Interstellar Age

Chapter 294 Three Years of Chaos

Chapter 294 Three Years of Chaos

Another two years had passed, and the galaxy's situation wasn't getting any better. If anything, it got worse after the dismantling of the Goldentooth cartel and the dividing of its assets. After all, it was a corporation that one might consider being too big to fail. With assets all over the galaxy, including land, resources, and developing civilizations. Once the Goldentooth cartel was gone, many interstellar civilizations felt an even greater sting to their treasuries.

As for the Parvaxian War, it continued to wage on. The PLO received help from the Silber Enclave and brought in new volunteers. Including some from the Germanic Star-Empire, who joined the fight against the Ghimderi Defense forces.

These volunteer militants from Germania were known as the Condor Legion, named after a similar group of individuals from the ancient fatherland, who had supported the Spanish Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War of Earth's ancient history.

These Condor Legionnaires were not officially affiliated with the GSE, and were instead a bunch of "veterans" who had "volunteered" to fight the Ghimderi and their allies. But it was not just the GSE who sent aid to the PLO. In fact, many civilizations opposed the Ghimderi's control of the Galactic Economy. And because of this, they sent soldiers and supplies to fight alongside the PLO.

With the state of the Galactic Economy on the edge of collapse. The old bonds of vassalage that had kept the Galaxy in a relatively peaceful state since time immemorial had begun to collapse. Vassals turned against their masters in Dominion Space with the intent of gaining their independence.

Meanwhile, the Svartalfheim Federation had also begun to break out into infighting. The Federation's supposed "Allies" fought over crucial resources for their population's employment and food.

While the Eastern and Western portions of the Galaxy had begun to break out into a state of chaos. The northern quadrant of the galaxy had also shared a similar set of difficulties. After all, the Asuran Cabal was never as united as their rivals across the Milky Way. And the moment an opportunity to seize power was given, all hell had broken loose. With multiple interstellar wars being fought between the Devas, Devis, and independent Warlords.

The only section of the Milky Way that was even remotely stable was in the south. Where the Ennead Theocracy's strong religious bonds kept its people and their subordinates united in the face of adversity.

The wise leadership of the so-called "Gods" of the Ennead had decided to withdraw what they had from the galactic economy. And instead, focus entirely on managing their own quadrant, with the resources that existed in it.

The only civilization to profit off of this galactic misfortune was the Silber Enclave, who continued to sell monumental quantities of military hardware across the galaxy. They Supported every armed conflict that was breaking out in exchange for raw materials.

After all, the galactic currency had become worthless after suffering from years of hyperinflation. To the point where the Silber Enclave, the Germanic Star-Empire, and several other self-sufficient civilizations had begun to accept natural resources, and raw materials, in bulk rather than credits.

The Silber Enclave itself had become heavily fortified. Its population had increased greatly. And the military would soon be ready for its war with the Germanic Star-Empire. While at the same time, the Iron Horde had succeeded in uniting the various Orcs Clans and Hordes across the galaxy. All of which now answered to Erich.

And the other galactic menace who Erich controlled, the Terminus Hive, had expanded quite rapidly. With a population in the quadrillions buried beneath the surface of Midgard. Like Terminus had predicted, Erich would feel an intense urge to copulate at least once a week. One that Tia was entirely incapable of satisfying. And thus, he was forced to seek out the young Hive Queen, and expand her hive with his seed.

While Tia also ensured that the larvae had ample cloned genetic material of their father to devour. Which aided in their growth and development. Because of this, the Naraku on Midgard had grown rapidly. And as Terminus had said, they had a symbiotic relationship with the planet and its other inhabitants.

With the Naraku worker, drones fortifying the planet from within its crust, and working towards creating a healthy biome for all living things. Unlike the bugs of the other Naraku Hive Fleets, those in Terminus were all anthropomorphic. It was almost as if they were an entirely different species.

The reason for this was the fact the Hive Queen's mate was a genetically enhanced super human. Rather than mating with her own royal guard. This was the same reason that the royalty was always anthropomorphic. However, a Naraku Hive Queen had never before kept her first mate as her sole mate. And because of this, the third generation onwards were always monstrous creatures.

Yet, now even the worker drones and the soldier bugs were all anthropomorphic, even if their sizes varied. Not only this, but the hive actually had to create actual bio technological fighter craft for its fleets. Whereas before, they were a special breed of space bugs.

This had actually caused xenobiologists across the galaxy to speculate whether a sub-species had been born, to adapt to Galactic Civilization as a whole. And there had even been attempts by certain daring species to approach the Terminus Hive Fleets with diplomacy. Rather than simply treat them as mindless insects. Of course, Terminus did not respond to these requests, and continued to order her hive to devour all other races they came into contact with.

As for Erich, there was not much for him to do, considering everything across his civilization was maintained by Tia. Thus, he would take short vacations to the Great Oni Empire, which he considered diplomatic meetings.

During this time, he would reconnect with Yumi, Ayumi, and Aiko. But these diplomatic visits didn't last long, as every week or so he felt an intense urge to breed with Terminus, and would thus have to come running back to Midgard.

Ultimately, as the years passed, and Erich became closer to his goals of taking the throne of his people. He couldn't help but think that Tia's assistance in the matters could not possibly be matched by any other being in the universe. She had created an automated military of robots that could contend with the GSE, despite the Silber Enclave's limited population.

And this did not include the Orcs who Erich would deploy into the meat grinder. Or his actual Star Marines, which is the profession that nearly every male in the Silber Enclave took now that everything other than war was automated.

Thus, Erich could only stand in awe of what Tia had created in his name. And remark upon it.

"It hasn't even been ten years, and yet the Silber Enclave is already one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy. Our military might be on par with the GSEs despite having inferior numbers. And we have built alliances with the Orcs, and the Naraku. Adding to our overall military might if we were to call upon their aid. What you have done for me, no... my people, words can not express the gratitude I have..."

Tia looked at her Master as if the man was being a sentimental fool, before reminding him that the diplomatic achievements were entirely his own doing.

"Master flatters Tia too much. While Tia has built the infrastructure of the Silber Enclave, it was Master's talents with the opposite sex which allowed the Orcs and Naraku to form an alliance with the Silber Enclave.

In fact, Master had done something more miraculous than what Tia could ever have done. For the first time in the record of galactic history, the Naraku have established peace with a humanoid species.

And has not done so via subjugation like they have done to the other insectoids. If anything, the Master should be commended.Unfortunately, the Galaxy is rather close-minded, and has the same mindset that Master used to have regarding the Naraku. This reminds Tia, she has a question that she wishes to ask Master. One that is deeply personal...."

Erich nodded his head and allowed Tia to ask her question.

"Go ahead Tia, you know I don't keep secrets from you..."

Tia had a bit of an awkward expression on her face, knowing that this was a deeply personal subject for Erich, but she felt compelled to ask, regardless.

"Master... It has been three years since the Master joined with Terminus. Does Master still feel like a monster and a freak? Or has he become accustomed to his new sense of self?"

Erich did not answer this for some time. He had not thought about such things for some time, and entered a deep state of thought. Several moments passed before Erich finally sighed and gave Tia an honest answer.

"Nothing will ever make me okay again.... Not after what I have been through... But I have learned to accept my fate, rather than fight against it. At the very least, my joining with Terminus can prevent another tragedy like the Terminus war from ever befalling my people again. Not to mention the fact that the Naraku are a very valuable weapon..."

Tia simply nodded her head, before responding to this with a single statement, after which neither she nor Erich spoke again for the remainder of the day.

"I see..."

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