ReLife Player

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

[When the Fox Rain Stops (2)].

The next day, and the day after.

There were no indoor shoes in the shoe rack.

She wore her green slippers to school again today.

Still nothing today?

Yeah, hi.

Eunha, who didnt arrive at school until after the bell, frowned at Seona as she organized her bag.

Seona was visibly shy. She tucked her triangular ears back and forced a smile.

I might have to carry indoor shoes in my bag from tomorrow on.

Seona said in a soulless voice.

Eunha, seated, looked around at his classmates.

When their eyes met, the children were startled and turned their heads. Some kids stared at their desks.

The children were speechless.

Ever since Eunha had manifested his mana on Ham Chan-wook, the atmosphere in the classroom had been heavy, as if wrapped in a dark cloud.

What kind of asshole did this?

Not once, but for the fourth time.

Someone is bullying Seona.

But Eunha couldnt figure out who it was.

The children were terrified.

Because of him.

They couldnt be doing this because they knew what would happen to them if they touched him.

Does anyone know who touched Seonas shoe rack? Nobody saw anything?

I asked the kids this morning, but no one knew anything.

Eunha asked Minji, who was sitting diagonally across from him.

Minji, with her indifferent face, shook her head.

She said shed been asking everyone she knew, including the kids in her class, since early morning, with no luck.

Hey, No Eunha. What should we do in this situation? Have you seen Soenas face?


Hayang is comforting Seona.

Seona could only smile weakly. She was forcibly pretending to be nonchalant.

But her ears and tail didnt lie.

The half-folded ears and drooping tail spoke volumes about her feelings.

Shes so.

She tries to keep it inside.

Seona was mature.

She was only twelve, but she didnt explode her emotions like a child. She tried to handle things like an adult.

But she was still a child.

Containing emotions was not an easy task.

Seeing a child trying to contain emotions in a way that even adults couldnt handle properly made him even angrier.

He wanted to vent the emotions squirming in his stomach.

But he couldnt act according to his emotions

He had to suppress his anger.

He couldnt let it run wild and worsen the situation.

Instead, he met the eyes of his classmates.

Looking for hostility or malice in their eyes.


The only emotion he could sense from the children was fear.

Captain, I found Seonas indoor shoes.

It was lunchtime.

Eunhyuk approached with a dark face.

The kids in the class ran to the cafeteria as soon as the bell rang to end fourth period.

The only kids left in the classroom were those waiting for some quiet time or others waiting for friends from different classes.

Where did you find them?

Eunha glanced at Seona, who was sitting in the back of the class.

Seona hadnt heard Eunhyuks story.

She was talking to Hayang and organizing her textbooks.

In the boys restroom on the first floor. They were in the trash bin.

Why would they be there?

The boys restroom is the closest to the shoe racks. I was looking for indoor shoes, but its a bit awkward to tell Seona, isnt it?

Of course, dont even mention it.

Minji cut through Eunhyuks hesitation.

This was not the time to tell Seona that he had found her slippers.

He couldnt even show her the shoes hed taken from the trash bin in the restroom.

I wonder who did that.

No one answered Eunhyuks muttering.

The three of them were certain that someone had stolen Seonas shoes with malicious intent.

Who? Why? For what purpose?

Though they didnt say it out loud, all three were busy thinking about who had done it.

No answers were forthcoming.

Im going to have lunch alone today.

Why? Where are you going?

I have a lunch appointment.

You finished all your lunch appointments. Who is it?

Its just something I have to do.

Ignoring Minjis probing questions, Eunha left the classroom.

Instead of heading to the cafeteria, he found a secluded spot to return a milk carton.

Under the stairs where people wouldnt notice.

Until last year, it was a gathering place for kids who smoked cigarettes.

Of course, it had been disrupted in front of Eunha.

Sorry, Im a little late, arent I?

The person Eunha was waiting for at the bottom of the stairs was Kim Yoo ha.

