
Chapter 164 The Abnormality

Chloe noticed Liz crack her knuckles.

'She doesn't do that unless she's actually really thinking about it.' Chloe lightly shoulder bumped Liz.

"You're worried about him. That's natural, but why did you crack your knuckles? Does something not add up about the whole situation?" Chloe asked. Liz made her usual 'eh' face when she was thinking. Chloe watched her friend keep her 'eh' face on for a while before Liz stopped and turned to face Chloe.

"We both heard the bot say something, right?  I couldn't be the only one who heard that, right?" Liz asked. Chloe gave Liz a confused look.

"What? You think the training bot's levels got overridden by someone?"

"Ms. Winters had a strange reaction to it, too. Like she was defending herself on not changing the bot's levels… Then when the doctor asked us for Lee Seng's name, when I said his last name, he seemed to panic."

"Well, isn't Lee Seng the Creator's son? Wouldn't anyone panic with a big guy like that?"

"Mmm, it could be the case. It's just fishy that Ms. Winters acted so out of character... " Liz bit her lip and turned. "For now, Lee Seng getting healed is what we needed to do, so we'll leave it as is. My assumptions might be wrong, so I won't say much more about this." Liz started forward, leaving the confused Chloe behind.

"H-hey wait for me!" Chloe scrambled after Liz.

- A Couple Hours Later -

Lee Seng's eyes fluttered open. The noises of familiar machines beeping made him shoot out of bed in a panic. He frantically looked around trying to recognize his surroundings.

'Where am I?' Lee Seng thought. The room was small. It had a divider on his right side so he couldn't see the test of the room. A window was on the left wall.

'How long have I been out?' Lee Seng looked around for his phone and found it on the table across from his bed. Lee Seng pulled the sheets off of him. His body didn't hurt like before but he could feel his body aching.

He moved off the hospital bed and stood up. He wandered over to the window and pulled the curtain back. It was dark out. He slowly moved over to his phone on the table and grabbed it.


'I've been out for hours.' Lee Seng unlocked his phone and the group chat had it's usual spam of messages from the others. He opened it up and started to skim the messages.

"Liz told them I got hurt during training and was recovering here… She told Olivia… Who told the others… They were gonna come see me but were stopped? What the hell does that mean?" Lee Seng looked up from his phone and over to the right side of the room.

An exit was about ten feet away from him. Lee Seng moved over and found his shoes neatly sat next to the door. Lee Seng grabbed his shoes and opened the door. No one seemed to be around.

Lee Seng peeked left and right and listened to the quiet noises of people talking. Someone was getting treatment help while another seemed to be quietly snoring away. Lee Seng peeled away from his spot and turned right.

'No nurse or doctor… Who do I talk to then?' Lee Seng wondered.

He pulled the Academy app up and went to the map. He wandered down the hall until he came to a four way intersection. He could hear more people talking to his right. He rounded the corner and watched as three nurses and two doctors were idly chatting away.

"Shouldn't you guys start your rounds again?" A doctor pointed at the nurses. The nurses all shook their heads.

"We just did them, doctor." A female nurse answered.

"Mmm, plus the fox kid ain't wakin' up anytime soon." A male nurse added.

"I heard him stirring in his sleep." Another female nurse spoke. "He might wake up soon."

"I think we should get to our rounds, again." The female doctor spoke. Lee Seng stepped into view and cleared his throat. He watched as the three nurses and two doctors turned to look at him. The second female nurse moved out of the crowd with the female doctor and over to Lee Seng.

"Chang, are you okay?" The female nurse asked. "Why didn't you use the button to call me? I would've brought Dr. Wyles-Anderson to you."

"Oh," Lee Seng cleared his throat. "It was too quiet and I'm just aching. It's nothing too out of the ordinary."

"Mr. Chang, we should do one last check up on you." Dr. Wyles-Anderson spoke. She brushed the loose strand of blonde hair away and motioned for Lee Seng to turn around. "You said you were still aching, right?" Lee Seng nodded as he turned. "Well, when we get back into the room, just indicate where you're aching and I'll have Rachael get you fixed, alright?" Dr. Wyles-Anderson and Nurse Rachael followed him back to his room. Lee Seng popped himself back onto the bed.

