you're setting up necessary appointments and check-ups to make sure you stay healthy and on top of your game. The Academy has given you a lot to work with so use everything that's given to you, please." Mr. Icarus spoke. He swiped left on the white board and the screen moved to the previous slide.

"Third announcement is the upcoming field expedition." Mr. Icarus spoke. He double-tapped the third bulletpoint and it became highlighted. The group of students began to mutter amongst themselves and Mr. Icarus waved his hands in the air to calm the students down. "I know all of you are aware of this, but I just need to let you know that you'll be going on a field expedition with your teams.

"The upcoming field expedition will be happening about three weeks after the check-up exam. This will give you enough time to work on the feedback given to you by the teachers and also give time to fill your field teams up more with maybe new transfer students or mercenaries." Mr. Icarus motioned at Lee Seng and Olivia then over to Liz and Manny. "Just know that you need to be preparing for this now. If you don't have a team, you can create one. You just need four people in the same year, alright? As for mercenaries, you'll need to go through the legit channels and advertise yourself on the board like usual. Is there anything I need to go over with these announcements?"

Mr. Icarus looked around and noticed most of the students were talking amongst themselves again. He looked over at Olivia and Lee Seng.

"You two understand everything?" Mr. Icarus asked the two of them.

"Yes, sir." Lee Seng nodded.

"Oh, y-yes, sir." Olivia stuttered.

"Good, if that's it then homeroom should be ending in a few minutes. Mingle amongst yourselves and if you two need help, ask me or the students around you." The students began to talk amongst each other. Lee Seng drew his attention back onto the tablet in front of him, finishing up his sign in into the rest of the apps.

"Everything seem straight forward so far?" Manny turned around to ask the two new students.

"Mmm, it seems straight forward." Olivia answered.

"Where do we go to check into attendance?" Lee Seng asked. Liz turned around and peeked at the two tablet screens.

"Go to the Academy Classroom app and make sure your signed in. It should take your schedule and automatically pull up where you should be with the class information on the top." Liz directed the both of them to the right app and watched as they navigated through it. "Yup, you're both signed in so you should get a similar screen with 'Homeroom 3:367' on it with Mr. Icarus' name below it."

Lee Seng and Olivia looked as the Classroom app had pulled their homeroom information up with the information Liz had given. She then hovered her finger over Lee Seng's tablet and then circled a bolded text called 'Attendance.'

"Find 'Attendance' and click it. You'll then need to sign in with a signature and you're successfully in."

Lee Seng and Olivia tapped on the attendance bolded text and a screen popped up for them to sign in with their signatures. The both of them scribbled their signatures and clicked okay. Their screens gave them a confirmation they had signed into Homeroom 3:367 and Lee Seng looked up to see his name checkmarked.

"So is the Classroom app the app we use to do all our homework on then?" Olivia asked.

"The Classroom app is the app that you use to take notes and do attendance with during the class. The homework will be on the Academy Work app. The Academy Work app basically is where the homework is dumped for you to do and you can see the homework coming up on there as well as any events and/or actual work opportunities." Manny explained. The bell rang and the students all began to get up.

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