As he emerged from the darkness, he fired off his camera flash to capture him standing there with a stiff face.

Your face is so cool right now, isnt it?

The other kids were too scared to come near me.

Thats because they havent seen hyung fighting monsters!

Yoo-ha said cheerfully.

Eunha sat on an upside-down milk carton, eating bread Yoo-ha had brought from the snack bar.

The reason I called you is, I dont have to tell you, right?

You said Seonas indoor shoes were missing again today.

Getting straight to the point, Yoo-ha asked.

Since becoming aware of <Invisible>, Yoo-ha, despite being only nine years old, had steadily gained a foothold as an information broker within the school.

Eunha was partly to blame.

He introduced him to the kids who used to follow Lee Kanghyuk around.

The kids wandering around deserted places became his eyes and ears.

Have you found anything?

Im still looking into it. Ive been investigating people coming to school early since this morning but there doesnt seem to be anyone suspicious.

Yoo-ha shared what he had investigated so far by flipping through his notebook.

But the clues were lacking.

In the past four days, they couldnt pinpoint the culprit among the students who came to school early in the morning.

There were no witnesses who could identify who had stolen the indoor shoes.

Ill wait in front of Seona noonas shoe rack tomorrow morning.

Eunhyuk was supposed to do that But if youre doing it, thats better. Itll be tough, but Ill ask you.

Its a request from Eunha hyung , so of course, I have to do it! Also, I have to find out whos bothering Seona noona.

Yoo-ha clenched his fist, full of determination.

With his gift, he might be able to catch the perpetrator up close.

Right. Hyung, do you know about this?

This? What is it?

There have been strange rumors going around the school.

What kind of rumors?

That an Ain could turn into a monster at any moment.


Eunha frowned.

It sounded ridiculous.

Normally, he would have laughed it off and paid it no mind.

But this was a strange situation.

And the fact that Yoo ha had brought up such an unfounded rumor meant that public opinion was building, which was hard to ignore.

Ive never heard of this before. When did it start?

Its not like this story hasnt been around since I entered the school, its just that it hasnt been publicized until now.

But its becoming public knowledge now.

Last year, when Hyung went on the retreat. Since then, it seems the perception that Ain is dangerous has spread among the parents.

Yoo-ha explained, glancing around.

Eunhas face stiffened.

The atmosphere in the school had changed considerably since the school trip last year.

Not only had the children, then fourth graders, been traumatized by the monsters, but there had been casualties.

Parents had been outraged.

Some of them may have harbored hatred for monsters and took out their unresolved anger on Ains.

To them, an Ain was no different from a monster.

They couldnt allow an Ain, who they didnt know when would turn into a monster, to stay in the same classroom with their children.

And when Hyung had the counseling session.


That seemed to be a turning point when the rumors became more widespread.

The time of the counseling session was when the fifth graders began to fear him.

It was also the time when Minji and Eunhyuks influence began to wane.

It was too perfectly timed to be a mere coincidence.

It seemed deliberate, as if someone intentionally leaked the information.

Do you know who started spreading it?

The rumors spread gradually, so I also caught on a bit late. Ive been investigating, but it takes time since I have to ask around individually.

Check it out for me.

He couldnt separate what was happening to Seona from the rumors that were spreading around the school.

Perhaps the culprit tormenting Seona wasnt just one person.

The theft of the indoor shoes might have been just the beginning.

For what purpose, though?

Then what was the reason behind their systematic harassment of Seona?

No answers came.

The world they were treading on was not the world of politics or players.

It was an elementary school.

Why would kids, who at most were just elementary students, go to such lengths to bully her?

And about the people hyung asked me to look into last time, it turns out that Ham Chan-wook, Yeom Jae-jin, and Cho Yeona are all.

The bell rang to end lunch.

Eunha brushed the bread crumbs off his pants and stood up.

Lets head back for now. Is what I asked for last time important?

Well its not certain yet, so Ill investigate further and let you know next time.

