The Systemic Lands

Chapter 75: Day 196 (2) – The Worth of an Eye

Chapter 75: Day 196 (2) – The Worth of an Eye

I just had conversation with a guard who had come up to me and told me something concerning. I was unsure how I wanted to handle it. It wasn’t a betrayal, but it was a concern. It could wait and I would think over the issue before making a decision.

Having a reputation and tipping heavily came in quite handy. If a person wanted points and had information, they knew what to do. Still, I now owed a favor and a substantial one. They hadn’t wanted crystals or anything else, just a favor they could cash in with me at any time, no questions asked. The information was that valuable and while I hated to be in any kind of debt, this information was near priceless in my opinion.

“Hello Bob.”

“Michael, welcome, welcome.” I laid out 80 50-point crystals.

“That should settle us up.”

“Thank you, you are a model customer. Now about the expedition. I have arranged for four people, 120,000 points each, for a skill, 480,000 points total. Spreading things out was easier. I also have a waiting list of two more people as well if you can get two more skill points. Also, I believe this would cover your protection fee for the little trading trip.” Bob pushed the crystals I had just laid out back to me.

“250,000 points for a level three skill if anyone is interested. They can be earned on the same trip. But I doubt they can afford that. Still, it is an opportunity for people to get unique and powerful skills.”

“Unfortunately that price is quite high. You can’t lower the price?”

“For the risk involved and the power of the skills, that is incredibly cheap. I should charge double.”

“Ah, my mistake, my mistake. Depart tomorrow morning?”

“Yes, first thing. You have their payment ready?”

“I will by tomorrow morning, some final details,” Bob said.

“Alright, no payment, no trip. The expedition, how many?”

“Four guards and myself. I can leave my assistant to run this place, but purchases, well I need to get good deals,” Bob said.

“Very well. We will be travelling sunup to sundown. You and your men are expected to obey while we are in the wilderness without question. Finally, I will give one whole day in the city of Neo Brasilia.”

“Good, good. I am also bringing along a guide. You might know each other.”


“Yes, will there be an issue?”

“No but keep an eye on him. Have a guard with him at all times. Don’t want information leaking to Neo Brasila too easily.”

“Hah, no worries. You will protect us on the way back, right?”

“Yes. Well see if you can find a person or two who has 250,000 points to spend on level three skills.

“Hmm, what about a contract through the Union. Someone might be interested, and I am headed over there right now to finalize things with Laura.”

“That’s fine, let’s go.” Bob and I made our way across the plaza to the Union building. The front person quickly called down Laura and she invited us to her office.

“So, two dungeons, four skills with the reset?” Laura asked.

“Yes. But there are two more dungeons with level 3 skills. The cost is 250,000 points each.”

“That is a lot, but level 3 skills?”

“They cost more energy but are far superior.”

“The skills?”

Radiant Beam and Air Burst. Then there is Aqua Sphere and Sonic Shock.” Laura gave me a look.

“I won’t ask if you have any of them, but a lady can guess. Energy cost?”

“At least 50 energy per use, most likely more for Radiant Beam.”

“Expensive, very expensive. If we do this, then you would be given a contract. Each person is only allowed to take out one contract at a time against themselves and contracts are handled by my office. Copies are given to the Elected Representative as well. Half of all level 2 crystals they earn would be withheld until the amount is paid back. That would be a total of 5,000 50-point crystals per person.”

“With an average earning rate of 100 per day, you are looking at a repayment period of 100 days. At that time there would be a re-evaluation on their payment prospects. Basically, if they have stopped paying then you can request action. If they are making a good faith effort, then we leave it at that. There is no interest.”

“As the contract holder, if they die, you are basically out of luck. Debt is not inherited or passed on, even between team members. Are the terms acceptable?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Alright, well then, I am going to get your payment for the four and ask around if anyone is interested level 3 skills. If I find anyone they will show up in the morning.”

