How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 255: Noble (2)

Chapter 255: Noble (2)

After hearing not just complaints but harsh criticism from my father, I was not only troubled by my conscience but also taken aback. Although I had requested Rina to handle the situation delicately, she had already warned me that the chances of success were slim, so I was prepared for it.

However, look at the current outcome. Not only did I get a request for guidance from the Empire, but now Helium and Alvenheim have been added to the mix. In fact, theres no issue with Cecily. I had informed her about the situation between me and Hiriya, so she would have requested it to protect me.

The problem lies with Alvenheim, namely, Arwen. I never informed Arwen about the situation, yet an official request for guidance has arrived. I wondered if Cecily had subtly informed her, but she had no reason to do so, especially considering Cecilys usual disdain towards Arwen.

So, theres only one possibility left. Arwen genuinely requested guidance from me for pure reasons. In other words, unlike the previous exhibition, she is planning to visit our territory officially. Arwens attendance at the exhibition should be expected to have tremendous repercussions, especially since she is the only connection to Xenon, excluding the publisher Musk.

Musk, being just an ordinary publisher, can be potentially pressured. However, what he desires the most is money, and Xenons Biography brings in profits. So, there is no reason for him to reveal it to others. Even if threatened, he laughed it off and utilized the formidable backing of Xenons Biography.

I, too, hinted at a desire for a friendly connection through a letter, as I found his charisma and resourcefulness appealing.

Because of this, it is difficult to interfere with or persuade Musk. What he desires most he gets through Xenons Biography, and interfering was challenging with Xenon as a reliable supporter.

However, Arwens situation was slightly different. She is the queen of Alvenheim, in other words, a ruler of a nation. Due to the nature of the crowded exhibitions, Arwen is bound to be bothered. In running a country, diplomacy takes up more than half of the work unless its an isolationist nation.

Since Arwen is known as a link to Xenon, she will probably be willing to compromise quite a lot with me rather than apply additional pressure. Its obvious that she will go to great lengths to appear good to me.

I wonder how Hiriya will react.

Will Hiriya not care, or will she anxiously make an effort to look good?

Even if guidance was requested at the kingdom level, it wont be a chaotic rush. Each country will probably send one representative.

Thinking deeply and then turning to my tired father, I asked.

Do we know who is coming from Helium and Alvenheim? And from the Empire and the Kingdom?

For now, Princess Rina from our empire, and Princess Hiriya from the Ters Kingdom.

So far, it went as I expected. However, what my father said next surprised me.

And for a reason that your help is also needed during the exhibition, the empire only requested for 2 hours.

2 hours?

Yes. So you dont have to worry about losing your time.

Upon hearing those words, I couldnt help but think that Rina handled the situation well. Since the Minerva Empire had shown consideration for me, the other side had no choice but to follow suit.

Its what they call image-making. Honestly, even if Rina bossed me around as she pleased, no one around us would say anything. Rina was the princess of the empire, and I was the second son of a baron. Only on the surface, of course. But in such a world, things like that would pass without much comment.

But if they start showing consideration, theres a high chance it will have a positive impact on their image, showing an image of a royal who cares about others.

On the other hand, what about those who dont? Their image will likely decrease, especially if they are in a rival relationship with the Minerva Empire, like the Ters Kingdom.

Watching Rinas wise handling of the situation, I smiled inwardly and spoke.

Thats fortunate. By the way, are they the only ones who asked to be guided?

For now, yes. However, although I said 2 hours, its expected to be over 4 hours in reality. Its challenging to bring everyone at once for various reasons.

As my father said, bringing everyone along was practically difficult. It could escalate into an argument and cause other problems.

However, Rina and Hiriya must always accompany me. If Hiriya does anything unnecessary, Rina will have to faithfully play the role of a shield.

Above all, there is one crucial aspect remaining. That is Maries choice.

Marie is engaged to me publicly, and the situation has been official since the first night. In reality, it wasnt just an engagement, but practically a half-marriage.

Therefore, Marie can also play the role of a guide, but it all depends on Maries choice.