Please do. Before investigating them, find out the guy who stole Sonas indoor shoes and those spreading false rumors.

Got it! Then Ill be off!

Kim Yoo-has body melted into the darkness.

Feeling his presence receding, Eunha returned to the classroom.

And when he returned to the classroom

All of you, take off your shoes, climb onto your desks, and kneel down.

Im Dohon scolded the kids.

It was lunchtime.

Seona said she didnt feel well and wouldnt eat lunch.

The children couldnt force her to go, so they went to eat lunch by themselves.

Seonas face was pale from the morning, and although she answered dutifully when they spoke to her, she would just sit there sullenly when she was still.

Even though Hayang had been by her side all morning, Seona couldnt seem to cheer up.

Lets go buy some bread for you!

That would be great!

Choi Eunhyuk , youve been saying the right things for a while.

The kids did as Eunhyuk said and picked out bread for Seona at the canteen.

It was nearing the end of lunchtime, so the school store was relatively quiet.

The three of them divided the money and paid for the items.

As they chatted cheerfully, they headed back to the classroom, but

I didnt do it!

How can we believe you? You were the only one left in the classroom until the end!

As soon as they entered the classroom, they encountered a scene where the kids were gathered around Seona, raising their voices.

Whats going on? Why is everyone gathered like this?

Eunhyuk and Hayang didnt understand the situation.

Only Minji, who sensed the atmosphere, squeezed through the kids and stepped forward, protecting Sona.

Whats happening?

Minji moved in front, shielding Sona, who was taller than her.

The kid who was arguing was Cho Yeona, the vice president of Class 3 in the fifth grade.

She was a central figure among the girls.

Kids who were close to her were clustered around her.

Seona stole Miseons wallet.


I told you it wasnt me!

Minji reached out, stopping Seona from advancing.

Looking around, she found a teary-eyed child, clutching the wallet in both hands.

Explain in detail what happened. Seona wouldnt do something like that.

Yeah, theres no way shed do it in front of all of you. But Minji, youd be surprised if you heard, right?

Between the time we went to lunch and came back, Miseon lost her wallet, and it was found in Seonas locker. Do you still think she didnt steal it?

I didnt steal it! I have no idea why it was in my locker! Why would I steal Miseons wallet?

Minji glared at Cho Yeona, who lifted her chin defiantly.

It was too artificial, too obvious.

There were more than a couple of holes in this story.

But how did you guys know that Miseons wallet would be in Seonas locker?

How? Seona stayed in the classroom instead of having lunch. The kids who left the classroom last saw Seona still inside.

Thats right.

I saw it. I was the last one to leave.

Cho Yeona looked at the other kids for support.

The kids huddled around her nodded, each giving their testimony.

So? Just because Seona stayed until the end, youre accusing her of being a thief?

Its not accusing her of being a thief. Miseons wallet was found in Seonas locker for real.

But who suggested searching Seonas locker? Cho Yeona, as vice president, do you have the right to search Sonas locker?

Why? Im the vice president. A theft occurred in our class. And Seona stayed in the classroom until the end. Dont I have the right to check her locker?

Why specifically Seonas locker? Even if Seona stayed until the end, there could have been other lockers, drawers, or bags. Why do you think it must have been in her locker?

Well that

For a moment, Cho Yeona was speechless.

Minji seized this moment, not missing Cho Yeonas hesitation.

She stretched out her hand, reaching for the truth.

At that moment, someone shouted from the midst of the kids.

I saw it! After eating, when I came to the classroom to get the soccer ball, Seona was in front of her locker!

That was when I was trying to take out the textbook for the fifth-period class. And even then, there was no wallet in the locker!

The kid who suddenly raised his hand and spoke up was Yeom Jae-jin, the president of the fifth grade class.

Seona protested that it was a misunderstanding, but Ham Chan-wook and the others accused her before she could say a word.

Shut up!

Minji shouted, trying not to lose the argument.

