Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 439: Gong xu's change

Chapter 439: Gong xu's change

Killing his own daughter was one thing, but to let Xiao Tianyao bear the pain for his whole life was the other thing that Modama thought was better than killed him right away.

The guilty and anger would gnaw his life away and it was amusing to watch how he would live his life with that pain.

Modama's eyes lit up.

He had lost his daughter long time ago when she decided to turn her back against her father and the consequence of her little act was death.

"Father you will kill my sister" Gong Xu looked back and forth from the departing figure of Xiao Tianyao and his father, he was broken.

"She is not your sister anymore!" Modama roared. "Don't say a word against my order!"

It was getting out of hand, he had been endured it since long time for the way his father treated him and his sister, but it was too much.

Gong Xu looked at the man in front of him with dull eyes as the voice that came out from his mouth wasn't sound like his. "And you are no longer my father since you have been trying to kill me as well." His voice was devoid from any emotion.

Gong Xu saw Modama's eyes flickered with surprised, all of this time Gong Xu would never say anything against him. He always tried his best to meet up his father expectation since he wasn't born with a gift like his sister.

However, enough was enough. His father has gone too far by killing her.

"You defy me?" Modama glared at his son, he was the last person that he thought would go against him. "You dare to defy me!?"

Gong Xu turned around and ready to go after Xiao Tianyao. But

"I will kill you if you dare to take another step away."

He stood still and turned around to face his father, but the way he looked at him had changed.

"I should have done this long time ago." Gong Xu said in low voice.

"Fine." Modama snickered. "All I have to do is make you obey me again."

Gong Xu knew it would happen. His sister had warned him about this and he came prepared.

"No father, you can't manipulate me to bow down at you again. No after what you have done or what you are going to do with my sister." Gong Xu loved his sister and gave her more respect than what he gave to his father.

"I want to see you are trying to resist this, you little failure!" He snarled.

Modama moved very fast toward Gong Xu and in the next second he had Gong Xu on his death grip as his eyes bore into his.

Yet, the thing that Modama supposed to happen never did.

Gong Xu stared his father right back in his eyes as a triumphant smile made its way to his lips. "I am not a failure father" He held his father grip on his neck with his left hand. "I am an achievement."

Gong Xu release his father grip and trashed his hand away, shock was written all over his face this time, he didn't know why his manipulation didn't work, but this fact shock him to the core.

This thing never had happened before.

In his shock, suddenly Gong Xu scattered powder from his pocket. Out of instinct, modama raised his hands to cover his face.

Gong Xu was proficient in poison and he was a practitioner of herbalism, thus whatever powder he had threw off of his face wouldn't be something good.

"You bastard!!!" Modama hollered as he felt his face was gradually getting hot.

"Do you think my sister is a threat because her ability will eventually surpass you?" Gong Xu dusted the remaining powder from his hand. "I am the one who concoct a medicine so you can enhance your ability. I am the one who had created a medicine for your soldier so they could follow every instruction that you gave them and much more that I have done for you. But, you call me failure?"

Gong Xu, gave him a sinister smile that mirror his father so well. "Think about that again before you call me a failure."

Modama felt the chill run down from his spine to look his sweet son turned evil. He needed to get away from him. He didn't know what powder that Gong Xu had inflicted on him, because right now he felt his face was burning.

And that what he did.

Modama backed away and leapt through the forest while covering his burning face.

In the other hand Gong Xu didn't take a fancy to chase after his father. His sister was in great danger he wouldn't waste any second on his father.

He glanced at Ye Bai who was still crouching down on the ground, alive but not moving, before he chased after Xiao Tianyao.

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