ReLife Player

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

[When the Fox Rain Stops].

Parents Day was approaching.

In elementary school, students wrote letters and made carnations for their parents, just like every year. Eunha also prepared his grandmothers share.

But this year, his dad was too busy to visit his grandmother.

[Its a letdown!]

What? What did you say?

[Sam Sam Hemington! He came to our neighborhood with his Bentley a while ago! No Eunha, havent you seen a celebrity?]

Jin Parang quickly changed the topic.

Eunha couldnt hide his disappointment.

Anyway, it seems like I wont be able to go this time, so please take care of Grandma, hyung.

Well send the carnations and letters we prepared via delivery service, so please receive them well. If you throw them away, you know what will happen, right? Ill send you plenty of cookies, thinking of you, even if you forget

[What? Cookies? What cookies?]

Eunha couldnt believe his ears when he heard Jin Parang talking about cookies.

Somehow, he felt like he would devour the cookies and ignore the letters and carnations.

I told you. If you forget You know, Acrobatic Gymnastics number 8, right? Ill visit during Chuseok, so look forward to it.

[Arent you going overboard with this? Do you realize how annoying it is every time you mention Grandma, who takes care of me, feeds me, and puts me to sleep, while I endure it?]

Just make sure you do well, and dont neglect your mana control and telepathy training. Im only saying this because Im worried about you.

[Are you saying that out of concern for me?! You cant even touch me!]


Eunha pressed the red handset button, not really listening to what Jin parang was saying.

After returning the phone to his mom, who was working in the kitchen, he turned to Eunae, who was waiting at the front door.

Oppa, did Parang finish his call?

Hes just finishing up now. He sounded healthy by the sound of his voice.

I wanted to call him too.

Why? What did you want to call him about?

Bathe well and take care of the house!

My oppa said something similar.

Eunha grabbed Eunaes hand, who smiled brightly.

Eunae treated Jin-parang like a big dog.

When she found dog food at the discount store, her eyes would light up as she would say, Food for Parang!

Now lets go.


A few days earlier, Eunhyuk had mentioned that he was tired of handing his parents letters and carnations every Parents Day.

So the kids decided to bake cookies under Seonas guidance.

Eunae, who was present at the time, decided to join in.

Why are you so late, I thought I told you to be on time?

Im only 5 minutes late.

Dont you realize thats longer than a drama commercial?

No, I dont.

Hello, unnie!

Hi, Eunae.

Min-ji, who was waiting with her arms crossed, couldnt say anything about Eunae.

Eunha walked past a frustrated Minji and headed for the bus stop.

Eventually, Minji caught up to him, grumbling.

Hey, guys, welcome home.

Hi, Eunae, youre here too, huh?

We arrived at Cafe Happiness not long after getting off the bus.

As they walked through the door, they were greeted by Jung Seok-hoon in an apron and Min Su-jin at the counter.

Min Su-jins belly has swelled considerably in the past few months.

Shes expecting a baby by the end of the year.

Hello, baby, how are you?

When Caf is born, will Eunae take care of the baby like with Avernier?

Yes! I cant wait to see the baby

Really? Caf wants to see you too.

Eunae hugged her stomach with her short arms.

Min su-jin smiled as she looked down at her swollen belly.

By the way, is the babys name Cafe?

Huh? Umm, it happened by accident. Doesnt it suit us well?

Well, yeah.

Eunha shrugged.

In the life he remembered, there were no children between Jung Seok-hoon and Min Su-jin.

There were only baseless rumors that she had difficulty getting pregnant.

Eunha hoped that Hayangs sibling would be born safely.

May this happiness continue for her.

What are you doing not coming in?

Thats right, captain, hurry up to the kitchen!

Youll be in trouble if you keep us waiting.

Hayang poked her head out of the kitchen and puffed up her cheeks.

In the kitchen, preparations to make cookies were in full swing.

Eunha tied the straps of his apron, glancing at Seona as she gave Eunhyuk instructions.

Eunae also received help from him in wearing her apron.

You do this, Eunha.

I just need to stir it, right?

Dont let the butter and eggs separate!

Wearing a white bandana on her head, Seona moved around the kitchen, assigning roles to the children.

Eunae took on the role of mixing flour, baking soda, and baking powder with Minji.

Eunha and Eunhyuk had to use a mixer to make the cream from the ingredients inside the bowl.