Originally, Marie despised politics, but perhaps she would willingly step forward to help me. I plan to ask her about it when she visits our mansion later.

Alright. We should prepare in advance.

Before that, let me ask one thing. Even if its different in other countries, Im curious why the Ters Kingdom requested you as a guide.

Come to think of it, I havent explained the situation to my father yet. Its too complicated to fit in a letter.

Its also an embarrassing story to bring up. Its almost like a plot from a chaotic drama.

The incident that occurred due to Hiriyas inferiority complex towards Adelia, dragging me into an annoying situation.

So, this is how it happened

I slowly explained the events that had occurred. At first, my father calmly accepted the fact that Adelia was a bastard child of the Ters Kingdom.

As the story continued, his expression subtly changed. By the end, when the conclusion was reached, his expression was one of utter disbelief.

Honestly, even from the perspective of the parties involved, its hard to understand, but how perplexing must it be for those who are listening. Father blinked his brightly shining golden eyes and soon let out a bitter laugh.

Well, its such a common story that its dull.

Is this a common story?

Do you happen to know the saying if I cant have it, Ill break it?

How does Father know those words? When I made a puzzled expression, Father waved his hand as if it were nothing.

Its a kind of proverb that often comes up in the melodramas among the nobility. Using people for revenge is a very common thing.

But its quite complicated when it actually happens to you. Especially considering that theyre not just an ordinary noble but royalty. It must be quite a headache.

Father seemed genuinely concerned, and clicked his tongue. Originally, he could have received the title of a Count, but deliberately chose to be a Baron, so he must be well aware of the dark side of the nobility.

If thats the case, there might be an appropriate solution. I asked Father with a slightly hopeful tone.

Is there any suitable solution then?

There isnt.

Its not because your old man is incompetent; its because there really isnt. The only way is for you to become close to Princess Hiriya

Father swallowed the words and shrugged his shoulders.

It means its just impossible. Hiriya harbors feelings of inferiority towards Adelia, having suffered humiliation in the duel, reaching an irreparable situation.

Adelia, with a magnanimous personality, would accept an apology from Hiriya, but the probability of that happening was close to zero.

Of course, excluding this, there is only one way left. Father must know this as well, considering it as the very last resort.

If she really crosses the line, you have to reveal it.

So far, Hiriya hasnt crossed the line. Occasionally, she may have stepped on the line, but she didnt blatantly cross it. If there were rumors about her taking away a man with an engaged woman, Hiriyas image would have plummeted.

Moreover, her father, King Friedrich of the Ters Kingdom, is known as a romanticist even to the public. From Friedrichs perspective, he would desperately prevent Hiriya from crossing the line. Otherwise, it would not only affect him but also deal a significant blow to the kingdoms image.

So, be a bit more restrained with women. I didnt raise you like that.

IIm not being unrestrained.

Lets see. The daughter of Duke Requilis and the princess of Helium

Ill take my leave now. Thank you for your hard work.

Before Father called each name like Mother, I hurriedly left the study. Although I felt Fathers gaze from behind, I deliberately ignored it.

It was good to come out of the study, but once outside, there was nothing particular to do. Since Gartz had not yet brought the typewriter, it was difficult to write, and it was ambiguous to read a book.

However, meeting Kate and having a conversation seemed like it would only bring strange words, so I immediately gave up.

Should I go and inspect the territory?

Since I had taken on the role of a guide, it wasnt a bad choice to take a look around the territory. It might even allow me to carefully examine the parts I didnt know.

After making the decision, I moved towards the main gate. Currently, Adelia was probably being scrutinized by Mother, so theres no need to go find her.

If I submit the maid uniform design today, it should be fine. With a light heart, I went outside to inspect the territory.


Opening the main gate and stepping outside, the sun was shining brightly in the sky. Judging by the intense sunlight, it seemed to be around noon.

Our territory has distinct seasons, so when its hot, its annoyingly hot, and when its cold, its dreadfully cold. In other words, it wasnt scorching sunlight but just warm.

Theres no things like sunscreen here, so the only way to avoid the sunlight is with a wide-brimmed hat or an umbrella.

