The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 132 - Planning

Rosa blinked twice. "Daughter, from one brother to another-?" she asked in disbelief.

Simon stared hard at his daughter's face, he thought that she was just joking, but her face looks serious. "Daughter, what kind of joke is this?" he asked, doubtful of her claim.


Laura sighed. "Mother, Father, I'm serious about this thing," she defended her claim.

"When is the wedding, sister?" asked Sofia excitedly.

"As soon as possible!" Laura replied without batting an eyelash.

"Awesome! I want to be the bridesmaid!" Sofia roared.

Laura saw the astonishment on his parent's faces. "What's wrong, Father, Mother? Graven is single, unlike Cooper. He's willing to marry me! And we love each other!" she dropped another revelation.

Rosa and Simon looked at each other.

"Does Graven knew about this?" Simon finally asked.

Laura's brows furrowed. "Huh? What kind of question is that, Father?"

"I will only believe you if Graven will tell us that he is serious in marrying you!" Simon declared.

Laura smiled. "Alright, I'll bring him back here so that he can tell you himself. We originally want to reveal the news tomorrow but I'm so excited, I can't help it!" she lied again and again.

"Okay, get Graven here!" Simon ordered, he wore a grim expression on his face.

"Okie Dokie!" Laura climbs the stairs and sprinted towards Graven's room.

Rosa looked at her husband. "What's going on, husband?" she asked, confused.

Simon smiled. "Well, if Cooper is no longer available then Graven is a much better candidate as a husband for our daughter," he concluded. "Why? You don't like him as a son-in-law?" he asked.

Rosa took a deep breath. "It's not that... anyways, let's hear Graven's words first," she said.

The couple waited for their daughter and her future husband to come down from the stairs. Until then, they can only wait and speculate...

Laura found Graven inside the guest room, standing beside the window, staring at the dark horizon above.

She went to his side and wrapped her hands around his waist and rested her head on his back. "I'm sorry, I made a false claim to my father that we are planning to get married soon. I just don't want my father to feel sad," she explained, misty-eyed.

Graven breathed deeply. "It's okay, I understand," he said.

"Thank you. They are waiting for your confirmation downstairs," she told him.

"Alright, let's give them a good show," he planted a kiss on her forehead. He can't blame Laura 'coz he knew that she wanted this wedding badly as much as he wanted it.

They exited the room, holding each other's hands.

When the couple went downstairs holding hands, Simon's face lighted up.

The lovely couple faced the parents.

Graven cleared the lump in his throat and looked at Laura's family in the eyes. "Mother, Father, sister-in-law... I would like to ask for Laura's hands in marriage. I love her so much, I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her," he said with utmost sincerity in his voice. Then in front of her family, he planted a loving kiss on Laura's head.

Laura's eyes sparkled, truly moved by Graven's display of affection in front of her family, she's beaming with joy.

"Aww... so romantic!" Sofia giggled and clapped her hands in glee.

Simon and Rosa smiled brightly.

"Alright, since you two look so in love with each other, I agree to the wedding!" Rosa said with delight.

Simon nods his head, liking what he saw. He can feel the genuine love emanating from the couple's faces and it erased the gloom and worry in his heart. He was happy that his daughter finally found the guy she loves with all her heart and the guy is willing to marry her. And the best thing about it, Graven is Nicholas's son. The arranged marriage between their children still possible, only this time, the groom is different.

But who cares? He is still happy and satisfied with his son-in-law. He's a hundred times better than Cooper and Laura love him. They are the perfect match in his eyes!

Simon looked at the couple's faces. "Children, I will give you my blessing now. I approved your relationship and I'm looking forward to the wedding!" he said jubilantly.

Graven smiled brightly. "Thank you for giving us your blessing, Father, Mother, sister-in-law!" he said.

"Sit down, children! Let's talk about the wedding!" Simon said excitedly.

Graven and Laura looked at each other, their eyes spoke volumes, they seated on the couch facing the family.

Simon started talking. "I want to hold two weddings. One in South Pond Town and one here on my farm. Since the two of you are already here, let's plan the wedding and make it happen as soon as possible. I want the wedding to be held here on the farm. There will be no delay because you two are both adults already and I have close ties with one of the judges here in our town, he can officiate the wedding anytime upon my request..." he said excitedly.