Seona was working hard.

She didnt hesitate to mention that she used to make cookies for children at church.

In a soothing voice, she instructed the kids who didnt know what to do.

But what kind of cookies are we making?

Chocolate chip cookies.

Making the cream was unexpectedly difficult.

Eunha, who was also making the cream, asked Eunhyuk, who was similarly focused on his task, while getting cream on his nose.

He asked while pulling him closer to make sure he didnt miss a spot.

Chocolate chips?

Why, Eunha, dont you like them?

No? I like everything sweet.

Eunha answered as he chopped walnuts beside him.

He couldnt resist anything sweet.

Of course, he also liked chocolate chips.

When eaten with milk, there was no better snack.

The reason he perked up at the mention of chocolate chips was that it reminded him of the time Baekryeon used to enjoy them as a snack.

That was when she was in elementary school.

Not just in elementary school.

She had retained her childlike taste even as she grew older.

Of course, also when she had just entered adulthood.

Who are you thinking of right now?

No one.


Eunha turned his head away from Hayang, who was asking with her chubby cheeks.

They had to make the cream.

Eunae and Minji were also waiting for the amount they prepared.

Come to think of it Do you guys know this? I read it in a book last time, but chocolate chips were made by a restaurant owner who accidentally put chocolate in cookie dough.

As she was chopping walnuts, Hayang spoke up as if she had just remembered something.

The children had to hear about the birth process of chocolate chips as their hands moved.

I know that!

Eunhyuk suddenly changed the subject.

Speaking of chocolate chips! In the land of non-moist chocolate chips, there lived non-moist chocolate chips. In the land of moist chocolate chips, moist chocolate chips looked at the non-moist chocolate chips

Eunhyuk, thats not how you do it. Its like this. In the land of non-moist chocolate chips, non-moist chocolate chips living in the land of moist chocolate chips saw moist chocolate chips

You guys are making me hate chocolate chips.

Eunhas head was spinning from hearing the words moist and chocolate chip flying everywhere.

If he went home at this rate, hed be muttering about the chocolate chip land in his sleep.

He decided to stay away from the kids who were playing with the wordplay.

Finally, he finished his work.

No Eunha! Where are you going? We still need to make the dough!

Thats your job, Mukminji. Im too tired to do it!

Captain! Dont you know what youre doing? Did you forget? If she does it!

Eunhyuk, who had been competing with Seona, grabbed Eunha in surprise.

Only now did Eunha realize it.

Handing it over to Minji wouldnt convey gratitude to their parents; it would imply something else.

Now, after putting flour, baking soda, and baking powder into the butter, add chocolate and mix

Seona, why dont you add salt to this, dont you think it would be nice to have a sweet and salty flavor?

Huh? If you do that, then.

Uh! I have a great idea now! Hayang, dont you have cheese in the cafe?

Kim Minji, who seemed to suddenly remember something, spoke joyfully as if shouting Eureka.

Eunae also felt happy, following her.

Just staying quiet is enough to complete half. But why does she always have to make a fuss?

Captain, look at Kim Minjis face right now. Her expression is like shes already found the One Piece!

No, its more like she cant differentiate whether what shes trying to do is poop or soybean paste.

Eunha and Eunhyuk gossiped.

Seona and Hayang were panicking when they saw Minji searching the kitchen for cheese.

Hey, Minji, stop with the theatrics!

What? Dont stop me. Just taste my cookies and get ready to cry.

Hey, Kim Min-ji, why dont you make those tears now?

Whats up with Choi Eunhyuk again?

Minji ignored the two of them as if they werent worth the trouble.

She was determined to find the salt and cheese no matter what.

Wait, but arent you supposed to just divide the dough?

Exactly, Captain!

Jung Hayang, how many bowls do you have for the dough?

Um, four!

Jung Hayang shouted after checking the number of bowls available.

The children, who were in different places, locked eyes as if they had made an unspoken agreement.

Wouldnt it be enough if Minji made it alone?

Hey, how about Minji, Seona, and I make them together?

You two, Jin seona, Jung hayang, dont you know what Minji is like?

Thats right! Do you think Min-ji will stay quiet?

Unnie! Oppa! Eunae cant wait to eat!