However, theres not no way at all. If you protect your skin with mana and divine power, you can prevent your skin from burning due to ultraviolet rays.

But you cant stop the heat.

I cursed at my damn hair. Already long and heavy, it felt even more uncomfortable with the added heat. Fortunately, the humidity wasnt too high, a small blessing in the midst of misery. Better than sweltering heat like a steamer, for sure.

I shielded my eyes from the sun and surveyed the territory that was flourishing under my rule. Originally the size of a small village, it had grown into a city over time.

The dwellings of the original residents, initially simple huts, were completely torn down and rebuilt. The size of the only blacksmiths shop had increased, and the number of shops had expanded. Above all, the most significant increase was in the inns.

A cultural city, in other words, a city for tourism, relies heavily on visitors. The demand for inns was essential as tourism grew. Lastly, infrastructure couldnt be ignored. Especially in a tourist city, prioritizing security and hygiene is crucial.

Helium has promised support in areas like hygiene, so that issue will be resolved soon. The same goes for security.

With two temples being built, it might seem amusing to discuss security, but even minor crimes should not be overlooked. As exhibitions begin and tourists flock, theres a natural increase in petty crimes like pickpocketing.

The problem is that its difficult to prevent it

Preventing minor crimes depends more on civic awareness than security. Moreover, skilled thieves may seize the opportunity during the exhibition.

I walked along the peaceful street, jotting down some improvement points that came to mind in my notebook. I still regularly used the magic pen I received from my father.

Ehem. Ehem.


As I diligently recorded in the notebook, I heard someone coughing up ahead. I paused my hand playing with the pen and raised my head. Perhaps because the person was shorter than me, there was no need to lift my head too much.

First and foremost, what caught my eye was his physique. It wasnt a physique gained through training but rather a well-fed and well-slept body. Next was his rugged appearance, coupled with somewhat extravagant clothing that gave off a luxurious vibe. Apologies for saying this, but it somehow reminded me of a pig in various ways.

I waited silently, covering the notebook, for the man who appeared out of nowhere. Since he seemed to have some business, he should be the one to start the conversation.

Eventually, the middle-aged man, despite his greedy appearance, politely clasped his hands and inquired in a courteous tone.

Excuse me. Are you by any chance from the House of Michelle?

Yes. Im Isaac Ducker Michelle, the youngest son of the Michelle family.

Although he seemed like a commoner due to his courteous manners, he appeared wealthy at first glance. From the beginning, his demeanor was unusual.

After hearing my introduction, the middle-aged man nodded and spoke with polite language.

Its an honor to meet a member of the Michelle family. My name is Musk Greed. I run a small publishing house, though it may be insignificant.


After hearing his introduction, I let out a small exclamation. The name Musk was one that I couldnt not know. He is the head of the publishing company that signed Xenons Biography and copyright contracts, and has been the one protecting my identity so far. I heard that the publishing company was moving to our territory, and it seems it was nearby.

He unexpectedly has a shady CEO-like image.

This is the first time Ive met Musk in person. Moreover, thanks to him protecting my identity, I havent been exposed, so I cant help but feel favorably towards him. With a truly pleased expression, I reached out my hand. It was a handshake request containing various meanings, including gratitude.

So, youre Musk. Nice to meet you.

Im honored to meet you too.

Musk also smiled for business purposes and accepted my handshake. Despite its thickness, the texture was soft, perhaps due to good maintenance.

After finishing the handshake, we continued with miscellaneous conversations. By the way, the question of how he knew that I was a member of the Michelle family was skipped. With red hair and golden eyes, its hard not to know.

By the way, Mr. Musk, what brought you to call me?

Hehehe. Its nothing special. Just

After mumbling, Musk cautiously and skillfully asked me in a careful voice.

Im here at this territory for the first time, could I ask for guidance?

Translators note:

Just translated the single longest chapter so far and of course its nsfw. Also chapters 269 and 270 are first adult ones in quite a while so

If you want to read ahead up to 15 chapters and read new nsfw chapters now or just support me check my Ko-fi! Thank you for all your support and love having yall around!

Whose turn do you think its this time?

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