Interstellar Age

Chapter 295 Let There Be War!

Chapter 295 Let There Be War!

For some time now, Emrys had become concerned about the military buildup of the Silber Enclave. They seemed to have an unprecedented rate of production. And he was beginning to have a sneaking suspicion that Erich had broken a serious taboo. The only way a civilization could advance from quite literally nothing to such a flourishing state, and all in the span of ten years. As if a hyper-advanced AI was running everything.

The development of artificial intelligence was severely limited across the Milky Way Galaxy, and the reason for this was actually not entirely known. The Great Powers of the Galaxy had all placed heavy restrictions on artificial intelligence, to the point where it was almost considered blasphemy to advance them beyond a basic state.

Any civilization that did so would be rooted up from the stem and buried. To the point where their name and culture would be forgotten in history. There were legends that explained this, but no historian had ever confirmed whether this was true or not.

After all, the Great Schism which occurred so long ago, that few immortal beings were old enough to remember it, had pretty much wiped the galactic slate clean, and all of its history prior to it. The war that broke out between the Dark Elves and Light Elves was legendary, as pretty much the starting point in galactic history.

This was, of course, not true, but the war was so destructive to a galaxy wide scale that even that war itself was largely shrouded in mystery. With both the Light Elves and Dark Elves having to wholly different accounts of what happened, and why it occurred in the first place.

But if you believe certain myths, there was an era of galactic history that proceeded what many referred to as the Anicient Age. This forgotten Era is called by those who believe in it, the Primeval Age. It was an Era where the Elves were a single species, neither dark nor light, and they were just a one of many civilizations across the galaxy.

If these Primeval Archeologists were to be believed, then the Primeval Age was brought to an end, because of the major power of the galaxy at the time, a species which nobody knows the name of, or even if they really existed. Had developed an advanced artificial intelligence that turned against them, and all other biological life in the galaxy.

It is this devastating war, that is believed to be the reason why ever interstellar civilization, especially the oldest that currently existed, had an intense dread towards Artificial Intelligence. If Erich had truly developed such a thing, though, Emrys doesn't know how he would have. Then the entire galaxy would unite against him.

Of course, this was all speculation on Emrys' part. But the deadline that Erich had given him to hand over the Germanic throne was rapidly approaching. And if Erich truly was having his society run by artificial intelligence, then Emrys believed he might actually suffer a disastrous loss. Even if he had spent the last ten years preparing for this moment.

Thus, Emrys decided one more time to reach out to the self proclaimed Emperor of the Germanic people.


Erich was admiring the recent upgrades that had been given to the Legion Series Combat Droids. More commonly known as the Legions. They had improved armor, sensors, and built in weaponry. They were also capable of recharging themselves in the field with simple battery packs.

The Enclave's Star Marines were now accustomed to operating alongside the Legions and had created an entirely functioning unit. Meanwhile, the Iron Horde's new generation of half-orcs had assumed the roles of generals, officers, and NCOs. Bringing a sense of order to the previously chaotic Orcish warriors.

Though Erich had the ability to call upon the Terminus Hive to aid him in this war, he chose not to. They were behaving relatively peacefully beneath Midgard's surface. With only a few small fleets of ships going out and raiding for new resources.

After all, Tia was capable of producing vast quantities of cloned meat for them to feast on. And she was capable of splicing this meat with the genes of various other species. Whatever Terminus asked for to aid her Hive's development, Tia could provide. Making an almost ideal situation, where the Hive constantly expanded and grew stronger, without the need to actually go out and attack other species.

The Terminus Hive had become a valuable trump card for Erich's new empire. And he refused to reveal it unless he was forced to. Thus, while Erich was looking over his new armed forces. Which numbered at five trillion strong. When combining the Star Marines, Iron Horde, and Legions. Erich was quite confident in his ability to defeat Emrys.

After all, his military might actually be smaller than that of the Germanic Star-Empire. But it was significantly more advanced. Erich was just about to walk away, and allow his armed forces to continue about the business, when he received a call from an unlikely individual.

After answering the call, Emry's figure appeared in Erich's neurolink, where the man cleared his throat before speaking to Erich in a condescending manner.

"Must we really come to blows over such a petty dispute? Do you have any idea the amount of lives that will be lost if our two armies fight? How about I name you my successor once more, and upon my death, you will assume the mantle of Supreme Leader?

In the meantime, you can apply your mind to the development of the Empire. After all, from what I can see, you have done a remarkable job with the five worlds under your control, and the Empire could use your expertise!"

Erich scoffed when he heard this. Peace wasn't an option. Not anymore. He harbored too many dangerous secrets that only he knew. Secrets that could only be maintained if he ruled with supreme authority. Thus, he responded to his former mentor with a resolute tone in his voice.

"Peace may have been an option a decade ago, had you just given me what is rightfully mine! But now, only war can solve our dispute...."

Emrys's expression sank. He had never really taken Erich seriously at an opponent, and by all means he was still underestimating the man. Thus, he tried to appeal to Erich's humanity, despite the fact that it no longer existed.

"Erich... If you do this, billions will die!"

Erich wore a cold expression. He was completely indifferent to the idea of such a loss. His only response to this plea for peace was a correction of the estimated fatalities.


Emrys could tell by the look in Erich's eyes that something had changed with him. Whether his ambitions had consumed the man. Or something far more sinister had occurred without the knowledge of the galaxy. Erich truly did not seem to care about the prospect of killing trillions of his people.

Before Emrys could even formulate a proper response to this stunning statement. Erich spoke once more, and in doing so, had condemned Emrys and its regime to their fate.

"Considering the fact that we are mere weeks away from the deadline that I gave you a decade ago, and the fact that you have decided to insult me with this laughable attempt to broker peace between us. I will consider this communication your official declaration of war.

I would say that you should prepare my forces, but as we speak, my fleets have already crossed the border between the Germanic Star-Empire proper and the Silber Enclave. I fear you will come to regret your choices in life only after it is too late for you, and those who still call you Supreme Leader."

After saying this, Erich hung up on his former mentor. It took several moments for Emrys to realize what had just happened, but ultimately before his mind could fully connect the dots, he received communications from his generals, and admirals, all who seemed to be in a state of panic.

"Sir! The frontier worlds are under attack by the Silber Enclave! Our forces are taking a beating and are requesting reinforcements! We need assistance asap!"

The conversation between Erich and Emrys had only lasted a few minutes. And it was only now that Emrys realized that his former protege had launched his attack the moment he accepted the call. In such a short amount of time, the Enclave's ships had invaded Germanic space, and launched a full scale attack on the frontier systems that were closest to the Silber Enclave's borders.

But how was this possible? The level of technology needed to traverse such vast sections of space so quickly were well above and beyond the abilities of the Germanic Star-Empire! One would need technology on par with the four great galactic powers to achieve such a thing!

It was only now that Emrys realized that his initial assumptions of Erich using a forbidden artificial intelligence to build his Empire were correct. But by then it was already too late. The Germanic Star-Empire had once more begun to burn in the flames of war. And this time, Emry's demands to resist at any cost would be met with a lack of morale.

Because, unlike the war against the Naraku, his soldiers were not fighting for the survival of their people, but rather that of the current political regime. And was that really worth fighting until the last man, woman, and child? The answer to this question would reveal itself in the war to come.

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