
Chapter 155: Let's Meet Mother

Chapter 155: Let's Meet Mother

The whereabouts of Tiara's mother, Keiran Elmar, were immediately ascertained. The Elmar family was a distinguished family in Hyvern like the Barnes family, so the presence or absence of the family head's eldest daughter Keiran was immediately confirmed once it was investigated.

And the day after Kazane and the others arrived at the city, Tiara had an appointment to meet her mother.

As for Keiran Elmar herself, she was now perplexed. She still considered her return to her family home with her husband's cheating as the impetus a good thing, but the situation was moving too fast. Her father-in-law the King died due to illness, and she had become the Queen before she knew it. And then a letter arrived from her husband, Audin. In the middle of this situation, her father Maisen informed Keiran of sudden information that made her ask again with a surprised expression.

My daughter is coming?

Maisen joyfully nodded after Keiran's surprised expression.

I was told by General Jiraid. This time your daughter was sent. Perhaps His Majesty the King of Tsuvara wants you to return.

Maisen said. It was obvious that he wanted Keiran to return to Tsuvara. It was an extremely happy story for Maisen, who was worried that his daughter might not go back to Tsuvara after she returned home due to her husband's affair. Above all, he would get to see the grandchild he had hardly met before. It made his face soften.

Although Keiran thought it might be the opposite of what her father was thinking. She was thinking that Audin may have sent their daughter to visit with a letter of divorce.

In any case, there was no way she could refuse her daughter's visit, and without meeting she wouldn't understand the reason, so she stood up. Tiara was also Maisen's granddaughter, but the difference in social status was large. For now, Keiran would talk with her daughter alone and report the details to her father afterward. Maisen wanted to meet his granddaughter and grumbled a little, but he couldn't refuse when he was told it would be a conversation as Tsuvara's royalty. Then Keiran went to reunite with her daughter after a long time.

It has been a while, hasn't it, Tiara.

Yes, it has been a long time, Mother.

The drawing room of Maisen's house. Keiran, Tiara, and Mefirus in Tiara's arms were there.

It's been a while, Keiran.


The unexpected voice made Keiran stare in wonder. That voice was very familiar.

His, His Majesty the King?

Her father-in-law and the former king of Tsuvara. Since the funeral service was done promptly, Keiran missed the opportunity to return to the country, but aside from his philandering he was a respected figure. That Mefirus' voice came from the plush toy held in Tiara's arm.

Keiran hadn't heard about Mefirus' Ruby Griffonization. Therefore, she was concerned when she saw that her daughter was carrying around a plush toy at her age, but then she heard a familiar voice coming from what she thought was a stuffed toy.

Hmm. The current king is your husband. Calling me Father without reservation is fine?

The stuffed toy spread his arms and said.

Eh, yes? Are you really His Majest, no, Father?

Keiran had heard that Mefirus had died of illness, but she hadn't heard about him becoming a stuffed toy. Telling her to not be surprised was impossible.

Well, there are various circumstances. I was able to survive by changing into this form. Now I'm going along with Tiara for her training.


Keiran tilted her head. It was a highly classified problem for the country, so Keiran in Hyvern knew nothing about the concealed battle with Diablo. She didn't know anything beyond the story that was generally circulating.

Yes, Mother. I have contracted with the Ruby Griffon.

Then Tiara began telling the surprised Keiran the details of that and their journey so far.

That was...serious.

That reply was the best Keiran could do after hearing Tiara's story, which contained everything starting from her abduction to her arrival in Deer South. The story that Tiara told really felt like a story, and the contents were so exciting that it didn't seem real. Without Mefirus' presence it would be unbelievable. No, it was hard to say that she could believe it even after everything she had heard.

Even after hearing it, I can't believe you fought against devils and dragons.

After Keiran's dumbfounded mutter, Tiara stuck out her tongue and laughedEhe.

Even though I said it myself, I kind of think the same thing.

Well, what she has said until now is unmistakably true.

