NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 141: Fighting Dark Monsters

Chapter 141: Fighting Dark Monsters

Bloom already knew about the weakening effect after each time a special skill was used. "I just hope their super skills will negate each other," he hoped while moving towards the remaining monster.

As he approached it, the monster focused its gaze before it howled.

"Playing dirty from the start!" Bloom recalled the words of the NPC Bloom who stood on the side, like a cheer squad member, shouting: "It's going to charge!"

"Tsk, I know, idiot," Bloom saw the monster start to hit his hooves on the ground preparing to move. "Though I'm very enticed to try our two charges against each other, let's start the fight nice and smooth Pause!"

Just as the monster was about to move, he pointed his hand towards it and activated the pause skill, freezing the monster in place for a moment, breaking the skill.


And then he used his own charge skill, to move fast and hit the monster with its sword. "How much will you be stunned?" he muttered to himself when his sword hit the monster, carrying that giant behemoth in the air for a couple of meters before the two landed heavily on the ground.

"Holy sh*t! this simple hit depleted one fourth of the monster's Hp!!!"

Just as the two landed and the skill ended, Bloom was shocked to see the damage appearing on top of the monster's head; thirty thousand damage points that cleared one fourth of the monster's Hp.

"That means their Hp is over a hundred thousand and their defense is below zero!" he was very excited, as right now he didn't even care about any supreme skill or gigantic size! "What all of these matter if I don't give you time to use them?" he laughed before turning to his clones:

"Boys, use dash and stun them, then they all yours, hahaha!" he was excited and he didn't even hurry to kill the monster he had right now. He used stab all the time, yet even his stab created damage ranging between twelve and twenty thousand points per hit!

"You didn't say they are weak!" Bloom said to the NPC who was laughing, "I told you, you can kill them!"

"You played me back there," Bloom was in a great mood, as after killing the three behemoths the Xp his new dolls received was big enough to make them raise five levels in one go! That was great considering their great number!

The NPC glanced at Bloom with doubtful looks. He didn't think his stats were that high! The monsters didn't have weak defenses, instead their defense was high. "Sigh, I'm walking beside a monster!" he said to himself, before inwardly laughing, "but that's my lucky day, hahaha!"

Bloom moved, and the next three monsters he faced didn't startle him or even make him move a single finger! "three use dash, others go and kill them," he simply ordered his army of clones and the next minute these monsters were already killed.

"Not even a single coin dropped, tsk," Bloom checked the tenth group drop, and he found nothing there but dark dust!

"These are all dark creatures, so they won't drop gold coins, they will drop something else," the NPC said.

"They just dropped these grain-like black sand!" Bloom carried the black sand in hand and showed it to the NPC.

"Sure, these aren't useful to any player or to NPCs. Only dark players and dark NPCs will crave for this."

"What?!!" the moment Bloom heard his words he couldn't move his gaze away from these black grains. "What is special about this useless sh*t?" he hurried to correct his words and attitude, so the NPC wouldn't suspect anything.

"These are like gold coins to us in their world, can't recall what they were called to be honest contribution points perhaps? Can't remember!"

"You gotta be kidding me!" Bloom glanced at this black sand that turned from worthless to priceless in a mere moment. "What about those we killed?" he glanced at the back, the path they came from, "sigh, I lost a lot of fortune this way."

The NPC seemed puzzled especially when Bloom ordered his dolls to collect this sand and give it to him. "I just love not leaving behind anything that can be sold," he said, reasoning himself.

"But this is only useful to dark players and NPCs, not normal players and NPCs," the NPC thought Bloom misunderstood him, so he tried to state the facts again.

"Sure, I know, but who knows what I might pump into in the future? Right? One has to be ready all the time," Bloom said, but as he didn't convince the NPC with his words, he used another method.

"Wow, look at my dolls working hard, aren't they sexy?" he said while distracting the NPC off his issue into the girls he loved.

And the NPC just fell into the trap easily like a simple child!

"Wow, I love them!!" he shouted and like a pervert he started to jump in place. "Hahaha, calm down monkey, let's leave them work and go to fight those incomings," Bloom was glad he managed to shift the topic away from the matter of the black sand.

"Never thought these points were this small!" he thought while stealing a quick glance over the thirty-nine girls. They did as he asked and stored the sand into their inventory.

"Transfer them to me," he sent this message in the team channel, and they complied.

"Wow, three monsters gave me ten thousand points! Damn! I lost a lot with those left over monsters," he shook his head in regret. If he had gathered all the sand from before, he would have now over a hundred thousand points at least.

But when he heard the howls of pain coming from the monsters up front, he changed his vision about this place. "I will clean everything here!" he vowed, as he couldn't let such an opportunity slip away.

He knew that the fallen mines were filled with normal monsters, not dark ones. That meant this was a rare chance that wouldn't be repeated again.

"It seems I'm bound to go for higher items, hehehe," he was already picturing the auction big items he neglected before because he was poor. Right now he had over a quarter million points in his inventory. "If this continues, I will be a tycoon in the dark world, hahaha!"

He turned to glance at his thirty-nine girls, they had crossed his level long time ago. Now, the weakest was level twenty, and the highest was twenty two.

"After reaching level twenty, their growth stagnates," he muttered, as they moved like rockets to level twenty, then they seemed like snails!

"I hope this is just a temporary effect," he knew if this continued then the great level advantage between players and his dolls would eventually be eliminated. "Except if I worked all the time to level them up," he thought before deciding to buy more dolls.

In time he cleared all the monsters in the forest, he had over two hundred girls, each was level twenty at least and the highest was twenty three. "I have enough points to buy seeds for all of their tokens," he was excited by his sudden wealth.

After what he spent, he still had over seven hundred thousand points in his account.

"Where is the forest? Where are the monsters?" Bloom asked as he found himself standing in front of an open terrain like the one he came from.

"The mines are divided into ten layers, we just crossed the first layer, so nine layers left to go," the NPC said while one of the girls was moving in front of him right and left, making his eyes roll with her and ignoring what other girls were doing with the black sand.

They just killed a group of three monsters. Since these girls had their levels increased above level fifteen, Bloom added them to the fight. His clones' time was over fast, yet he didn't need to summon them again.

His dolls learnt all his basic skills; dash, stab, even ground beaker skill. They could handle these monsters easily without being killed.

With their huge number, it seemed like he had two hundred times of dash skills to use! "This feeling is awesome!" Bloom muttered in excitement as he moved through the open plain, heading towards the next forest.

He was already immersed in killing monsters and gaining dark sand that he didn't think much about the quest in hand. "We are moving in the same direction of the quest, right?" he said to himself when he thought of fanning out his girls and letting them massacre this entire city like locusts; leaving not a single black grain of sand behind!

But the next words of the NPC on his side made him hesitate. "Don't underestimate the next forest, monsters there move in large groups and might pump into more than one group at the same time."

Bloom glanced at him and recalled something he forgot; this NPC should be around to use his skill to make all the monsters attacking them lower and weaker. He sighed, as the dream of completely wiping out the entire forest in no time was gone!

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