Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 438: Xiao tianyao's memory (3)

Chapter 438: Xiao tianyao's memory (3)

Xiao Tianyao felt light headed when he heard Modama was talking to him for the second time.

"Why don't you come to Luna, now?" He suggested.

Something was burning inside his body when he heard his voice, he fought the darkness with all his might, yet it wasn't enough for him to gain the upper hand and stay intact with his mind.

In front of him, Ye Bai peered at Xiao Tianyao through his shoulder and watched the young General was struggling to keep his head up.

Something snapped at him as horror filled his eyes when he realized what was going to happen.

"Xiao Tianyao! Snap out of it!" He snarled at him when he saw Xiao Tianyao almost lost it. He would be going under Modama's control if he didn't fight back.

And two things happened at the same time. Gong Xu leaped high in the air and pointed his sword down at him, ready to stab his skull, Ye Bai caught out off guard by his sudden moved.

At the same time he was surprised by the excruciating pain from his back. Out of instinct he whipped his head, only to see Xiao Tianyao had slashed him on the back while he paid attention on Gong Xu.

Ye Bai snapped his focus back and managed to avoid the fatal attack that Gong Xu would have brought by a sheer luck.

Ye Bai was rolling on the ground while his blood spread over the ground on the processes. He stopped a few meter away and his blood has mixed with dirt as the anguish pain kept him down, bending his body as he threw a series of coughs of blood.

Ye Bai's eyes mixed with dread and sorrow as he watched Xiao Tianyao approached him with steady step. When he was halfway from him, suddenly he speed up and lunged his sword toward his neck, made another slash moved.

He managed to dodge it but it didn't spare his arm from being cut.

Ye Bai let out a low growled when his blood spurted all over his body once again. Xiao Tianyao seemingly didn't feel any pain when he moved his injured arms, even when his face gradually became pale from the blood lost, his expression still as calm as ever.

"Stop." Modama said faintly. "Let him die slowly." He chuckled by his own words.

It was his thing; letting his enemy faced the painful death as he watched their life slowly faded away. This was more amusing than killed them right away. Modama liked the sight of his enemy dead in their own pool of blood.

"Xiao Tianyao" Modama drawled when he called his name. "Since you had taken away my daughter from me, why don't you kill her for me as well?"

Modama's eyes were sparkling with his sudden idea. Luna didn't do any good for him now, since she didn't follow his order anymore, even more, she could be a threat because of the power that she possessed.

He wouldn't let anyone to threat his life, not even his own daughter. If her life didn't benefit him, then her death would do.

"Father" Gong Xu faltered.

He didn't believe his father would kill his own flesh and blood without even thought about it. No matter how evil his father, Gong Xu would never have thought that he was capable to give such an order.

"You will kill your own daughter" Gong Xu's voice was barely a whisper.

Modama narrowed his eyes by his statement and said distastefully. "I give her live and I will be the one who take it."

After he said that, he directed his attention toward Xiao Tianyao and with bright face his voice thundered when he imposed his final verdict on Xiao Tianyao to end his wife's life.

"Kill Luna and your son, and keep an eye on them while their lives will fade. You will feel the pain of killing someone you love and you will bear it as long as you live."

With that, Xiao Tianyao set off to the direction of the Capital City, where Luna and his son had been waiting for his return.

He was coming to his little family now

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