
Chapter 162 Close Combat As A Glass

The three had decided Chloe would go first against the bot. She seemed the most energetic about fighting close combat with a bot. Lee Seng and Liz stood off to the side and watched as Chloe began her fight with the bot. The bot rushed at her and Chloe immediately moved backwards. The space around her hands distorted as she lashed out at it.

A red energy flew out at the bot, flying past the bot as the bit swung. Chloe moved her hands to block the attack as the bot's fist connected. The red energy blasted out of her back, slowing her to a stop. Chloe grunted as she watched the bot sprint towards her. Chloe released two beams of red crackling energy, landing a hit on the bot. The bot flew backwards, landing onto the ground with a loud thud. Chloe pulled the red energy back into her and watched as the bot's eyes lit up green. A loud blaring noise sounded off and Lee Seng turned to look at Chloe strutting over towards them.

"Holy crap." Lee Seng spoke. "What was that red crackling energy? You're crazy strong." Chloe smiled and put a hand on her hip as she came to a stop in front of the two.

"Chloe is one of the best Glass-types in the Third Year. Miss Number 1, right?" Liz moved over and jokingly poked at Chloe. Chloe recoiled and chuckled.

"I just recently got number 1. It's nothing, really." Chloe shyly answered.

"It's nothing, really?!? You worked your butt off to be placed number 1! At this point, I think you'll be able to keep your rank status." Liz poked Chloe. Chloe continued to be shy as Liz continued to try to get her to brag a bit about her top rank.

"So, who's gonna go now?" Chloe looked back and forth between Lee Seng and Liz.

"It doesn't matter to me." Liz looked at Lee Seng. "If you wanna go, you can go first. Otherwise I can get some training out of the way. We have more than enough time to practice."

"I wouldn't mind seeing you in action, first." Lee Seng pointed at Liz. Liz nodded and turned to look at the bot on the floor.

"Well, I'll reset this and I'll go then. Don't expect too much." Liz told Lee Seng. Liz moved over and tapped the bot. The bot's green eyes resetted and the bot stood itself up and moved back to its beginning point. Chloe moved to stand next to Lee Seng and moved her hand behind her back.

"Liz wants me to brag about myself, but I think Liz really is top rank." Chloe told Lee Seng. "She could easily rank higher if she just showed her full power."

"She doesn't like using her full potential?"

,m "She says she doesn't feel the need to show her full potential."

"How powerful is she then?"

"Just watch. You'll understand." Chloe nodded over to Liz readying herself.

"Alright, let's go." Liz spoke. The bot's eyes turned red and its arms moved up, ready to fight. The bot dashed forward as purple-black lightning shot out besides Liz. The bolt of lightning arced through the air towards the bot. The bot dodged and continued running forward. Liz sent out three more bolts of lightning, watching the bot easily dodge them in succession. The bot cleared the distance and swung at Liz.

The bot's arm stretched and extended, hitting Liz square in the gut before she could dodge, sending Liz flying. Liz grunted in pain as she went flying backwards. Liz landed, sliding backwards. The bot's extended arm snapped back and hissed. Liz pulled herself off the ground, releasing a purple-black bolt of lightning from her fingertips. The purple-black bolt trickled up her body and towards her head.

The bot rushed at Liz, again, readying another extension punch. Liz continued to back off around the gym, continuing to fire lightning bolts at the bot. The bot continued to dodge and weave through the attacks, closing in on its opponent once again. Liz slid backwards and smiled.

"Here it comes." Chloe commented. The space around Liz began to crackle purple and black.

"Psionic Blast!" Liz shouted. Purple-black lightning shot out from all sides of Liz, moving to a single point towards the bot. The purple-black lighting psionic blast pierced through the bot and immediately slammed into the other wall. Lee Seng recoiled from the loud crash of electricity. The air was charged with electricity and Lee Seng winced as purple-black lightning shocked him.The bot dropped as purple-black and blue electric sparks coursed around the bot.