"Where are you hurting, Chang?" Rachael asked. Lee Seng motioned around his stomach area and then to his shoulders. "Stomach and shoulders? Is that it?" Lee Seng nodded and the nurse turned to look at the doctor.

"I'll do a quick scan to find any indication of why he might be aching. If I remember correctly Dr. Reynolds was the one who took him in and handled the initial problem, right?" Dr. Wyles-Anderson recalled. The nurse stepped out of the way and nodded.

"Yes, doctor." The nurse responded, pulling Lee Seng's file up onto the holographic screen. "Dr. Reynolds at 2:56pm saw Chang being brought in by two female students from his class. They said he had taken serious blows to the face and stomach regions. He also noted Chang's VIP status for whatever reason."

"Did he notate what he did during the surgery?" Dr. Wyles-Anderson asked. She stood in front of Lee Seng and studied Lee Seng for quite awhile.

"He did a surgery on me? W-what happened that I had to get surgery?" Lee Seng asked. Dr. Wyles-Anderson moved in closer and pointed at his stomach. Lee Seng glanced down at his stomach.

"An abnormality occurred during the healing process. You were internally bleeding and Dr. Reynolds isn't equipped to heal nor were the nurses he brought with him into surgery. There were physical indications that something was injected into you. You showed no signs of external bleeding but only showed internal bleeding due to the blunt trauma. You went into surgery because that abnormality was messing with your body. You were healed shortly after the surgery was finished, but you still experience the aches, correct?" Dr. Wyles-Anderson looked up at Lee Seng.

"Y-yes, doctor. It aches in my shoulders and stomach areas." Lee Seng nodded. The doctor nodded.

"It says his powers are gravity manipulation. It's also noted that… His negative pushes a portion of the weight onto himself after usage." Nurse Rachael read aloud. Her eyes moved past the holographic screen in front of her and looked straight at Dr. Wyles-Anderson.

"Is this true?" Dr. Wyles-Anderson asked Lee Seng.

"Mmm, yes, doctor." Lee Seng answered.

"You were being instructed by Ms. Winters, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am." Lee Seng nodded. Dr. Wyles-Anderson simply nodded.

"Did you do something to put stress on your shoulders?"

"Well, I guess I did… But why would my shoulders and stomach only hurt? I feel fine everywhere else after I woke up."

"Mr. Chang, I may not have a power that isn't suited for this kind of work, but I'm observant enough to see that the strain you have may be due to a mix of the strain you put yourself on with your powers and the abnormality. Your stomach-abdomen region was worked on during the surgery and I've thoroughly read through Dr. Reynolds reports and something doesn't make sense."

"Something doesn't make sense? What?" Lee Seng leaned forward.

"Rachael, heal him first." Dr. Wyles-Anderson motioned.

"Yes, doctor." Rachael closed the holographic screen and moved in between the doctor and Lee Seng. "I'll start healing you now, alright?" Lee Seng nodded and waited patiently as the nurse began to heal his shoulders. Lee Seng could feel the aches slowly ease, but never let up. Lee Seng looked past the nurse and to the doctor.

"The aches aren't going away… Weird." Lee Seng's brows furrowed.

"That's strange, doctor… I'm healing the spot he pointed out but I don't feel any difference either." The nurse craned her neck to look back at the doctor. Dr. Wyles-Anderson moved to stand next to the bed and Rachael. She had pulled her phone out and was scrolling through something. Her eyes quickly glazed over Lee Seng's files when she suddenly got a phone call. Her eyes widened and she quickly picked it up.

"H-hello, sir?" Dr. Wyles-Anderson's voice changed. Nurse Rachael moved her hands to Lee Seng's stomach region and began to try healing it. Dr. Wyles-Anderson simply nodded and answered with 'yes, sir' for a while until the other person hung up. "Rachael, we have to send Lee Seng across campus."

"W-why?" Lee Seng asked. Dr. Wyles-Anderson sighed and shrugged.

"I wasn't told why, but my boss told me Dr. Valentin would handle the situation." Dr. Wyles-Anderson answered. She motioned for Lee Seng to follow as she moved to make room for him to stand. "Dr. Reynolds had many reports and if the rumors I heard are true, this is out of my hands and Dr. Valentin is the only one who will be able to help you, Chang."

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