NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 139: The Loot

Chapter 139: The Loot

The items he gained weren't much, only five items resided in his inventory. "This few?" he muttered and just the number of them made him unable to remove the thought to go back and collect the others off his head.

Yet he wasn't that impulsive to do so, or else he would risk losing everything.

"Sigh, let's see what these five are first," he muttered , trying to console himself by what he gained.

The first item he took out was an orb. It was white and light, almost fist size. It seemed not special at all.

"Investigate," he muttered and then the information about it shocked him.

"Orb of truth: a special item made by an unknown old being. The orb can remove any sealing no matter what rank it is. It can be used once per day for removing simple seals, once per week to remove advanced seals, and once a month to remove special seals. Player can use it to unlock the seal in his current quest for free."

"Oh, so this is what Bloom is looking for?" he glanced again at it without knowing what to say. "He will get that seal removed and I will have a seal breaker for life, hehehe," he stored the orb with his expectations hitting the roof. "What about this? Investigate."

He held a strange horn which looked tattered and with no special thing about it. Time left its touch over it; a long crack over its body and rough circular edge. He held the curved milky white horn in hand while reading its description.

"Horn of the fallen legion: Legends say the fallen mines were once mighty empires where everyone lived in peace and harmony thanks to a legendary legion. Yet one day an apocalypse hit that legion and since then the mines were turned to such desolate places.

This horn is one of the ways to summon the legion remaining to date. It's broken and now considered a worthless item. Blowing into it will summon a small legion of fifty footmen with levels equal to that of the player. They will remain for one hour only.

To repair the horn for one level; one hundred light legion orbs are needed."

"Hmm never heard of such an item or orbs," he muttered while storing the horn, "fifty footmen is a very nice number; yet they only will have my level,' he shook his head in regret.

If this could summon higher levels footmen then he would consider it a godly item. "I hope one day I could fix one layer and see the changes."

He then took the next item, it was a token that had two words engraved on each pentagonal golden surface of it.


"Guild establishing token: Gold grade. Player can use it to establish a gold grade guild. For more information, please refer to your local mayor."

"Wow, a guild token!!!" he was speechless, as such an item wouldn't easily fall. "If I recall it right, then establishing a guild isn't accessible to players before level thirty," he said to himself before storing the token.

"This is a precious item, but I know nothing about the grades of the guilds," he thought of asking the mayor, but he feared the mayor might have some freak scout skills and discover his truth as a dark player. "I should ask Nara to do it," he didn't hesitate and opened the chat with her.

"I want to ask you a favor."

"No way, you ran away and left me alone!" she seemed quite angry at what he did back there for her.

"Sorry, I have this thing to do."

"It's called quest genius," she sent before adding, "and you can trust me on this. Aren't we best friends?"

"I thought we are lovers," he teased back before adding, "I want you to go and ask around about the grades of guilds."

"Guilds? Never heard they have grades!" she sent before adding after moments of pause, "from where did you hear such info?"

"Just go to the mayor and ask him."

"The MAYOR! Who do you think I'm? meeting him is impossible!"

He didn't put this into his consideration. Prestigious NPCs were so hard to meet. "Sigh, just try at least."

"I will, and I know I will fail!"

"Then find a way to ask around and get this info for me," he refrained from saying she was the daughter of one of the owners of the company developing this game after all! "Just try, it's important for me."

"Tell me why and I will get you the bottom of it."

"One day you will know."

"C'mon, aren't we best friends?"

"I thought we were lovers, hehehe."

"Stop fooling around and tell me!"

"Sorry, I have to go."

"I won't get the answer to you then!"

He closed the chat with a big smile over his face. He loved speaking and playing with her. "What will her reaction be when she knows about my true identity? Hehehe!" he was in a good mood right now.

As for her last threat, he knew her curiosity would beat her anger. "Three are down, let's see the other two."

He took out a strange device that was made entirely of a metal like ore. It was cold, the size of two big hands fanned together. It had a central hole with twelve arms ending up in two thin circles. "What is this?" he muttered while feeling how special this item was.

"Investigate!" as he didn't have a clue he used his skill to see through this item.

"The hand of angels: a special item left by a fallen civilization a long time ago. Some would consider it a relic to the angel shrine if not for being broken and missing many pieces.

Currently its only function is the shield creation. Player has to put gold coins in the central hole and the item will generate a shield that will cover an area of ten meters to one kilometer radius around him.

The range, the duration, and the durability of the shield will depend entirely on the amount of gold coins used."

"A pit hole for my coins?!" he was speechless for a moment before adding, "Angel shrine? Never met any elder of it so far."

He read the info again and this time he was seriously thinking about the implications of it. "In fact it's quite handy, despite it didn't specifying how much coins it will suck from me," he stored it and with his Pandora box he wouldn't worry about any gold coins.

"I just have to hijack some caravans," he smiled while taking out the last item. It was a piece of old paper with strange writings over it.


"The owner parchment of a pet: Quest item. Can't be used at the moment. Please refer to your quest and NPC responsible for it for more information."

"Wow, never thought pets will have ownership certificates!" he was speechless before storing the paper. "I have to ask him then."

He was already near the sealed entrance to the fallen mine. In less than five minutes he arrived there, seeing the other Bloom waiting for him with a grin over his face.

"You did it! You did it!" the NPC shouted like a kid celebrating a school vacation!

"Yes, why are you happier than me?" Bloom said with a chuckle, "C'mon, tell me what this paper is," he took the owner's parchment and handed it over.

"Oh, you also got some other stuff from the box!"

"Sure, I won't leave things behind if possible, right?"

"Clever and daring," the NPC said while pointing to this paper as he added, "this is an ownership for the pets inside."

"I know, but never heard of pets requiring such a thing before," Bloom said while adding, "pets use contracts based on the game, right?"

"Good point, which makes this old piece of paper priceless."

"In which way?"

"See, with this you can simply steal any pet from any player provided that you killed him and activated the paper. No matter what type it's, ground or flying, common or mythic, even if it was player bound; with this you can steal anything," NPC Bloom smiled evilly as he added, "and the most powerful thing ever is that you have no limited slots for this! Only time limit, once per week."

Bloom's eyes shone when he heard these words. "Can I force a monster to be a pet?"

"Sure, but this will make this paper worthless after that," he answered before adding, "I don't recommend that."

"Hmm I think you are right," Bloom said before his evil mind started to think of many situations he could use this godly parchment to his best interest.

"Hehehe, bring it back," he took the paper from the hands of the other Bloom while carefully storing it. "You will be my precious baby, hehehe."

NPC Bloom glanced at him with weird looks. "You are more evil than I, I like you Bloom."

"Sure, after all we share the same name. they say names carry fate, so we might share the same fate as well," Bloom said.

"I wouldn't put any hopes on that," the NPC shook his head, "after all my life is quite miserable so far."

Bloom could perfectly relate with his words. "Don't worry, we'll change that," he said while taking out the orb, "shall we go inside and change that poor fate of yours?"

The eyes of the NPC shone with joy as he said: "Sure, give it to me and let's start."

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