How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 256: Noble (3)

Chapter 256: Noble (3)

A commoner asking a noble for guidance might seem strange. It could come across as rude or make one question the sanity of the person making the request. However, this was only on the surface. Though the conversation was brief, it contained many underlying meanings.

Musk extended a handshake hinting that he knew who I was.

Think of it as a meeting between business partners. Musk, mistakenly thinking my father is Xenon, likely assumed that I, as his son, would be aware of who he is. Its a risky gamble, more significant than it appears. But given the substantial return, Musk initiated the conversation.

Above all, Musk diligently built a trusting relationship by upholding his faith in Xenons Biography. Ironically, its challenging for me to find someone comparable to Musk on my side.

Musk probably knew this, and that might be why he took the gamble. While Im uncertain about his perspective on Xenons Biography, at least it doesnt seem like he reveres it to a level of worship.

Well, maybe in a different sense of worship. Since Xenons Biography was pouring money that one couldnt earn in a lifetime.

Anyway, in the accumulated trust between Musk and me, social status didnt pose any issues. Finding someone as remarkable as Musk would be difficult for me, and Musk probably wont find a masterpiece like Xenons Biography either.

A mutually beneficial business relationship where both parties gain advantages without crossing any lines.

Ill provide some guidance, but to be honest, I dont know our territory well either. I recently returned as an academy student, so it hasnt been long.

Hahaha. Thats fine. Honestly, I used guidance as an excuse, I just wanted to have a casual chat.

The request for guidance was just a pretext, in reality, it was an opportunity for conversation. Although he had met my father before, this was our first encounter.

Now, exploring various parts of the territory and getting to know each other through casual conversations was a priority.

But are you okay physically? I heard you were ambushed by devil worshippers

Haha. Im fine now. Just in case, I always carry emergency potions with me.

Seeing him laugh heartily in response indicates that hes doing well. If I thought about it, Musk was both a beneficiary and a victim. However, like a seasoned merchant, he showed composure. Upon hearing my question, Musk, with a grin, subtly asked.

By the way, how did you know about that? I clearly sent a letter

Though he tried to muddle his words out of concern that someone might be listening, it was clear what he meant. He sent a letter for sure, but how could I, who was at the academy, know about it?

As mentioned earlier, Musk mistakenly thinks I am not Xenon but my father, the author of Xenons Biography. After all, father brought the draft of the first volume to the publishing house, and since then, he had a messenger take care of things. Its only natural for him to think this way.

Continuing to misunderstand like that is not a problem, but Musk is one of the trustworthy people. Moreover, even if he mistook me for my father, it would only add an unnecessary step, so theres no problem even if its revealed.

Without answering, I just gave a slight smile. Musk, noticing the various meanings in my smile, widened his eyes slightly and soon burst into hearty laughter.

Hahaha. So, thats how it is. Surprising, isnt it?

Whats surprising? Because Im too young?

That too, but I didnt expect you to tell me so straightforwardly. Can I take it as a sign that you trust me that much?

I just smiled in response to the question that mixed jokes and sincerity. According to Rina, Musk was caught not only making minor mistakes but also facing tax evasion charges.

Thats why I trust him even more. People are generally trustworthy when they are moderately clean and moderately corrupt. If too clean, they become stubborn and difficult to build trust with, and on the other hand, if too corrupt, they betray as easily as eating breakfast.

Moreover, Musk endured pressure even from the nobles of Alvenheim, who received the backing of the Council of Elders, but he kept his mouth shut until the end.

This judgment also comes from the idea that you cant kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

On the other hand, if I consistently lay golden eggs, Musk will never betray me.


Musk wiped his nose when I just smiled without saying anything, looking a bit puzzled. It seems like he really threw it as a joke judging by his reaction.

Before the atmosphere could become awkward, I asked another question. The most urgent matter is his publishing company. Even if the manuscript for Xenons Biography was completed, its meaningless if the publishing house isnt operational.

By the way, when is the company planning to relocate?

I apologize, but it might take some time. The building itself is nearly complete with the help of the Guilds power, but the staff is still in the process of preparation.

So, when do you expect the companys operations to resume smoothly?

It will probably take around two weeks, give or take. Its not just about moving the company, we also need to relocate the staffs residences. Honestly, the Guilds assistance has made it faster, otherwise, it would have taken much longer.

