
Chapter 156: Let's Meet God

Chapter 156: Let's Meet God

Capital City Deer South, Norman Temple

You're telling me to work? I am a god. Doing labor at this point has no meaning, right?

It does! Of course it does, stupid god. You can move now, and complaints are coming to me. Like worries that if God doesn't come there will absolutely be a poor harvest. Whose fault do you think it is that this happens year after year!

I've heard that argument many times since long ago. You're a man with a truly meager vocabulary. From the beginning you've been an angry person saying go, go, such

Shut up. Instead of complaining, promptly go and do your job!

Norman Temple. In Hyvern's capital city Deer South, there was a temple dedicated to the god of the entire region Norman, and Kazane and the others came to visit. Their purpose was to meet Norman again, whose dead body was transported here from the arena. Since Tiara was meeting with her mother, and Jinrai, Lyle, and Emily were still at home, Kazane, Yumika, Naoki, and Louise were the only ones guided here.

And when Kazane and the others were guided to the room called God's Seat, they stopped outside and heard the previous conversation.

Rezon is the same as always.

Louise said. Rezon Vander was an armed priest who was once in the party with Mefirus, Jinrai, and Louise. Kazane and the others had heard that he was one of the god Norman's priests and mainly looked after Norman himself.

Isn't treating a god like that incredible?

Yumika said after hearing the conversation resounding from inside the room, but Kazane was more curious about Norman's desire to avoid working. But the trembling priest acting as their guide was minding it even more. That priest appeared to be around 50 years old, and it was like he was desperately enduring the shame of his relatives' secrets being exposed. Unmistakably.

Wai, wait here for just a minute.

So saying, the priest entered through the door alone, and a dull thump was heard twice. After that, the priest came out and guided Kazane and the others inside.

Capital City Deer South, Norman Temple, God's Seat

It's been a long time, everyone.

Oh, thanks for coming. And, Louise, you're also here?

Inside the room Kazane and the others entered was Norman sitting on a marble seat that seemed excessively sacred and a boorish-looking middle-aged man wearing priest clothes. Both had lumps on their heads.

Hello. Should I say congratulations on your recovery?

Yes, that should be fine, don't you think?

Norman answered Kazane's question with the same emotionless facial expression as before. But he didn't seem to be the emotionless machine she remembered him being in their previous conversation...

(No way, he's just an ordinary lazy guy...)

Kazane thought, and she was probably right. The room with the impressive name God's Seat was incredibly dirty. In the cluttered sense. Books that were probably in the middle of being read were scattered on the floor, and there was a dried out half-eaten sandwich on the table.


Yumika expressing it that way was probably inevitable.

Rude. I properly do my job as a god.

It seemed he heard. Norman refuted Yumika's words.

If you're planning to properly do your job, promptly leave the temple and go on your pilgrimage!

Rezon snapped from the side.

Being a recluse is fine for a god, isn't it? There are such myths. Since long ago.

Long ago is long ago, and now is now. You being in the temple causes various troubles for many people, like me, grandpa Madu, priest Panpu

All of those are my believers, aren't they!?

Norman's protesting voice echoed. A difficult atmosphere was flowing.

Um, it's a different impression from before, isn't it?

Norman turned his gaze from Rezon to Kazane after her muttered words.

I haven't particularly changed anything, though. The usual me vs the godlike me seems to be seen based on the viewer. Right?

Rezon scratched his head and answered Norman's question.

Ah, well. This guy is like a swindler. Well, it leads to more believers, so I don't really consider it a problem. Anyway, work!

Even if I'm told that. Look, I've just been resurrected, so my body is quite heavy. I'm a god, so when my physical condition is disturbed, I need to sleep for a long time.

Rezon tutted after Norman's words.

Tch, young lady. Don't be deceived. This stupid brat is simply an idiot that doesn't want to work.

Yeah. I got that feeling from the exchange until now, but... First of all, Rezon Vander-san? Shall we exchange greetings?

After Kazane's words, Rezon remembered the conversation that had happened since they entered the room and noticed that they hadn't really talked beyond the initial welcome, and his face flushed. He was embarrassed at having such a basic thing pointed out to him by a child.