“Who holds onto the debt payments?”

“Hmm, you are often gone, so I will handle that and take responsibility. The only request is that you stop in at least once every thirty days, since I don’t want to hold more crystals than that. Even then…it will be annoying.”

“Do you get a cut?” I asked.

“Most contracts are held by the Union and people pay fees to be part our network. I had to reach out since, I didn’t have the cash reserves for four people, and now this?” Laura shook her head. “If I could, I would pay out to you and hold the contracts myself. Even Ken and Tyrese are fully leveraged. Before you ask, no one else can afford anything like that. There is also the matter of risk, it needs to be spread around a bit as well. If one person or group holds all the contracts, well this isn’t the safest place.”

If someone held all the debt, well that would invite assassination attempts. By spreading out the debt owed around, it would reduce the risk.

“I see. It is fine. Who is handing out supplies for these people during the trip and torches for the dungeon?” I asked.

“I will handle it for a small fee. Say 1,000 points, multiplied by six people for eight days,” Bob jumped in. That was 48,000 points, the man really grabbed onto every opportunity.

“I will inform the people and they can pay you directly. I am not responsible for logistics, just contracts,” Laura said.

“That is fine, I can handle the logistics all day long,” Bob replied.

“The contracts can be resold?” I asked.

“It is a pain to change things like that, but if absolutely necessary, it can be done for a fee. Paper isn’t free. One of the benefits we provide for members, we handle things like this to get them opportunities.”

“I see. Make the arrangements and be ready to leave at dawn. I will take payment at the store pillars then, anything else?” I asked.

“No. A pleasure as always Champion,” Laura said. Bob and I left. He went off to arrange for supplies and make final arrangements for the trip. I went over to Shi’s Salon.

“Champion Michael, Lady Shi is busy with a customer at the moment, but she can see you next,” the receptionist greeted me.

“Very well,” I said and looked at the prices that had been written on a piece of paper laid out on the counter. I put down 4 50-point crystals on the table. That was double Lady Shi’s price. She had minions that cost only 50 points that could cut hair. I wanted the best and I liked Lady Shi. A short time later I was called up to the second floor.

“Champion Michael.”

“Lady Shi, business good?”

“Quite good. I have been considering another expansion and offering a spa. You interested?” I sat down and put my helmet in my lap. She then swung a blanket around my neck.

“Possibly, but I rarely indulge. I still haven’t been to the upgraded casino.”

“Hmm, well the brothel has expanded, now there is the High and Low.”

“Really, two brothels, the difference?”

“Price and the trappings of the place. Also, Ken has started to work out ale from vegetables. More like liquid nastiness, but people will drink anything. The store is too expensive for the piss beer they sell.”

“Not a fan, I take it?”

“No, short as possible, the usual?”

“You know me.”

“Of course, one of my first, and still best customers.” She got to work.

“Everything running smoothly in the city?” I asked.

“For the most part. It is still a struggle, but things have stabilized. The higher tier crystals are becoming a more common sight.”

“That is good to hear.”

“What about out there, find anything this last trip?”

“I was just grinding, need to purchase those upgrades.”

“And here I was thinking your hair was naturally tough. This could become an issue in the future.”

“Hair cutting?”

“Yes, my shears are getting dull quite quickly. It is fine for now, but if you get more upgrades, then it will be an issue.”

“I need short hair. It is important.”

“Then it won’t be cheap. I will need to buy fresh equipment each time.”

“I understand.”

“Will have to call it the Champion’s Cut. Charge through the nose for it. Haha.”

“Well, you have my endorsement, so that is fine.” I liked Lady Shi. She was a breath of fresh air in this place. She also let my head breathe, which was appreciated. There really needed to be a stat that countered hair growth.

“Then I think I will.” Once the cutting was done, she led me to a sink and rinsed the remaining hair off my head. She then brought up two mirrors and held them up.

“Quite good,” she said.


