NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 142: The Quest Is Getting Harder

Chapter 142: The Quest Is Getting Harder

As the NPC warned, the moment he stepped into the next forest, the number of monsters in each group increased from three to ten. It wasn't also rare to have more than one group attacking him.

But the simple fact of their weakness against his team's attacks was still present. "I don't know how you do it, but these monsters shouldn't be that fragile!"

The NPC was speechless at how efficiently Bloom and his team cleared the monsters. "Their defenses are so weak, that's all," Bloom shrugged while watching his dolls collecting the black sand from the ground after killing two groups of monsters. "Still no gears," he sighed as after killing all these numbers of monsters he only gained the auction points and one more level.

His girls gained more than one level, but not monstrous like before. The luckiest one had three levels so far, making the weakest one was level twenty three and the highest at twenty seven.

"These are dark creatures, they can't be considered like the normal monsters of your leveling grounds," the NPC said before adding, "you won't get a single thing out of them if you didn't belong to the dark world of theirs!"

His words made Bloom pause for a second there. "Do you mean if we had a dark player here, the loot would be different than a useless sand?" he said, trying to get to the bottom of this without exposing himself.

"Hahaha, very laughable! Do you think these dark players or NPCs are friendly? Don't plan to befriend one of them; they are all tricky and toxic!"

'C'mon, I'm one of them,' Bloom sneered inwardly before saying out loud: "But you said the loot will be different, we can have some gears, right?"

"You can't call them gears," the NPC annoyingly said while they started heading towards the next group of dark monsters, "if a dark player or NPC was the one killing them, then he would have a reward from the dark world. I believe they have them in their communication network; do you know they have their own private network than us?"

Bloom was lost here, yet he avoided directly asking him about his doubts. "Go and kill them," he said to his dolls who were now much stronger than him. "You mean systems like chat rooms or special team arrangements?" he asked.

"No, I meant their dark inner systems like auction houses, bounty houses, mercenary houses, things like these."

The words of him managed to startle Bloom again! He swallowed his throat, not knowing how he should react or say. "Go and attack the next group," he hurriedly shouted with much excitement to his dolls.

"C'mon, they didn't yet kill this group!" the NPC groaned and Bloom just tried to control himself.

'I killed a lot! Does that mean I will have many gears there?' he didn't delay and opened the auction while the NPC was busy complaining: "Don't put them in such risk, they are just beautiful little girls."

"Alright, focus on this group girls and then head for the other," he casually said without moving his eyes from the screen in front of him.

'C'mon, where are these rewards?' he opened the auction interface yet nothing appeared to him. He glanced at the items auctioned fast, before opening the side bars with nothing there to help.

'What? Was I deprived from the right to gain rewards?' he muttered to himself before checking the side bars again.

And this time he found something that he missed amidst his hurry. 'A special Bloom quest taskbar what the hell is that?' he noticed this small icon that was easily missed by him.

"What are you looking at?" suddenly the NPC asked, after noticing how weird Bloom was.

"Ah, it's nothing," Bloom shrugged before pointing to the interface, "I can't contact any of my friends, and that's weird!"

"Oh, that's not strange at all. We are in a special zone, so no external communication will work."

"Really?" Bloom faked his ignorance before he glanced at the interface again as he faked his puzzlement.

Instead he was very excited about what he found! 'So these are the rewards! I like this game!!' he muttered to himself while he tried to control his excitement.

The rewards for killing these lord ranked dark monsters weren't gear, materials, or wealth; it was the right to issue quests for other dark players and NPCs to select and finish.

The amazing thing about these quests was they were given to him as rewards! 'I don't need to pay anything and in return I will gain the benefits of these quests when completed!' He was so excited about these, especially when most of the quests were regarding caravan hijacking and even there was a mission about kidnapping a wealthy merchant's daughter and asking for ransom!

'These quests wow!' he glanced again at them, they were ten quests so far, automatically activated and assigned, with a meter to show him when the next reward would be added.

'I need to kill a hundred more of these monsters to gain one more slot! That's amazing!' he was speechless for a moment there while marveling at the dark mind of this game developer.

"Told you, you can't contact anyone at all," yet the NPC mistook his shock and puzzlement. "C'mon, the girls have already killed another group of monsters and they are heading to the next."

Bloom glanced at him before realizing he wasn't alone. 'I'll come back again to check these further in details,' he muttered to himself while closing the interface. "Let's go," he said with a pure smile and good mood.

He was really in a great mood at the moment!

'Everything is heading for me to be a tycoon in the dark world, hehehe!' he came here to destroy and ruin the game, yet strangely he found even his misdoings had a place in the game as well!

'Sigh, it wasn't a mere fluke for this game to gain all that success back in the past,' he shook his head and the NPC just glanced at him wondering who he was trying to call to make him like this.

"We cleared the second forest faster than I thought," the NPC said in surprise as he turned to Bloom, "what's your secret?" he suddenly asked.

"Secret?" Bloom tried to be collected, "I have none!"

"No, you have one. These monsters are strong! Even if I affected their levels, their stats would stay high, especially their defense! See their Hp? It's enormous considering yours, and so defense should be so high like this. But in front of you and other girls, they looked like they had no defense at all! So what's your secret, kid?"

Bloom inwardly sighed as he nodded his head in understanding. For a moment there he thought this old version of him had already discovered his truth, or suspected it.

"I'm just oblivious to this as you!" He tried to act ignorant, and did this brilliantly as he didn't know anything about this.

He thought this was the nature of these monsters. But when he heard the NPC words, he had a realization that what he said was a fact.

These monsters had great defense values, but in front of him and his dolls they had zero defense value. "Anyway, this has a great help to us in the quest, right?" he said, trying to close this topic.

"I admit that, but it's still weird!" the NPC didn't plan to drop this topic, and as Bloom feared he kept blabbering about it during the next two forests.

They met larger groups of monsters, reaching fifty now at the fifth forest, and Bloom had to fight three to five groups at the same time!

Even if his dolls were tyrannically strong, they couldn't overwhelm these large numbers easily.

"Tsk, this forest is hard to pass!" Bloom admitted while the NPC complained: "But you kill them in a couple of attacks like flies! That's weird!"

"Can you shut up?!!" Bloom shouted at him, "you aren't helping here!"

"Ok, but that's weird!"

Bloom glanced at the NPC in a very threatening way making the NPC shut up. Bloom just stunned one monster before jumping to another to stun using his cloud of fog skill. The number of these monsters was getting out of control, and he believed if this rate kept increasing in the next forest, he had to find another way to kill them!

"Watch out!" suddenly the NPC shouted, not at Bloom but at one of the girls. Bloom glanced at her to see her falling on the ground and died under the hooves of five monsters at the same time!

"And losses can't be avoided," he sighed before trying his best to stun as many as he could, plus using his movable skills to evade the incoming charges at him.

"My precious girl," the NPC cried, really crying on the side of the killed girl. Bloom sighed while he sneakily took out his token and took her body back.

"I can resurrect her later with her fallen sisters," he muttered before watching her body vanish and the NPC was really devastated by that.

"You look sad," Bloom said, teasing him.

"Shut up and focus to kill them before they kill more of my precious girls!"

"Tsk, only asking and shouting, won't you step in and help to protect them?" Bloom sneered while the NPC glared back.

"I can't! I only can lower their levels at this stage," he said in a grim face and tone. "You need to kill them and protect the girls, this is your quest," he added.

"Sigh, I never signed for a girl protection quest," Bloom joked while turning to the fight again, "don't worry, I will do my best to help," he lied.

After all they were just tools for him to control and for them to die for his own benefit!

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