Pufu, you really don't notice anything else when you lose your cool.

Shut up.

So saying, Rezon turned away in a huff. Kazane thought he was an interesting middle aged man as she watched.

Then Kazane's group, Rezon, and Norman gave their names and a brief introduction, and it finally became a calm conversational atmosphere. Although Kazane and the others only came to see Norman's situation, so there wasn't much to talk about.

Well, it seems there were various problems at the Grand Tournament. This brat is occasionally killed, but it was the first time he was killed by a devil. I was a little nervous, but fortunately, there was no particular curse, and he was able to revive normally.

Rezon talked about what happened to Norman after the Grand Tournament.

After Norman was killed by Genzo at the Grand Tournament in Resurrect City, his body was transported to the temple by the Holy Knights. And when they made him sit in this God's Seat, he was connected to his real form and his body was revived.

That's quite convenient.

It was like being able to revive after death in a game.

Well, it's for work, but what I can do is limited. Basically, I'm an existence that can only tour the area under my real form's area of influence.

Is that useful for something?

Kazane tilted her head after Norman's words.

Well, I'm kind of like a security guard, I guess? Although it isn't like I'm protecting against invasion from other countries.

Then what do you do?

Kazane didn't quite understand what gods did and asked, and Norman answered with his usual lack of expression.

Preparation for tuning the Naga Line. I keep this area's magical power flow at normal operation. My specific role is to examine it from the human point of view to help with my main form's fine tuning.

She didn't really understand even after hearing the story. When Kazane looked at Louise, Louise supplemented with an it can't be helped expression.

Well, if the flow of magical power is disrupted various problems occur; natural disasters more easily occur, many monsters appear, dungeons are activated, and so on. Gods keep those problems in check, and this child Norman-kun is one part of a god used for investigation.

As expected. Louise-san's power of discernment is unchanged from old times.

Oh my, I was praised. I wonder if there's some kind of service.

Then starting now, a little

Don't do it!

Rezon smacked Norman after the clicking of a pants belt was heard.

It's a joke. This body is a child, you know?

Norman said while rubbing the place that had been struck.

I wonder if you won't get an erection even if I try my best?

Shall we test it?

Don't try it!!

Rezon decided to grab Norman's face with the Iron Claw technique, and a creaking sound could be heard. Norman saidThat hurts,but Rezon didn't release him.

That reminds me, you guys. I heard there was a mess immediately after you came. What happened? Yesterday's flying dragon uproar was you guys, right?

Louise smiled after Rezon's words and saidOh, not at all.

No way. That mess was Cindy's doing. We only came peacefully, you know?

Kazane, Yumika, and Jiraid looked at Louise with eyes that saidThat was originally because of what you did, wasn't it?but Louise didn't mind them at all.

Really, that girl is truly troublesome, isn't she?

But Rezon grasped the general circumstances from the information he had heard and the gazes of Kazane and the others.

Haa, the troublesome thing is your personality, idiot. Each time you come to this country you only cause trouble. You were only the mistress of the ruler two generations ago, and yet you still managed to cause a troublesome situation in this country.

Well, it was decided that would have nothing to do with me now, though.

(Mistress...... Ah, so Cindy and the current Archduke were born from that child.)

Kazane listening from the side now understood Louise and Cindy's relationship, and she nodded.

Since they didn't have any particular business, they said farewell and left after talking a little more. At that time, Louise told Rezon she would visit again with Jinrai and Mefirus, and Rezon spouted after hearing Mefirus' name. It was widely known that the former king of Tsuvara was dead, so he also didn't know the truth, and he was surprised at abruptly hearing that name.

And just before they left, Norman saidTake these Norman manju as a souvenirand gave them some manju. He was an incomprehensible god.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 30

Health: 107

Magic Power: 181+420

Strength: 52+10

Agility: 43+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 57

Dexterity : 38

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv3 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv3 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy PlacementThunder ChariotSturdy TeethCrystallization

Kazane: By the way, that god amended his statement and said he was more like an apartment manager than a security guard.

Yumika: So that's how it is?

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