“Now shoo.” I pulled out four more 50-point crystals.

“For some new clippers.”

“Thank you.” I gave her a nod and left the salon, putting on my helmet. So much better, lighter, and cooler.

“Are you Champion Michael?” There was a thin looking woman asking me. She almost looked anorexic. Probably struggling to get by. I was not about to be sucked into pointless drama. I had enough of my own drama, thank you very much.

“Who is asking?”

“I am Clarissa. I run the information and messaging service around here.” That sounded mostly pointless with my current position.

“I am Champion Michael.” I introduced myself, while hoping this woman got the message.

“Perfect, I have several questions I wanted to ask you.”

“No,” I said and began to walk around her. She rushed in front of me and held out a hand palm out and put it on my armor. “You dare lay your hand on me?”

“What, oh no. I just wanted to-“

“I accept your challenge to the death. To lay your hand upon my person is a challenge and no apology was immediately offered. Come, Boss Tyrese will arrange the fight.” Several people looked over.

“I didn’t mean it. I am sorry.” She backed up and gave me a deep bow. I stared at her. I didn’t have time for this nonsense. I had things I needed to take care of and dealing with this drama wasn’t one of them.

“I don’t care. Actions have consequences. If you are truly sorry, cut out your eye and present it to me as an apology and I will accept it if you don’t whine or scream. Otherwise, we shall fight to the death. I suppose you could run, but then you would be banished, and I would have to place a bounty on your head. Which would be quite annoying.” The more I continued, the paler she became.

“Fine,” she hissed out and pulled out a knife. She then cut her left eyelid and bit down on a scream. Wow, that was impressive, kind of. She just cut her eyelid, not her eye out. Well, she didn’t hesitate, so I decided not to keep pushing things.

There was the restoration from the store, so not like it was permanent, just a point sink and some pain to impress on her she shouldn’t bother me pointlessly and thoughtlessly. She held out the bloody knife. “I apologize, is that acceptable?”

“Apology accepted and the challenge will be considered rescinded.” I turned and walked away. If she had cut out the whole eye, instead of just a small cut on her eyelid, I would have stayed to talk with her. Tom came over to me.

“What was that?” he asked.

“An idiot laid their hand on me without permission. So, it was either death or they had to apologize. I only accept sincere apologies which required the idiot to cut out an eye. She stabbed it and not that deep, but I was impressed with her determination and quick action even if I didn’t get an eye. She was an idiot.” I let out a small sigh of annoyance. I didn’t want to deal with pointless nonsense like that, I really needed someone to deal with it for me.

“Sounds like you. You know there is a spice store. I am going to take a look, interested?”

“Sure, I finished my errands.” Tom and I went to the spice store which was behind Bob’s resale store.

“Welcome customers, to Patrick’s Store of Spices,” a man presumably Patrick said.

“What do you have?”

“A great question. Garlic and pepper are the most popular. A lot of people like them for making stews.”

“With fire and water?” I asked.

“Indeed. A number of the guards of the Red Dawn, the Gray Duck, count among my customers.”

“They are using an oven in a building?”

“Ah yes. But some teams use lantern oil to boil up a stew out in the wilderness.”

“Something we should do?” Tom asked.

“A waste of points. I would consider salt since it is necessary to live.”

“Ah, but salting everything can get monotonous. Some spice will liven up your day,” Patrick said, a true salesman.

“Just get some restorations to stay alive. Still, it is something to consider once the cost becomes negligible. Unless you were thinking of treating me?”

“I am quite broke,” Tom said.

“Spent it all on upgrades?”

“And equipment, wanted proper armor to avoid getting bitten to death.” He was wearing new armor. Specifically copper greaves and armguards.

“I suppose that is it then, thank you for your time,” I said.

“Please come again any time, more options become available each day.” There was another store next door, an Outfit Design store. Interesting. Perhaps I could stop looking like an edge lord.

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