
Chapter 163 Override: Training Bot

The bot flashed back in front of Lee Seng. It towered over him as its body hissed and groaned as its red piercing eyes glared down at Lee Seng. The bot's arms plates rippled and crackled as it raised it up. It swung downwards at Lee Seng, Lee Seng barely even catching the swing with his eyes. Lee Seng's mind quickly pulled something out of its grasp. The image of Lee Seng tightening himself with gravity popped up in his head.

Gravity gripped at him as his body became heavy under the pressure. The bot's arm smashed into Lee Seng's face. Lee Seng felt the pressure on his face as the fist slowly pushed Lee Seng's face away. The sound of metal creaked and cracked under the immense heavy pressure the bot was punching. Lee Seng listened as the bot's fist started to shatter on impact. Lee Seng forced the gravity off of his body, listening to the shards falling and the bot getting shot away from him.

Lee Seng gasped for air as his body felt light again.

'God that was rough.' Lee Seng thought. His eyes scanned the gym for the bot. He saw the classroom was split. Some were staring at him while others were staring at the bot hunched over. It had landed against the wall and some of its parts were shattered around it. The red eyes flickered and red electricity coursing through its body fizzled and flickered.

"What the hell just happened…?" Chloe muttered. Liz shook her head. She had seen Lee Seng in action during the exam when he fought against Poseidon, but she didn't expect this much power from a guy who literally got his powers a month ago. Before Liz could even speak, the bot whirred to life. The shattered shards of its body flew and connected itself onto the training bot. The bot lifted itself up, head still leaning forward. The training bot began to self-repair as its upper body slowly rose to look straight at Lee Seng.

"Crap." Lee Seng felt a tinge of fear trickle into his body. He rose to his feet, keeping an eye on the bot as he tried to hide the panic in his face. "I'm going to seriously die." Lee Seng could feel the negative effects on himself. He must've put too much pressure on his body and now he was reaping the negative. The bot sprinted forward, whipping the wind behind him as it continued forward. The bot swung straight for Lee Seng forcing him to block with gravity wrapping around his arms and legs.

Lee Seng retaliated with a swing, releasing a gravity blast. The bot dodged to the right and sent a left jab straight for Lee Seng's stomach. Lee Seng felt the rocket punch send him upwards, knocking all the air out of his lungs. The training bot finished with an extension  punch with its right hand, sending Lee Seng backwards into a wall.

Blood forced its way out of Lee Seng's mouth as he slid to the floor. Lee Seng gasped for air as the bot continued forward.

'I guess it is gonna kill me.' Lee Seng thought. He struggled to breath and wipe the blood trickling down his chin. Lee Seng's hand shook as he raised it. The bot menacingly marched over and raised its fist. Its right arm rippled and hissed as it prepared one last extension arm hit. The bot began to swing downwards, arm extending and the fist closing in on Lee Seng when it suddenly pulled itself back and tumbled onto the ground.It's eyes flickered and died. Lee Seng heaved heavy breaths in relief. His body shook in fear.

"L-Lee Seng!" Liz called his name. Chloe and Liz ran over to Lee Seng. Liz ignored the bot and kneeled down in front of Lee Seng. "Are you okay?" She could hear his heaving. She shook her head and turned to look at Chloe. Chloe was hovering behind Liz with worry plastered all over her face.

"We need to take him to the hospital wing." Chloe told Liz. Liz nodded and turned to look at Lee Seng. Lee Seng's heavy and irregular gasps for breath continued as Liz stood up.

"C'mon, we'll take you to the hospital." Liz and Chloe moved and grabbed Lee Seng's arm and lifted him up. Lee Seng could see the group of students eyeing him. Ms. Winters was moving over, hastily as the girls supported Lee Seng and started towards the exit.

"What's going on here?" Ms. Winters asked. "Did he get heavily injured?"

"Did you see that bot, Ms. Winters?" Liz asked. She nodded over at the bot. "That thing changed the difficulty levels. It was at an insane level that didn't make any sense for Lee Seng to fight!"

"Changed the difficulty levels? Why would it do that?" Ms. Winters asked. "They're all set at the same level. All of the other students are fighting at the same training level. You're telling me it--"

"It… recognized… my voice…" Lee Seng forced himself to say. Ms. Winters' eyes were confused. She shook her head.

"It can't do that. These bots were all set to be the same. Even all of the replacements within the gym system."

"Now's not the time for us to be arguing with you, Ms. Winters!" Chloe shouted. "Lee Seng is injured and needs medical attention. We need to take him to the hospital wing before he actually can't breathe." The girls started to move as Ms. Winters moved to follow the students. She ran ahead of them and put her hand up.

"Take him to the hospital wing and come back, alright?" Ms. Winters sighed.

"Yes, ma'am. We'll be back." Liz nodded. The girls and Lee Seng spent the next few minutes moving to the hospital wing. They quickly popped out of the hallway corner and into the waiting area. A doctor and nurse were making small talk when Lee Seng, Chloe and Liz walked into the room.

"What's the problem?" The doctor ran over and asked. The nurse left the desk and moved over towards the students.

"We were training and he took a lot of heavy blows from the training bot." Liz explained.

"You guys are from which class?"

"The Glass Specialization Class with Ms. Winters." Liz answered. The doctor nodded and looked over at the nurse.

"Go get a gurney. We're gonna need to wheel him and handle this now." The doctor ordered. The nurse nodded and ran back over and pulled a gurney out. A couple more nurses moved over to help with the situation. The male nurses and the doctor all took Lee Seng and lifted him up onto the gurney and set him down.

"Take him to the emergency room, alright?" The doctor spoke. The nurses nodded and moved Lee Seng into the left wing. The doctor turned to look at Liz and Chloe. "Anything in particular you need to tell me? I might need additional information for the file."

"Well, the bot was supposed to be at the same level as the other bots. We were training a simulation for melee combat fights as a Glass. Lee Seng went last and spoke to initiate simulation combat. The bot said something and suddenly it became way harder than it should've been." Chloe explained. The doctor nodded and typed away on the holographic screen in front of him.

"He took a few hard blows. A couple to his face and stomach regions. The training bot knocked the wind outta him and then he was like that." Liz added.

"Anything else?" The doctor asked. The girls shook their heads and the doctor closed the holographic screen. "Well, if that's it. I need to help… What was his name again?"

"Lee Seng. Lee Seng Chang." Liz spoke. The doctor froze at the mention of the name and then quickly nodded.

"Alright, I should go." The doctor spoke hastily. He turned around and started to run into the emergency wing. Liz followed the doctor and kept her eyes where the doctor had gone down until Chloe shook Liz.

"Liz!" Chloe turned Liz. Liz snapped out of it and shook her head.

"Y-yeah, what?" Liz asked. Chloe glanced down the emergency wing one last time before turning Liz and herself back towards the entrance.

"Something wrong?"

"Ah, no. I don't think so. He looked panicked when I mentioned Lee Seng's name."

"Well, Lee Seng did get hurt pretty badly. I would be rushing to start healing procedures and whatever's needed if that were the case."

"Mmm," Liz nodded. The two of them turned down the hospital wing hallway entrance/exit. "Maybe I'm just thinking too much into this. He is hurt, so the doctors and nurses would want to help as soon as possible."

"Exactly. That's probably just all it is." Chloe agreed. She scooped Liz's hand and squeezed it. "Let's head back to class before Ms. Winters makes us stay behind to make up for lost time." Liz forced a smile and nodded. She pulled her hand away from Chloe and cracked her knuckles. Chloe noticed this and shoulder bumped her lightly. "You're worried about him. That's natural, but why did you crack your knuckles?"

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