The Systemic Lands

Chapter 76: Day 196 (3) – Business Finds a Way

Chapter 76: Day 196 (3) – Business Finds a Way

I entered the store and there were a number of colored drawings laid out on a couple of tables.

“Welcome, welcome.” I looked at the young woman who stood up. “This is my Outfit Store and I am Elise.”

“What does one purchase in an outfit store?” I ask.

“Great question, you see the system store can create outfits. But most people don’t have a good idea what they want or how to show off. Here, I create designs people can purchase from the store. All custom of course.”

“Like armor?”

“Hmm, not so much at the moment, but I can do that. More day-to-day outfits currently. I am angling to get the Red Dawn to have me design uniforms. Also, professional outfits.”

“How much?” I asked.

“Depends on the detail and what you can afford. Each color adds fifty percent to the cost from the store. So, one color with pants, shirt, boots, and overshirt would run you about 800 points at base, 1,200 with one color, and 1,800 with two colors. I charge a tenth of the final outfit price.”

I did some mental math. “Five colors for myself and two for him.”

“Really?” Tom asked.

“I like this, plus I need a fancy outfit. Tyrese and Ken were looking a bit fancy now that I think about it. How can they afford more than me?” I shook my head.

“What colors were you thinking sir?” Elise asked.

“Golds, dark blues, blacks, maybe purple. A dragon pattern or two. Something that looks good but isn’t over the top.”

“Can you remove your helmet and take a seat?”

“Of course.” I took a seat and set my helmet on the table next to me. She was already sketching and looking at me. Tom took a seat as well.

“Surprised you went for this and not the spices,” Tom said.

“I can store this outfit in my home for my rest days. I have to lug stuff around for the spices, unless you are volunteering to be full time cart puller.”

“No, you need to hire someone to do that. Also cook. Like a camp butler.”

“A camp butler,” I let out a sigh. “And where would one find a camp butler?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t been in the city at all.”

“Well, consider it your new job. Find a camp butler and cart puller, if you don’t want to do it.”

“What can I offer them?”

“Fifty points a day if they do all of that. Food will be covered while we travel. A bed and shower of their own here in Purgatory.”

“I will have to ask around for sure, Elise, any advice on where I could ask?”

“No, maybe the Union, let me focus.” She was a woman on a mission. Twenty minutes later she finished both drawings.

“Take a look, what do you think?” She handed them over. I looked at myself. It was a quick sketch, but well done.

It was very eastern, since the pants were flared out. The base was a golden yellow, with black eastern type dragons circling around. There was red trim. The boots were red and gold. The collar of the shirt was red and purple, there was also purple on the cuffs. Finally, there was a large white dragon on the center of the outfit along with a red sash around the waist.

I changed papers with Tom. His was basically the same, but no extra colors, threading, or white dragon. Just gold and black dragons.

“It looks quite good. What do you think?” I asked Tom.

“A bit eastern, but the dragons are nice.”

“Give his red threading and I will take both.”

“Yes! I mean, of course. Let me add that in quickly.” Elise made the addition, much better.

“That would be a three colored outfit and a five colored outfit. The Store price is 8,775 total, which brings your total today to 900 points.” I pulled out 18 50-point crystals and put them on the table. I was impressed by her quick sketching skills and the quality. Amazing how people could find a living in this place, I would have never thought of a business like this. Life finds a way.

“I also want you to do armor. Shield, helmet, the works. I want to see something good when I return, with their cost. Here is a down payment.” I pulled out 20 more 50-point crystals.

“Of course, I will start right away. When do you think you will return?”

“Eight days or so. The most important thing is that it is functional. No useless add-ons. It also needs to be impressive.”

“Of course. Of course. Now to purchase your outfits, go to the store and focus on the design when purchasing the respective component. You should hold the picture in front of you while purchasing for the best results. I would make the purchases, but the size won’t be perfect then.”

“That is fine.” I turned to leave.

“May I ask your name?” Elise asked.

“Champion Michael,” I said with a small smile at her lack of knowledge and left.

We left the store, and I looked across the street at the high-end brothel. I then looked at Tom.

“Not even interested?” He asked me.

“Of course, but there is risk. Also, it is a trap of pleasure. Like the casino. If I start down that path, I might never recover.”

“Or you might relax a bit.”

“And die horribly, my edge is what keeps me alive, and you would do well to remember that.”

“If you say so. I still think you are wound too tight. Making a woman cut out her eye for holding out her hand and touching you.” He just didn’t get it. Well I would explain to him and dole out some knowledge.

“What if she had a skill that required touch to activate? I could have been killed instantly. While not the case this time, I can’t let my guard down for a second. That is how you die. If you have ever read a cultivation story, then you know at the higher tiers of power, politeness is key unless you want to get crushed like a bug.”

“Well, I am off to wander around a bit. Maybe find some of that stew.”

“There is a public kitchen near the slums. But I think I will have dinner at the Gray Duck, if you are interested, my treat. I do know how to relax with good food.”

“Alright, still a bit early.”

“It is, you know where Ruth is?” I asked.

“Probably her place, want to ask her to join?”

“Sure, why not.” Ruth had purchased the building to the South of my super building. I knocked on the regular door. She opened it up.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Going to have an early dinner at the Gray Duck, was wondering if you were interested in joining us? My treat.”

“Oh, you talk him into this?” she asked Tom.

“No, it was his idea. Apparently, his secret weakness is decent food even if he refuses to get decent food for traveling out in the wilderness.”