"Holy shit." Lee Seng said a bit too loud. The room of students had gone quiet and everyone was looking at Liz.

"Ooops, I guess I overdid that." Liz pointed at the bot. Ms. Winters moved over thoroughly impressed.

"Good job, Walt. You managed to destroy it with one hit." Ms. Winters clapped. She pulled the tablet out between her arm and torso and clicked on it. The broken bot was sucked into the floor and a new bot popped out in the original spot the bots came from.

"Thank you, Ms. Winters. I've been practicing Psionic blast for a while now and I think I finally got the power level down." Liz told Ms. Winters. Ms. Winters nodded and gave Liz a thumbs up.

"It's a good thing you've mastered your new move. I think it'll come in handy if you learn to adjust the power down a bit more."

"Sadly, that part isn't as great as I hoped it would be. I'll continue to finetune it and make sure I can adjust the power based on the situation."

"Good, good. Continue to work hard, Walt. I'm expecting a higher rank from you in a couple of weeks. Continue with the exercises." Ms.Winters turned and motioned for everyone to continue. The electricity in the air had slowly died down as Lee Seng brushed his hair and ears. He looked behind him and saw his tail was fine.

"Damn, Walt, you're crazy." Chloe moved to high five Liz. The two high fived and Liz happily smiled.

"I finally got it down. I didn't think it would be that strong though." Liz doubted herself and was only met with positive results.

"I get why Manny is scared of you now." Lee Seng told Liz. Liz laughed and Chloe moved back to Lee Seng. "You could literally just electrocute him if he disobeys you."

"Yeah… I've thought about it." Liz chuckled.

"So, it's Lee Seng's turn now. I wonder how you're gonna handle the bot. You think you can repress your Fighter ways?" Chloe asked. Lee Seng awkwardly chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll try… Knowing me, it might be hard to repress my thirteen years of martial arts training." Lee Seng sighed. He moved past the two young women and over to the bot.

"Alright, let's go." Lee Seng motioned at the bot. The bot's eyes turned red and its plate armor started to ripple and hiss.

"Voice recognition acquired…" The bot hissed. "Difficulty level increased…" The bot's armor began to glow red. The bot disappeared from Lee Seng's sight.

'Dammit what the--'


The robot's extension arm shot out, sending Lee Seng straight into the wall. The wall reverberated and black energy began to grow behind Lee Seng. Lee Seng dropped to the ground and coughed as the bot flashed out of sight again. Lee Seng's ears twitched and in an instant. Lee Seng's body erupted in white and gold aura. The gold and white wisps fluttering around as his body dashed to the side, narrowly missing the swing of the red bot.

The loud punch slammed against the wall.

Lee Seng turned and shot out two blasts. The bot blocked both gravity blasts and Lee Seng began to feel the nervousness creep onto him. The bot flickered out of sight. Lee Seng began to dodge as the bot came back into existence.

'Dammit, I can't even create distance.' Lee Seng grunted as he swiped his hand, forcing the bot to block the gravity wave. Lee Seng moved backwards and gritted his teeth.

"You're so annoying. I wish I could slow you down." Lee Seng hissed. He reached out for the bot and closed his hand. The bot disappeared, again and Lee Seng cursed under his breath.

"C'mon, gravity bubble!" Lee Seng felt gravity erupt around him. The bot appeared in front of him and it's arm slowed down to a normal punch. Lee Seng moved to block and quickly regretted the decision.

The bot's arm rocketed out, extending its punch quickly and landing a punch right in the cheek. Lee Seng flew backwards, popping the gravity bubble as he slid across the floor. Lee Seng grunted and flipped himself up.

'The bot changed difficulties with voice recognition. What do I do?' Lee Seng thought to himself. The bot flashed in front of him. It's body hissed and groaned as its red piercing eyes glared down at Lee Seng.

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