With a red face, Minji glared at Yeom Jae-jin.

Dont you think its a bit much to accuse her of being a thief when you didnt even see it yourself? She said she didnt do it, and someone else could have put the wallet in her locker!

Min-ji, do you really think that makes any sense? What makes you think that kids in your class would do something like that? Dont you think youre being like that on Seona because shes your friend?

Cho Yeona grabbed Minjis hand.

The gaze of the class changed.

At first, they thought it was a funny sight, but when Minji said she was suspicious of them, they became uncomfortable.

She was the one who brought up the idea that they might have done it.

Even if it was, the lockers are all locked with keys. Do you really think anyone else would be able to get into Seonas locker?


Minji was silent.

Everyone in the class has an assigned locker key.

But that doesnt mean they cant open other peoples lockers.

There are only a limited number of keys.

There are countless lockers on school that can be unlocked with a single key.

That means shes not the only one who can open them.

But Minji cant bring herself to say anything to the kids glaring at her.

To do so would be to turn the entire class against her.

Who the hell would do that?

Most of all, she didnt know the true intentions of the person who had done this to Seona, even though she had the common sense to know better.

I didnt think she was like that. I thought she was a good girl.

She was making fun of us behind our backs.

Shes a fox, after all. Foxes are cunning creatures, you know?

But why would she do that?

Why? She lives in a church. Where do you think she would get the money?

Thats right. Sometimes she even wears second-hand clothes

By the time she regained her senses, whispers were heard from all around.

No! She doesnt steal anything! You dont understand! When have you ever seen her steal anything?

I didnt see her steal anything, but. but I did see her flirting with Eunha and tricking you.

Shes a fox. Look at Eunhyuk and Hayang. They say its not Seona even though the evidence is right in front of them.

This is why Ain is. I can see why my mom didnt want me to play with her.

No! Shes not the girl you think she is! Somethings wrong! Dont you guys think so? Who would want to this. to her?

Jung Hayang, who in the world would do something like this to pick on Seona? How is that possible? Youre so blinded by the books you read that you cant see reality.

My dad said Ain lives in a place called the slums. He said the people who live there take stealing for granted, so he told me to stay away from them.

Ive seen an Ain player before, and they look really scary. Dont you think Jin-seona would be like that?

Honestly, Seonas a little, I mean, weve been close because of you guys, but hasnt she been secretly looking down on us?

I never did that!

Thats right, Ive noticed it a little bit, too. Shed go to the bathroom with Hayang and Minji, but when Id ask her to go, shed get distressed. It makes me feel bad.

A little, yeah. Seona doesnt talk to the other girls much.

Yeah, its kind of like that. She doesnt look down on us, but she kind of pushes us away.

I dont know, I dont think shes any good.

Just because she hangs out with them, she thinks shes something special. But shes just an Ain mom used to say that. Kids like her cant even earn a living properly.

Honestly. Im scared of her. Just looking at her reminds me of what happened at the retreat!

Thats right, shes scary! Why do you have ears on your head? Why do you have a tail? And why are your eyes red?


Jin seona, your tail is touching my arm!

Hey! Watch out! You might end up like her!

Its the Jin seona virus! Guys, dont touch her! Youll turn into monsters if you do!

I dontI dont think thats!

Look at her tears.

That sucks, really, why do you have to make us the bad guys?

Thats her pretending to cry, cant a fox whos been laughing behind your back pretend to cry?

Ah! Youve got a virus! Hurry up and pass it on to someone else or youll turn into a monster!

IamIam not a.


Someone else chimed in.

Then, the kids, too many to determine who started it, joined in and poured out insults.



On the subject of monsters!


Youre a monster.


Im scared.

Oh my God.

I hate you now!


Help me!


She is a virus!

Get away from me!

Dont look this way!

Im scared.

The monster is crying!

Run away!

How do monsters cry?


I wish things like you were dead.

All of you, take off your shoes, climb onto your desks, and kneel down.

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