Mefirus replied. Keiran looked at Mefirus and saidIf Father says so then I guess that must be the case.It was truly a dream-like story. Then Keiran turned to Tiara to confirm her purpose for coming here.

So, that means you don't have a message to me from your father.

Yes. I also mostly haven't contacted him since the journey started.

Keiran was relieved by Tiara's words, but then she remembered the letter that arrived a while ago and her face tightened.

Then, you may not know this. It seems that person has his eye on a new woman he wants to make his wife.

Tiara and Mefirus twitched and their shoulders started shaking after those words.

Not as a mistress but officially... something like that was written in the letter I received, but I don't really understand.

A letter?

Tiara looked at Keiran with a puzzled expression, and Keiran nodded.

Yes. It said she's young, short, has no chest, and is a woman who might be called a very young child based on her appearance, but isn't that actually a child? It seems that man started suffering from some strange mental illness while I was gone, and I was wondering what I should do.

Well, speaking of illness, maybe it could be called so.

Mefirus sighed.

Is the name of the woman written about in the letter Kazane?

Yes, that's right, Father. You know her?

She's the leader of the White Party we were talking about before.

Naturally, Keiran was bewildered by those words. But Tiara suddenly grasped Keiran's right hand tightly and raised her voice.

It's all right. I will protect Kazane!


Keiran was confused by Tiara's declaration.

I also owe her a debt of gratitude. If I were still alive I would also find marrying her agreeable, but

Grandfather, isn't that just like Father?

What are you saying? You should know her virtues the best.

That's why I want to always be with Kazane. She mustn't become Father's or Grandfather's.

I'm only saying the same thing you are saying.


Keiran chuckled at seeing her daughter's sullen face after her grandfather's words.


I see. That Kazane person is not just your father's favorite, but also you and your grandfather's.

Tiara answeredYeswithout hesitation after Keiran's words.

So you've made a good girl friend.

Keiran said with a distant look. She felt dazzled by her daughter walking a path she could never have imagined as a woman born in Hyvern and married off to Audin in a political marriage. Of course, she wasn't dissatisfied by her life except for her husband's cheating habit, but it couldn't be helped that she thought it was enviable.

It seems various things have happened since I left.

Yes. Truly, all sorts of things.

Tiara was able to clearly state.

That being the case, I'm no match for my favorite boy. What about you?


Naoki's face immediately came to mind. And her face quickly reddened.

Oh my, it looks like there is.

Keiran thought she would fire a retort at her daughter after their reunion filled with overwhelming things, and now she was laughing pleasantly.

Hm. Well, they still haven't gone beyond holding hands, and there are also many rivals.

Grandfather! It's different! He's a companion, just a companion!

Keiran was increasingly unable to contain her laughter as she watched Mefirus and Tiara's exchange.

Well, it's easy to understand by looking at your grandfather and father, but Tsuvara is open-minded in that aspect.

The origin of that custom was King Tatsuyoshi. It was a country that was relatively permissive when it came to matters of love. Well, that was often used as an excuse for mistresses, though.

Jeez, not Mother too!

Keiran and Mefirus laughed as Tiara sullenly spoke.

Well, even though my daughter is doing her best, I'm only indecisively idling away my time.

Keiran strongly nodded as she spoke. Tiara and Mefirus looked at her with confused faces.

Ok, I've decided that I'm going to go back to the country and spank that man's bottom.


Keiran answered her confused daughter with a tender expression.

I can't allow cheating, but being together with that Kazane-san seems enjoyable. Tiara, if that Kazane-san feels like marrying that man, tell her I want to be on good terms.

I don't think that will be necessary.

Keiran further smiled at her daughter's immediate reply.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 30

Health: 107

Magic Power: 181+420

Strength: 52+10

Agility: 43+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 57

Dexterity : 38

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv3 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv3 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy PlacementThunder ChariotSturdy TeethCrystallization

Kazane: That reminds me, it was said long ago that Tiara's mother was here.

Yumika: In other words, Kazane's most substantial love rival, right?

Kazane: Ah, enough of that. If the King suddenly appeared, what would I do?!

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