As expected, since the original location of the publishing house was in the capital. The distance between the capital and our territory is relatively short. However, in this world, there are no cars, let alone trains. In other words, the heavy luggage can only be moved by carts and carriages.

Due to this, there are almost no people who move their residences, in other words, very few people go through the process of moving. Most tend to settle in one area, and unless they are adventurers, they rarely venture outside.

Considering this societal context, Musks decision can be considered quite unconventional. Fortunately, the relocation distance is short, but the expenses must be enormous. However, he took it on for the sake of his employees.

It must have cost quite a bit. Are you okay with the expenses?

Compared to what weve earned so far, its like a drop in the bucket.

The answer that came back made me feel like a fool. Well, compared to the money made from Xenons Biography, it indeed would be like a drop in the bucket.

As I asked with an embarrassed expression, Musk let out his characteristic wide smile. Suddenly, with the mention of money, I became curious about how much I had earned from Xenons Biography.

Just in case, Ive been worried about being tracked down, so Ive entrusted the safekeeping of money to the publishing company so far.

I got some of it after revealing my identity to Leort and Rina, and receiving cooperation after the hiatus incident, but still, I dont know the details.

I started Xenons Biography not for the purpose of making money but purely as a hobby. The one thing for sure is that I can play, eat, and live for the rest of my life.

If not the exact amount, I wanted to hear it metaphorically. Its a globally spread book, so I wondered how much it sold.

Excuse me, may I ask just one thing?

Feel free to ask anything.

How much did you make?

It might have been a somewhat straightforward question for a merchant selling goods. Musk hesitated at my question, then awkwardly smiled.

Considering its Xenons Biography, the profits must be enormous. However, if he hesitated, there must be something involved.

What could it be? I silently waited for Musks answer.

After a while, Musk cleared his throat and quietly opened his mouth.

Well its difficult to answer.

Whats difficult about it?

The pie is so big that it wont fit into my mouth. How can I eat it all in one bite?


After hearing his response, I nodded as if I understood. In other words, it meant that due to its imposing amount, even calculations were difficult.

But is this person really a commoner? Metaphorically speaking, he was as elegant and polished as any noble. Perhaps dealing with people on a regular basis and even facing the pressure from nobility has naturally honed his eloquence.

Anyway, I discovered that the profits generated from Xenons Biography were unimaginably massive. It wasnt just popular to the empire, but globally.

Ah. Just in case you were wondering, the profits are being completely conveyed, so you dont need to worry.

It seemed Musk thought I might have unnecessary suspicions based on the metaphor earlier and tried to put me at ease. I stared at him expressionlessly.

I had heard about this from Rina as well. Even if Musk engaged in tax evasion, he never took a single coin from the income coming to our family. Despite being meticulous about the money tied to the contract, he strangely turned a blind eye to irritating aspects like taxes, portraying an oddly corrupt persona. In fact, looking at the fines he incurred for tax evasion, it was more of a clever tactic than anything else.

He was a person I found likable in many ways. As a merchant, he possessed impeccable virtues, and he wasnt foolish enough to kill the golden goose that laid the egg.

Since I had earned so much money, even if he took a little away, it wouldnt be noticeable. It wouldnt matter to take some crumbs from the pie he mentioned earlier.

Its interesting. Taking a few crumbs wouldnt be noticed.


When I asked with a puzzled nuance, Musk laughed again.

Afterwards, he took on a somewhat dignified posture while giving a slight cough to clear his throat.

Sorry, but I enjoy making money. Taking advantage of the client is not the way of a merchant. You have to keep your promises.

Someone like that avoiding paying taxes

Oh, that was just a little loophole. You know that, seeing how smoothly it came out, right?

Up to this point, I could tell what kind of person he was. However, with the following remarks, I realized one more thing.

And if you want to take advantage, you have to do it through a legitimate contract.

What do you mean by a legitimate method?

Naturally, through a contract.

It was fortunate that he wasnt a noble. If he were, he would have swindled more than just one or two people. Nevertheless, he is someone who doesnt take lightly to joking even with a partner who clearly brings in money. This indicates a sense of responsibility, as it could also bring harm to oneself. Even if it werent for Xenons Biography, its certain that he would succeed. Above all, holding onto Xenons Biography until the end and not letting go of it was a sign of true skill.

Its often said that dealing with matters between people is the most exhausting, so meeting Musk, who thoroughly defends against that, was one of the great strokes of luck.