There are only 4 bowls? And only 4 oven pans? This wont work then

How many of the centurys great discoveries do I have to make for people to notice At least, I want to make enough for two people

Did you hear that? Minji is that kind of person! Shes going to drag at least one person with her. I dont want to! I dont want to send the nuns to heaven!

Jin-seona, you finally spoke your mind! But you said it well! I want to see my mom and dad until the day I die!

If we make a new batch of dough now No! Were out of ingredients!

Unnie! Oppa! Eunae cant wait to eat!

It was a total mess.

The children didnt want to destroy Minjis illusion.

To be more precise, they didnt want to deal with the aftermath of destroying Minjis illusion.

For me I have my noona and Eunae. I dont want to make my noona and younger sister cry.

Me neither. I have a younger sibling who will be born this year. I want to be happy.

I have to take care of the children at church.

Me too Me too, just like you! I have a puppy at home!

Unnie! Oppa! Eunae wants to eat quickly!

Hey! Wait a minute!

The children fought to protect each other.

It was a fight that seemed like it would never end.

If it werent for the insight flashing through Eunhas mind

We could have just made the dough with Eunae and baked them together. Just give Minji one piece of dough.

Captain, youre the best!

Thats true!

Thank you, Eunha!

The children shouted in excitement.

Eunae jumped around, not understanding what was going on.

Meanwhile, Minji, who was taking out salt from the cupboard

Why are they like that? Theyre really weird kids. Ugh, if I dont play with them, who will?

She clicked her tongue as if to express her contempt.

Parents Day has passed.

The children expressed their gratitude to their respective parents.

Grandma, who received a package, sent a message saying she enjoyed the cookies.

In the photo sent through his mom, there was Jin parang, standing at the front door with a cookie in his mouth. Four paper carnations were hanging above Jin parang.

Grandma seemed to want to show off the paper carnations he made for the neighbors this year too.

Eunha, Minji, hello.


Hey Hayang, hi

As Eunha walked to school today, he listened to Minjis nagging again today, and met Hayang at the shoe rack.

Hayang was waiting for the two to change into indoor shoes.

Hello, everyone! Ill go first!

At that moment, Choi Eunhyuk rushed over.

Out of breath, he just took off his shoes anywhere.

Why is he like that?

I dont know. Maybe hes on duty today or something.

Maybe he overslept.

The children commented on Eunhyuk, who climbed the stairs without looking back.

But Minji, I was curious since earlier, what are you holding in your hands?

Jung Hayang pointed to the bag Minji was holding.

Eunha shook his head.

He discreetly stepped back and killed his presence.

There were things in the world that didnt need to be known.

Eunha didnt really want to know.

He decided to go upstairs, leaving the two behind.

This? Leftover cookies from giving them to our parents yesterday. I brought them to share with the kids. Do you want one?

Uh? Im okay

Come on, eat it. Its sweet and a bit salty, itll be delicious.

Thank you.

Hayang looked around.

Eunha wasnt there.

Looking sad, she could only stare down at the cookie in her palm.

Hayang, Minji, hello.

Hello, Seona. Do you want a cookie too?

Cookie? Im okay. I had breakfast not too long ago.

She was a quick-witted fox.

Entering the shoe rack, Seona, upon seeing Minji holding the bag and Hayang crying, quickly put her wit to use.

She slyly changed the topic to prevent Minji from offering the cookies.


Why are you like that?

Why? Whats going on?

Seona opened the shoe rack.

There were no indoor shoes.

Thats strange I should have put them here yesterday

Seona, her triangular ears twitching, pursed her lips.

She pondered, moving her tail back and forth, but couldnt find an answer.

Who could have taken them?

Who would take your indoor shoes? Maybe you put them in the wrong place?

I doubt it

Should I go to the teachers office and borrow slippers?

Even after searching the nearby shoe racks, she couldnt find indoor shoes with Jin Seonas name on them.

They reluctantly decided to borrow slippers from the teachers office.

Where could my indoor shoes have gone?

Minji and Hayang went up the stairs.

Wearing slippers much larger than her feet, Seona, who was wearing them, stopped following the children.

She turned around.

She searched her memory.

But no matter how hard she thought, she couldnt recall losing her indoor shoes.

Jin Seona! Arent you coming?

Seona! Youre late!

Sorry! Ill come right now!

Upon hearing someone call her, Seona shook her tail and hurried her steps.

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