
Chapter 157: Let's Go to the Hospital

Chapter 157: Let's Go to the Hospital

Capital City Deer South, Crielnus Hospital

Master, are you all right? You're not in pain? Shall I help you?

Yumika asked beside Jinrai while holding a urinary bedpan, and Jinrai answeredI'm finewith his entire body wrapped in bandages. It seemed his entire body had been tightly squeezed. It might have been dangerous if he hadn't been rejuvenated ten years.

You don't have to endure it. Look, I'll do anything you ask, master!

So saying, Yumika seemed like she would be carried along by momentum and pull down his trousers any time now, and Jinrai hurriedly saidI'm fineonce again. If Naoki hadn't held her back, Jinrai's lower body might have been exposed to his disciple.

That was one act inside that sickroom.

After leaving the Norman temple, Kazane and the others were guided by Jiraid to the hospital Jinrai had been transported to. But only Yumika and Naoki were currently inside the hospital room. Kazane and Louise immediately went back out after entering the room. Additionally, Jiraid was talking to the doctor, so he wasn't with them.

Nuu. Disgusting.

That's at the level that even an ordinary person would notice, isn't it? Although Yumika seems so desperate that she's indifferent.

Kazane was sitting in the hospital corridor to settle down, and Louise had a wry smile as she spoke.

That scent is terribly strong, like Jinrai-san was rolling around inside Cindy-san's mouth for an entire day? Or two? It's awful.

Jinrai's scent this time was obviously severe. It wasn't normal. Naturally, she felt sick, so she immediately left the room and turned off herDog's Sense of SmellSkill.

Ah, that simile might be a perfectly fitting phrase. Shall I tell you concretely what they did?

I think that would be poison to a young girl's ears, so I will refuse.

When asked by Louise, Kazane decisively refused. She didn't want to hear about the practice of a mature couple. Then Jiraid arrived.

Hmm, what's wrong?

Louise shrugged her shoulders at the question,

It seems your father overdid it a little with his hustle, so we left because of the smell.

And Jiraid made anAhexpression after Louise's words.

Mother and the cavalry dragons have considerably calmed down, but I guess Father did his best?

It seemed Jiraid had completely regained his trust in his father. He was simple.

So what is Jinrai-san's current condition?

Hmm. I heard almost all of his bones have been reconnected with healing magic. It looks like they'll do a second treatment the day after tomorrow and discharge him in about a week as originally planned.

That's fast.

One week for whole body bone fractures?... she thought, but healing magic was originally developed for combat, so many techniques had a strong effect on fractures and cuts. Although as might be expected, one week wasn't a typical case, but was due to the healing techniques of this country's most prominent hospital. It usually took more time, with a mixture of healing magic and natural healing.

After that, Yumika gradually calmed down, and they left the hospital. After they had lunch at a restaurant, Jiraid took Yumika to the Barnes' spear dojo in accordance with Jinrai's words.

Jinrai ordered her tomaster using spear techniques with both handsduring this week, since he wouldn't be able to act as her opponent. As might be expected, Jiraid thought that was absurd and said so, but Jinrai thought it wasn't impossible, considering the speed of Yumika's growth. Yumika was also eager to live up to her master's expectations.

Therefore, Kazane and the others parted from Yumika and Jiraid in front of the restaurant and went to the Adventurers Guild adjacent tavern. They had an appointment to meet Lyle and Emily there.

Capital City Deer South, Adventurers Guild Adjacent Tavern

It was noon, too early to be merrily drinking alcohol. However, normally people would be having lively lighthearted conversations as they ate, but as soon as Kazane and the others entered the tavern, it went silent as if somebody had turned down the volume knob, and everyone inside  made startled facial expressions and immediately looked down.


Kazane and the others tilted their heads at that situation. They certainly had many memories of being feared, but as might be expected, they had never seen such a reaction the moment they first visited, so of course Kazane and the others found it suspicious.

While wondering what in the world was going on, Lyle and Emily sitting at a table deeper inside beckoned themOver here!with quiet voices. Although they were incredibly curious about the surrounding situation.

It seems the story of my father's door polishing has somehow spread.


Kazane and the others were sitting at the beckoned table, and Lyle and Emily were explaining the situation.

Well, it doesn't seem like anyone specifically leaked the information, though. It seems doors had been successively borrowed from various facilities for two consecutive days, and then there was the uproar yesterday. The Ogre Killing Princess and door polishing is famously connected, so it seems the two events were immediately linked.