Laura coughed for a few seconds, damn! she was not expecting her father to rush the wedding. She was worried about Graven.

Simon looked at his son-in-law. "What do you think, son?" he asked his opinion.

Graven grinned. "Sure, no problem!" he replied enthusiastically.

Laura looked at Graven's face trying to seek the truth from his lies. But all she saw was his genuine smile, no hints of doubts or hesitation in his eyes.

"Great!" Simon enthused.

"Ah, Father. How long the wedding preparation will last?" Graven asked.

"I plan to go to the town tomorrow to ask for the requirements of the wedding and visit my friend who is a judge to personally request him to officiate the wedding here on the farm. Give me one week to finish everything, there shouldn't be any problem at all," he replied. "Why-? Is there any problem?"

Graven shook his head. "No problem at all, Father. Just that I have an appointment with a prospective business partner after two weeks and I will bring Laura with me. So - the wedding - if possible should take place within two weeks before we leave town," he explained.

"Ah, no problem. You two will get married first in two weeks before you will leave town," Simon assured him confidently. He will make sure that the wedding will take place before the couple will leave town so that his mind can finally lead to rest. He was afraid of unforeseen changes because life is unpredictable. It's always been his dream to watch his daughter get married to the man that she truly loves with all her heart. Now that this golden opportunity is finally within his grab, he will make sure it will happen!

"Father, if you need Laura and me to accompany you tomorrow to town, we are willing to go with you so that we can speed up the wedding process," Graven offered.

"Ah, no need, son. I'll just bring the legal papers here that needs both of your signatures. You and Laura should discuss with Rosa the big event regarding the wedding decorations, the menu, and everything. I will just invite family friends, relatives, and close business associates to attend the happy occasion. It will be an intimate wedding, nothing fancy. I just want to celebrate the joyous event surrounded by the people I cared about," Simon elaborated further.

"Okay, Father!" Graven replied, still wearing a cheerful demeanor.

Laura was stunned by Graven's willingness to indulge her father. He agreed to everything that her father told him. She was speechless but at the same time happy that he didn't disappoint her father.

"Now we're settled," he rose to his feet and beckoned his future son-in-law to follow him outside. "Let's talk outside, Graven," he said.

"Okay, Father," Graven replied obediently and rose to his feet, he followed the old man outside.

They went to the veranda and settled on the chair comfortably.

Simon looked at Graven in the eyes. "Son, tell me honestly..."

"What is it that you want to know, Father?" Graven asked.

"Can you make an oath to me that you don't have another woman and children in your life... and that you are single, and you love my daughter with all my heart?" Simon said. "Now is the time to confess to me your secret before the wedding takes place," he urged him.

Graven smiled. "I swear to heaven that I have no other woman in my life. I don't have any children, and I love Laura with all my heart," he made the oath.

Simon was satisfied finally. He was glad that his son-in-law is clean and honest. "When you go home to South Pond Town, the church wedding will take place there, am I right?" he said.

"Yes! Father Nicholas loves to hold a grand wedding," Graven replied.

"Good! We're all looking forward to attending the church wedding there!" Simon said.

"It's gonna be a grand church wedding, Father, I'm sure of it! I'm also looking forward to marrying Laura in the church!" Graven said excitedly.

"Wonderful!" Simon was pleased with the enthusiasm that was flashing in his son-in-law's eyes. He rose to his feet. "I'm going back now to the house and rest early because I have to travel to the town tomorrow morning after breakfast," he said, his eyes shining with a sense of satisfaction and happiness.

"Okay, Father," Graven said. "By the way, my father has a letter for you," he said. He took the letter from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to the old man.

Simon accepted the letter and walked towards the entrance of the house followed by Graven.

They found the women chatting noisily about the wedding preparations.

"Everyone, I will retire early for tonight," Simon announced and walked towards the staircase.

"Me too!" Rosa said and followed her husband.

"Good night, sister. Goodnight brother-in-law!" Sofia stated and left the living room going upstairs.

The couple was left behind in the living room, looking at each other.

"Can we talk outside in the veranda before we go to sleep?" Laura requested with a grim face.

"Sure!" Graven replied.

The couple exited the door and went to the veranda.

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