
Chapter 153 First Day: General Studies

"Alright, see you guys later!" Mr. Icarus shouted as the group of students began to file out. Lee Seng and Olivia packed their empty boxes into the box container their stuff had come in and stuffed their tablet, tablet pen, gym uniform and tablet charger into their bags before leaving. Lee Seng followed Olivia out of the room and into the busy hall.

"Where do we even put these?" Lee Seng complained, hauling the empty boxes in front of him as he stepped off to the side where Manny and Liz were waiting. Evan and Ritsuka moved through the hall and met up with the others with their hands full.

"Damn, that's too many boxes. I really don't wanna lug this around all day." Evan complained. Liz and Manny chuckled and looked at the time on their watches.

"Enough complaining. Liz and I gotta split. We got classes together so we need to get to the other side of the building. If you guys don't need any of those boxes anymore, there's a recycling center you could leave your boxes at. It's in the cafeteria, you can't miss it." Manny pointed behind him.

"Yeah, we'll leave you to it. See y'all later. Have fun!" Liz waved as she pulled Manny past the transfer students.

"Well, I guess we can dump these on the way then," Ritsuka lifted the box. "Come on, let's go before there's literally no time to get to the other side of the building and we're late." Lee Seng nodded and started to move with him. The four of them moved to the cafeteria and looked out for large recycling bins.

Lee Seng pointed the large bin out near the wall by the school's cafeteria. They threw their boxes into the large bin.

"Well, see you guys at the end of the day." Evan waved.

"Bye." Lee Seng waved.

"See ya." Ritsuka waved.

"Awh, this is gonna suckkkk! Bye I guess." Olivia pouted before turning. Lee Seng and Ritsuka started their way to the first class in the advanced area. They both had history first thing in the morning and Lee Seng wondered if he would ever survivor. The two made it to their first class and stepped inside.

An older man was sitting behind his small office area and turned to greet the two students.

"Hello! You must be two of my new students." The old man smiled. The old man met the both of them halfway and shook their hands. "My name is Nigel Sanderson. Call me Dr. Sanderson. I'll be your history teacher." He introduced himself.

"I'm Ritsuka Yamada." Ritsuka introduced himself.

"Lee Seng Chang. Pleasure to meet you, doctor." Lee Seng introduced. The bell rang and Dr. Sanderson looked up.

"I guess its the perfect time for you two to introduce yourself to the class." Dr. Sanderson smiled. He clapped his hands and moved forward. The classroom had the same layout as their homerooms. "Alright, everyone. We have two new students joining us today. I'll let them introduce themselves." He motioned for the boys to walk forward.

"Hi, I'm Ritsuka Yamada. I'm originally from Roger Prep and I'm a Fighter." Ritsuka waved. Lee Seng cleared his throat and swung his tail side to side.

"Uh, hi... I'm Lee Seng Chang. I transferred from Griffyth High and I'm a Fighter/Glass Specialist." After he finished his introduction, students began to whisper amongst each other.

"That's them. We got two of them in our class. Wow."

"Isn't he the Creator's son?"

"He's the guy everyone's been talking about. The dude with the tail!"

"Alright, everyone." Dr. Sanderson clapped his hands. "Let's get started, shall we? Ritsuka and Lee Seng, you two can sit at the empty desk on the left." The two boys nodded and wandered over to the desk and removed their backpacks.

The next four classes were exactly the same. They would introduce themselves to their new teacher of specified subject and then introduce themselves to the class. They started to recognize some students they had in other classes. After fourth period, he and Ritsuka were able to take their lunch break before fifth period.

"Man, it feels a bit awkward that we have to introduce ourselves every period. I just hope this day ends soon." Ritsuka massaged the back of his neck as the two of them sat across from each other. Lee Seng had decided he wanted some lasagna and Ritsuka had decided he would just eat something from the same shop.