Emily frowned as she drank her orange soda.

The story is that the cavalry dragons were rampaging to give you guys a warm welcome to Hyvern, though.


Not only Kazane, but Louise and Naoki were also stunned. Even though the dragons were excessively glaring at them...Kazane thought. Although that was mainly Jinrai.

And, this might be a false rumor, but is it true that you defeated a Crystal Dragon? Just your party?

She wondered why that story came out here, but Kazane nodded and stealthily took the Rainbow Heart out of her Item Box.

Here, as you can see.


Kazane and the other saw Lyle's unbelieving expression. Lyle and Emily didn't know what Kazane and the others did after the Grand Tournament. They had heard that they went to Dongol City and met York, but they didn't hear about them defeating the Crystal Dragon. Then Kazane quickly returned it to the Item Box so the surrounding people wouldn't see it. Since that item was incredibly rare, avoiding public attention was necessary.

It seems there are about 100 adventurers in Dongol City right now.

That's a lot.

It was likely that more people than normal had answered the summons. In a world with low communication development, it wasn't possible to know how many people would come until they arrived. In particular, due to the Crystal Breath, it was a monster that adventurers were normally reluctant to challenge due to limited recovery means, and there was a high possibility of people not showing up even if they were called. So calling for a large number of people was unavoidable.

And so the story is that you guys, a single party, won a complete victory over a dragon that can't be challenged without 100 rank A-B adventurers.

That's too grandiose.

It might be obvious since they defeated the Crystal Dragon as planned, but it requiring 100 adventurers was merely a theory based on the outcome.

Well, that's why they're nervous, right?

Louise said while looking at the surrounding people.

Being rejected by my acquaintances is shocking, though.

Naoki was glancing at people who seemed to be acquaintances, but their faces were lowered and didn't come back up. Rather than rejection, it was possible that they couldn't recognize Naoki was there in the first place.

Isn't that a usual thing?

Aneki's evaluation of me really is low, isn't it.

Naoki, who usually smiled at his sister's jokes (or so he thought), became a little sad.

Well, let's set that problem aside for the time being. Surely time will heal all wounds.

So Kazane said, but regrettably, based on past results, it was more likely that their bad reputation would further spread. Or perhaps even more things would be added to their bad reputation.

So did you tell us to gather here today to accept a quest?

Kazane shook her head after Lyle's question.

It's for the request we're currently on. We have to meet the Guildmaster here.

By this place's Guildmaster, you mean Benzel-san?

After Lyle's question, Kazane repliedNo, I don't know his name, but...

This time we're only talking, so we don't need everyone. I simply want you two to know what our plans are going forward, so I thought it would be best for you to join the discussion.

Louise agreed with those words.

Well, for the time being you are companions, so we can't avoid it, since it might be dangerous.

What does that mean?

Lyle looked at Louise and Kazane with a puzzled gaze.

Nn, it isn't a talk we should have here... right?

Louise nodded after Kazane's question.

The spirit of the words may remain, so it would be best to talk in Benzel's room.

Even if it wasn't as useful as Yuuko-nee's Circlet of Reality Vision's ability to read the chat log, there were spells that could collect the contents of a conversation in a certain place afterwards, and there were also methods to defend against such spells, which should be prepared in a place like a Guildmaster's room.

So then, shall we go visit the Guildmaster at once?

Then the party left the tavern, talked to the receptionist, and were immediately guided to the second floor, where the Guildmaster was located. Furthermore, a voice could be heard sayingWhat kind of people are immediately meeting the Guildmaster?but they didn't worry about it. That was just how it was.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Two Handed SwordBlack Fang, Adhesion SwordGum, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 30

Health: 107

Magic Power: 181+420

Strength: 52+10

Agility: 43+4

Endurance: 29

Wisdom : 57

Dexterity : 38

Spell : Fly Torch Fire HealFirestormHealer RayHigh Heal

Skill : Warrior's Memory Night Vision Crushing Blow Dogs Sense of Smell Golem Maker: Lv3 Rush Fire Principle: Third Chapter Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter Air Jump: Lv2 Killing Leg: Lv3 Fear Voice Invisible Tiger Eye Wall Walking Intuition Cheat Death NimbleChargeMaterial ShieldInformation LinkOptical CamouflageDashBloodsucking BladeDragonizationRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy PlacementThunder ChariotSturdy TeethCrystallization

Kazane: So you like urinary bedpans, eh?

Yumika: Eh, no, that's wron...

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