The Immortal Player

Chapter 151: Wind Sword Art: Yojiro's Wind Blade!

Chapter 151: Wind Sword Art: Yojiro's Wind Blade!

Hundreds of meters ahead of Lony, Roval, and Yojiro was a path leading towards the Woba Mountain. They had lost their sights at Arvedar a few minutes ago. But knowing their friend, they knew that Arvedar would head towards this direction to ambush players who would try to escape to the south--away from the Kagat Village. Afterall... The three of them were familiar with this area since they used this path to evade and escape from the players of United Asian Force. 

The Woba Mountain is one of the largest mountains on the western side of the Aquari Continent. It was located near the sea and separated the Mid Western Shore--the part of the western shore with the Naga Kingdom on its center, from the Upper Western Shore--the part of the western shore where the three ships were able to dock.

Since it divided the Mid Western Shore from the Upper Wester Shore, the path passing through it was the shortest way to go from Kagat Village to the Naga Kingdom. At the same time, before the Continental Quest begun, it was the safest way since the monsters lurking along that path were only active at night--similar to other wild areas in the Western part of the Aquari Continent.

Paired with the stunning view of the Naga Kingdom at night, It was the ideal location where Pedro wanted to build his Kingdom in the future. It also had a great view of the Western Forest and the sea--making it an ideal place for him to rest and relax.

Besides the ambience and the view, it holds a strategic position that is perfect for the safety of a stronghold. It is located high in the mountains, making it harder or more challenging to attack compared to the Kingdoms that are located in the lowland.

In terms of player needs, it provides easy access to the Western Forest that would serve as the 'farming' area of monsters for his player force. Since they were players, aggriculture was not much of their concern. The exchange or trade of resources was not a problem, especially if Pedro had a 'farming' force or an affiliated farming guild. 

Unfortunately, those plans were ruined because of the appearance of the gods and demons. Firstly, Pocras hid in a cave located in the Woba Mountain. If Pocras could go there once, he could probably return one day in the future. 

When that happen, Pocras could simply destroy his Kingdom in a flick of his fingers. Yes, there is a possibility that he might fight back and win against Pocras. But... If the Kingdom was damaged at that point, there is a possibility that his enemies might take advantage of the weakend defenses and attack them. 

Secondly, Pedro knew that the 'lifeless part' of Woba Mountain would attract the attention of a god, goddess, or demon, if they were able to see it. 


Because it was Old D's magic or power that transformed that area from a bustling forest to a soul less land. Any Divine entity knew that there is no human with that magical strength and is able to clean any single sign of soul or life at that huge area.

That would surely pique the interest of the Divine Entities, and by that point, it was obvious that the closest human teritory would be the most probable 'witness' or source of information. Consequently, Posing the same threat that Pocras offered to Pedro's Kingdom.

He might be able to handle one or two gods, goddesses, or demons at once. But more than that, he had no confidence in successfuly fending off. And the possibility of two or more gods, goddesses, or demons that are 'roaming' together was not low.

That is why he did not want to encounter them as much as possible, even if it was only Fate or Old D, themselves. Besides... Without his Demonic Eyes, Pedro was no match against Divine Beings in Bearth Online. Hence, he decided to find another location to build his very own Kingdom. 

Going Back to Lony, Roval, and Yojiro...

The two gray furred wolves, Lony and Roval, barked furiously to the monsters that they encounter despite the constant scolds given by Yojiro. At first, Yojiro thought that the two young men were either dumb or they were just fooling around. 

However, as time goes by, he noticed that whom ever Lony and Roval barked upon, whether it was monsters or players from the United Asian Force, the enemies would tend to halt on their attacks and stare towards the two 'idiots' in confusion.

This, in turn, gave them time to use the petrifying skill of their grayish eye to froze the hands and feet of their targets. Afterward, they would attack their respective targets immediately with a fatal strike. Either they bite their necks or pierce their claws into their chest. 

Although their kill rate was low and slow, it was efficient and was something unexpected. When Yojiro realized this, he started to also think of a way... a scheme that he could use to further increase the efficiency of his attacks and, at the same time, conserve as much energy as he could.

They had just joined the war against the United Asian Force. Pedro did not gave them any specific information about the estimated or probable duration of the war. Thus, he could only aim to save as much energy as he can, until a definite time frame or limit was given to them by Pedro.

Truth be told, it would have been an easy fight for them if they were only against the United Asian Force. Unfortunately, the Continental Quest was still on going. Hordes of Mountain Wolves and other monsters were scattered everywhere.

Whether the humans were on Pedro's side or they were from the United Asian Force, the monsters did not care and simply attacked them all. And since they were near Woba Mountain, the amount of Mountain Wolves they encountered were far greater than the players from the United Asian Force. 

Add up the dead bodies of monsters and players that were killed by the rest of the Attack Team, the monsters, specifically the mountain wolves, were allured to that location as the smell of their awaiting 'feast' filled their minds with ecstacy. 

Yojiro, Lony, and Roval only headed at the wrong place as they become the 'frontliner' of Pedro's force against the seemingly unlimited number of ecstatic mountain wolves.

'Should we hide in a cave and hide until the war is over?' Yojiro thought as his mind started to overthink.

However, he caught a glimpse of Lony and Roval, who seemed like they were even enjoying fighting their enemies. This made Yojiro shook his head as he swung his sword, slicing several monsters at once. 

Then, he gasped and said to himself, "What am I thinking! Didn't I heard what the Captain said?! It was for humanity! If I surrender now... how am I going to face everyone back at home! How am I going to protect them, if the same calamity occur in our village! Instead of thinking of excuses or ways to avoid my responsibility... I should find a way to fulfill my duty! The duty and responsibility that the Captain bear and shared with us! The duty TO PROTECT HUMANITY!"

Yojiro bit his lips and swung his sword with full force. He sliced four mountain wolves at once and sent a wind blade that extended like a wave of a sound--cutting through anything in its way into half.

The wind blade he was able to create was completely different from the cresent or arc-like wind blades he usually made. Like the wave of a sound, it continued to expand as it goes further from the tip of Yojiro's blade. 

Fortunately, Lony and Roval were focused on their own opponents, hindering them from seeing the new wind blade that Yojiro made. Else, they would have burst into excitement once again, and they would have bugged Yojiro on how to do it. 

"Did I just... made my own strike?" Yojiro murmured as he stared into his Katana.

Fortunately, his 'newly' discovered skill was able to kill the mountain wolves that were tens of meters away from him, giving him the time to recover from his shock and prepare for his next strike. 

As another batch of mountain wolves pounced towards him, he repeated the same 'full force' strike. And like how he did a few seconds ago, it sent a wind blade that extended like a wave of sound, 180 degrees towards the direction on where he swung his Katana. 

With the same amount of magical energy exerted and only a slight increase in the strength of his swing to his Katana, Yojiro made his very own wind blade skill that covers a wider range compared to the ordinary crescent wind blades--that enabled Yojiro to kill twice as many monsters compared before.

Proud of this improvement, Yojiro gripped the handle of his Katana, tightly, and stared daggers towards the next batch of mountain wolves he was about to slaughter. Then, he took a deep breath as he awaited for the right timing of his attack.

As the mountain wolves jumped--pouncing towards him, he gritted his teeth and swung his Katana at full force. A smooth breeze of wind followed the blade of his Katana and sliced through the body of the mountain wolves as if they were paper.

"Wind Sword Art: Yojiro's Wind Blade!" Yojiro shouted.

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