“That sounds about right. Well, I did get a dress, I want to try out. Give me half an hour and I will be ready.” She closed the door and I looked at Tom.

“Well time to get our outfits then,” I said.

“I was wondering about that.”

“Well, if Ruth didn’t have anything, then it would have been awkward,” I replied. We went to the store, and I purchased my outfit for 6,075 points.

“Ah, I kind of need a bit of help?” Tom asked.

“Here. My treat this time. Remember your poor Master once you become rich.” I gave him 60 50-point crystals. He purchased his outfit.

“Thanks. Clothes are stupidly expensive.”

“Welcome to the new world.” We left the store and made my way to my home. I got changed and Tom did the same. I checked the mirror.

Elise did good work. While it was just designing the outfit, there was no way I would have been able to think of it without a drawing while in the Store. I left the drawing on the table in my room. I did attach my sword sheath with my iron sword.

Tom took a bit longer to get ready. “Not bad,” I said.

“A bit stuffy around the neck?”

“A bit, but it is a city outfit, not a fighting outfit. Like a suit.”

“Why not get a suit?”

“I am not wearing a tie. Too much risk in a fight. Also, I like this color and style.”

“Who are you and what have you done with Michael?”

“Color gets dirty easily and isn’t practical for traveling, hence the black and grays. But in the city, well, I can wear something stunning as befitting a member of the Triumvirate.” Also, gray and black were depressing.

“Let’s get Ruth, I am sure she will get a laugh.” I grabbed a certain box quickly and tossed it in my crystal money pack. I wasn’t sure what I would do with it yet. The situation was very complicated.

We left my place and went to hers. Tom knocked and she came out in a stunning blue dress with her hair done up in a bun. There were three silver stilettos holding her hair in place. I had no doubt they doubled as weapons.

“You look amazing,” I said.

“Thank you. I see Tom got you over to the outfitter as well. Elise does good work.”

“I think I see light blue waves on your dress.”

“Yes, but you went full on eastern with the dragons and those pants. Doesn’t look half bad. And Tom, looking handsome as well.”

“Thank you, Ruth,” Tom said.

“Well, the Gray Duck?” I asked.

“I am looking forward to a proper meal,” Ruth said. We slowly walked across the plaza, everyone glancing in our direction. We reached the restaurant and there was a greeter at the door.

“Greetings, just the three?”

“Yes, a private room, if you have it?” I asked.

“Of course. We do ask for payment up front. For a private room, drinks, and full course it is 1,000 points per person.” That was quite a bit.

“Very well.” I began laying out 60 50-point crystals on the nearby table.

“Thank you, sir. Please follow me.” We went up to a second floor with a table by a window. There was a tablecloth and actual copper plates and utensils. Ruth took the seat facing the window while Tom and I sat on either side of her. I made sure to hold out her chair for her and she gave me a smile.

“Good evening, my name is Randolph, and I will be your server for the evening. Currently we have orange juice, apple juice, and apple cider with a touch of alcohol.”

“Orange juice,” I said.

“Orange juice,” Tom said.

“Apple cider please,” Ruth said.

“Excellent choices. For the appetizer we have a vegetarian thai green curry. How spicy do you prefer, we have cool, hot, and melt down?”

“Hot sounds fine,” I said.

“Same,” Tom said.

“Cool please,” Ruth said.

“For our main course we have vegetable rolls, rice, and vegetarian meatloaf served with our signature sauce. Desert will be an orange cream.” Randolph then poured water for each of us. “One moment while I get your fresh bread and butter.”

“Wow, fancy,” Tom said.

“Impressive that they can do that much with what they have,” Ruth said.

“I told Tom he was in charge of finding our camp butler to cook and pull the cart.”

“Really, giving him a challenge like that. I am looking forward to my cooked meals.”

“Ah, I, um, I might need some time.”

“Don’t worry about it. But you are stuck on cart duty until you do,” I said. He let out a sigh of relief. The fresh bread was brought out along with butter.

“However, Ken figured out bread, he is a genius,” I said.

“Hmmm, I could eat here every day,” Ruth said.

“It isn’t cheap,” I said.

“It isn’t, but so worth it,” Ruth said.

“So, the trip?” Tom asked.

“Tomorrow morning first thing. You will each get paid 20,000 then. On the way back we are stopping by the salt spring and the cliff. I arranged for two more people to pay out for skills, hopefully.”

“And our share?” Ruth asked.

“Not changing,” I held up my hand. “Before you complain, you can fight the monsters then.”

“I wasn’t, but it is a lot of walking, for not a lot of reward on our end,” Ruth said.

“What do you think is fair?” I asked.

“30,000 each, no combat bonus.”

“Really now, after the free dungeons I got for both of you and everything else?”

“We weren’t being paid before. That is that. This is this,” Ruth said.

“You Tom?”

“Um, well, um…what Ruth said.”

“I see I am being ganged up on. Alright that is fine. But future dungeons won’t be free or discounted,” I said. If they wanted to play hardball after my generosity, then I could play hardball as well. It made our team feel less like a newly formed family, and more like a business transaction. That was my fault, I just wasn’t that good with people.

“I understand, that is fine,” Ruth said.

“Alright, as long as you are aware of that. Also, with more pay means you are in charge of people wrangling.”

“Is that like a cow wrangler?” Ruth asked with a grin.

“More or less messy depending on how you look at it.” I really stared at her before going back to my bread. I needed to think on the issue some more before making a decision. The box with the earrings stayed in my pack.

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