Meeting Mr. Musk among so many people was fortunate.

The meeting was truly fortunate.

Do you happen to have any desires or wishes?

I extended a courtesy to Musk. Whether it was his experience with devil worshipers or the significant amount spent to relocate to our territory due to Xenons Biography.

Feeling a bit apologetic as a writer, I thought it was a small request I could fulfill. It was also something I owed to the person who had built a trusting relationship with me over time.

However, Musks thoughts seemed a bit different. He shook his head gracefully and replied politely.

Thank you for the offer, but Ill pass. As it is now, its sufficient.

Well understood. If you ever need anything, feel free to ask.

There might be people who listened to our conversation and harbored some suspicions. However, if they knew the true identities of Musk and me, those doubts would be dispelled.

Musk is the publisher who signed a contract for Xenons Biography, and I am the son of the family whose territory the publishing house is expecting to come to.

Since it was a meeting between the son of a family and the publisher, not between the author of Xenons Biography and the publisher, there is no need to delve deeply into suspicions.

Today has truly been an informative time. Thank you for granting my request.

Thats what I wanted to say. I must say again that Im really fortunate to get to know Mr. Musk.

Haha. Youre putting gold on my face. I dont know how to thank you enough.

Through various conversations, the time for each of us to part ways had come without us realizing it. I needed to inspect the territory, and Musk had to look into the situation of his company and employees.

Nevertheless, we had gained what we needed from each other, so there was no loss. In fact, I had learned a lot about Musk, which was a gain.

By any chance, Mr. Isaac, do you have someone who has promised you a future?

Yes, I do. Several, actually.

I said, vaguely avoiding specifics.

His expression conveyed genuine disappointment as he sighed.

Thats truly regrettable. I had thought of introducing my daughter to you.

I appreciate the sentiment, but if that were to happen, it would be quite awkward for me in many ways

I couldnt risk provoking my fiance any further. I swallowed that thought too. Musk, sensing my firm stance, immediately gave up and nodded in understanding.

By the way, they say daughters often resemble their fathers, but surely not to the point of being exactly alike. As I pondered this, Musk, seemingly aware of my thoughts, looked at me directly.

Hahaha. My daughter is beautiful and graceful, unlike me.

Was my expression so revealing? Musk chuckled lightly as I fumbled with my words, then rummaged through his pocket. Finally, he pulled out a small piece of paper and showed it to me.

I could tell that the identity of that paper was a photo. Although you might wonder about the presence of photos in this era, this too is a magical item invented in Alvenheim.

Being elves who value tradition and records, they invented things like cameras long ago. The problem is that the price is outrageously high.

Anyway, moving on, I examined the figures standing side by side in the photo. Musk, the patriarch, was seated in the center, with two women and two men standing on either side. It seems the men are sons, and the women are likely his wife and daughter

No. Does this make sense?

I alternated between the people in the photo and the current Musk. The woman presumed to be his daughter was a definite beauty even by my standards. However, more shocking than that was Musk himself. The Musk in the photo (presumed) had a sleek jaw, sharp eyes, and, most notably, thick caterpillar-like eyebrows. In contrast, look at him now.

While some features remained, layers of plump flesh have neatly buried them. Can a person change so drastically with just gaining some weight?

As if reading my thoughts, Musk opened his mouth with his characteristic fuzzy smile.

Ive gained some weight recently. I used to be quite the handsome fellow back in the day. I even met my wife during that time.

Um Im really sorry, but do you have any thoughts about going back to that time?

Even back then, I was so popular that my wife had a hard time. But look at me now. Dont you think its better to gain weight and block it?

It seemed like boasting, but seeing the person in the photo, it doesnt seem like baseless pride at all. Moreover, now that he has become a lightning-rich man, there are probably many people trying to take advantage of him.

Internally feeling awkward, I handed the photo to Musk. Musk carefully stored the photo in his embrace and gave me advice that was more like a warning.

So, Mr. Isaac, be careful. The moment you turn your eyes away from your fiance to another woman, the return will be not doubled but squared.

And the tears of a fiance are calculated as an irreparable debt. Please keep that in mind.

It was advice filled with deep rooted wisdom, very much in the manner of a seasoned trader.

At least fortunately, I havent accumulated any debt.

Thanks to that, I felt the need to treat Marie even better.

Translators note:

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