The two found themselves sitting in the middle of the cafeteria across from each other and Lee Seng was humming as he happily ate. Ritsuka took another forkful of carbonara and stuffed it into his mouth.

"After today, we just need to survive this place and find our path in it." Lee Seng continued the conversation. He wiped the red marinara sauce off his mouth and took a large gulp of water. "I thought you weren't nervous about today."

"I'm not. I'm just kinda tired introducing myself to the growing number of students that have been in another class with us."

"It ain't so bad. Just four more times of doing it. Three more periods before we both go to our specialization class. I'm ready to work a sweat." Lee Seng forked another bite of lasagna into his mouth.

"Maybe I should workout after school's done. I wonder if I can get a sesh in before I have to do the piling amount of homework we have."

"I guess you didn't destroy your legs enough yesterday. You should go for another round of leg day." Lee Seng smiled. Ritsuka shook his head and took one last bite of his carbonara.

"They're sore, but they aren't failing me. I'm just gonna do some arm stuff anyways." Ritsuka lightly patted his legs. The bell rang and the two headed off to put their dirty food items away before heading to fifth period.

Lee Seng and Ritsuka walked into fifth period. Jae was greeting the fiftth period English teacher. She peeked to the side and noticed Lee Seng and Ritsuka had come in.

"Oh, there are the rest of my new students. Welcome, welcome." The woman waved. "My name is Mrs. Cashmere. I'll be your English teacher for the rest of the year. You all will be introducing yourself to the class like you've probably been doing all day." The three stood near the front of the room for a couple of minutes before the bell rang. Lee Seng slipped his phone into his pocket and watched as Mrs. Cashmere clapped her hands together to gather everyone's attention.

"Alright, everyone. It's transfer day for the new students, so you know the drill. I'll have the new students introduce themselves and then we can start class." Mrs. Cashmere spoke. The students quieted down and Mrs. Cashmere motioned for three boys to introduce themselves.

"Hi, I'm Jae Kang. I transferred from Griffyth High and I'm a Fighter." Jae waved at the students.

"Hello, I'm Ritsuka Yamada. I transferred from Roger Prep and I'm a Fighter." Ritsuka bowed at everyone.

"Hi, I'm Lee Seng Chang. I transferred from Griffyth High and I'm a Fighter/Glass Specialist." Lee Seng waved. The usual responses came in when Lee Seng introduced himself.

"That's the Creator's son."

"He's the fox guy x and y told us about."

"Isn't he a troublemaker?"

"Didn't you hear that he did really well in the exam?"

The usual responses didn't bother Lee Seng as much and Mrs. Cashmere moved in front of the boys with a warm smile.

"You boys can pick a spot wherever there's an empty seat, alright?" Mrs. Cashmere pointed behind her. The boys nodded and split. Lee Seng decided he would sit on the left side of the room near the front while Jae picked a spot in the back of the middle row while Ritsuka sat in the middle section of the right side of the room.

The class went exactly like the other four did. They got some homework and supplementary things from the teacher and went onto the next class. Lee Seng and Ritsuka finished their seventh general class and stretched when the bell rang. The two had finished their math class and was now in the process of putting everything in their bags. Lee Seng slowly moved his stuff into his bag and looked up when Ritsuka hovered over him.

"You're already ready?" Lee Seng asked, slipping the pen into the small compartment in his backpack. He zipped it up and stood up, sliding the chair in as he left.

"Did you understand anything that was being said during the class?" Ritsuka asked.

"Things I've already heard before. I wrote some detailed notes if you want to see them later." Lee Seng offered. Ritsuka's face lit up and he nodded.

"That would be helpful. I saw in study hall in third period you were scrolling through your notes for music class. You have really nice handwriting and your notes looked visually pleasing. Do you do that for every class?"

"Yup. I only did it for music theory cause I need to actually see the notes and stuff. The other classes, I do them because if I picture it as a picture, it helps me focus." The two continued to chat about Lee Seng's notetaking and the six classes they had today.

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