The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 133 - I Swear!

They sat beside each other on the couch.

Laura scrutinized his face. "Do you really mean it?" she asked, her eyes filled with doubt.


"What-?" Graven ginned.

"Everything you said to my father, in front of my family, in the living room?" she spoke and pouted.

He stared at her pouting lips, right now he's itching to engage her in a passionate kiss. "Yeah... I mean it... every word I say to your family is true," he confessed.

"Are you sure? You're not kidding, right?" she asked, trying to find the truth in his eyes.

"Yes, of course!" he answered right away.

"You're going to marry me for real?" she asked again feeling doubtful. She had a hard time believing that he's serious with everything that he said to her parents. She thought he was just humoring her father just to help her out.

"Yes! I swear to heaven, I'm going to marry you, my love! That's what you always wanted to happen between us, right?" he said. He began caressing her arms.

Laura was dumbfounded. She didn't expect something like this thing to happen. Marrying Graven was just a distant dream for her because she knew very well that he will never marry her because of his brother Luke. A frown appeared on her face. She was confused why he suddenly has a change of heart.

Graven was studying her for a while... Laura wore a confused look on her face, she must be wondering why he suddenly agreed to marry her. He pinched her nose playfully. "Stop thinking too much! Why are you wearing a frown on your face? You don't like marrying me?" he asked.

"It's not that!" Laura pouted. Then she smiled brightly. "Honestly, I love marrying you, it's my wish and dream! But sometimes I think you forced yourself just to humor me and my parents," she said sadly.

"Oh, come on, I love to marry you. What I said back there in the living room is all true. I'm not going to back out on my words... so rest assured that our wedding will take place sooner!" he said. "Actually, we didn't plan about this, but it seemed destiny approved our wedding to take place here on your father's farm, so why not? Let's make it happen!"

"Alright, as long you stick to your words, there's nothing to worry about anymore. I think this is the best thing to do, we can tell Luke that we are married already. Maybe this way, he will finally let go of me," she said. She looked at him. "Do you think he will no longer pursue me after learning that we already got married?" she asked.

Graven nods his head. "Maybe... I hope so," he replied, not entirely convinced that their wedding can change Luke's mind. But he was hoping that his brother would have a change of heart after learning the painful truth.

"I'm so excited and looking forward to our wedding!" Laura finally chose to be optimistic and happy than dwell on the negative side. "Thank you for making my dreams come true!" she said, her eyes glowed with happiness.

"Of course, I'll do anything to make you happy. If you're happy, I'm happy too!" he beamed and hugged her tightly.

Graven knew that marrying Laura is wrong but now that the wedding is finally going to happen within two weeks, he will just go along with the ride and enjoy the occasion, after all, it's his and Laura's wedding. Their dream wedding! As for what's gonna happen down the road, he will throw caution in the air and cross the bridge when he's already there.

What matters to him right now is that Laura is happy. He might never be able to see her happy this way again. Maybe this is the only time they will be able to be happy together. So why not seize the chance?

They spent hugging each other on the veranda in the next thirty minutes.

When Laura was already yawning, they entered the door, locked it, and went upstairs to retire for the night.

The couple sleeps peacefully throughout the night in a separate bedroom.


The following day.

The farmhouse comes alive early in the morning. The servants were already awake as early as 6:00 in the morning doing various household chores around the farm and the house.

Graven, Laura and the rest of the family woke up at 7:00 in the morning.

By 7:30... everyone gathered in the dining room to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Simon gets ready to go to town.

A half-hour later.

The couple was sitting on the veranda sipping hot cocoa.

Laura watched her father's carriage leaving the gate.

"Your father is very excited about our incoming wedding," he commented casually.

"Yeah... everyone is excited including you and me," she muses. "Aren't you?" she looked at him in the eyes.

"Of course! I'm excited! I'm the groom!" he chuckled. "What we're going to do all day here on the farm?" he asked.

"Let's go horseback riding, then have a picnic in the lake!" she suggested. "But later in the afternoon," she said.

"Alright, you're the boss!" he grinned. "I'll go to the stable to check the horses. I'll see you in the garden later after I'm done in the stable," he said and planted a kiss on her temple.

"Okay, I'll join my mother and sister in the garden to discuss the wedding preparation," Laura replied.

The couple went their separate ways.

Laura went to the backyard and found her mother and sister watering the flowering plants. "Can I join you girls?" she asked while lowering herself on the chair. "You need my help?"

"No need... we're done already," Rosa replied.

"Sister, where is your husband?" asked Sofia.

"He's in the stable, checking the horses," Laura replied.

"Do you already have a wedding gown in your mind to wear on your wedding day?"

"Not yet, but Father said he will ask the seamstress to come here tomorrow so that I can choose what dress to wear on my wedding day," Laura responded.

"Nice!" Sofia enthused. "How about the dishes for the wedding party?"

"Father said that he will try to ask the seamstress, the restaurant manager, and the people who will take care of the garden wedding decoration to come here tomorrow. We will discuss the wedding details. But if they're busy, Graven and I will have to go to the town to visit them on their establishment," Laura answered.

"Awesome! I'm so excited about the wedding! I can't wait to see you walk on the aisle wearing a pretty wedding dress!" Sofia chatted animatedly.

Rosa went to Laura's side and asked, "Daughter, do you really love your groom?"

"Yes, Mother!" Laura replied instantly.

"Okay, that's all that matters to me. As long both of you love each other, then you will enjoy a happy and blissful marriage," Rosa said.

"By the way, Mother. Why did the family leave the mansion and decided to stay here on the farm?" Laura asked.

Rosa sighed. "Your father is afraid that the vampires will return and they will get mad again if they can't find you, so we decided to stay here on the farm away from our house. Your father is currently finding a buyer for our property. We will be staying here on the farm for good," she explained.

"I'm sorry, Mother," Laura said sadly.

"Don't be sad, daughter. Sofia and I have already gotten used to the farm life and we like the environment here. It's for the best, this way, we can stay away from danger," Rosa said calmly.

"I'm glad that you and Sofia are already liking this place," Laura said.

"Yes, we are, sister! No need to worry about us. Here on the farm, there are no boring moments, there are so many things to do!" Sofia said in merriment.

Laura was pleased that her family adopted the farm life with ease.

Hours went by.

The family gathered on the veranda.

Simon returned to the farm at 4:30 in the afternoon, he joined his family on the veranda.

"I was able to contact the seamstress, the restaurant manager, and the decorator who will transform the garden into a beautiful wedding venue. They will come here tomorrow afternoon to talk to Laura about the wedding details," he announced to his family.

He went to the couple's side and handed them the legal papers. "And here is the legal papers that need signing, I will bring them to the town hall tomorrow for registration," he said.

"Thank you, Father!' Graven said. He handed the papers to Laura.

Simon nods his head and went to pick up the glass of water from the center table and drink it.

Laura accepted the papers and began reading them.

"And here's the pen, you may sign the papers now or later if you want," Simon handed them the pen.

Next, it was Graven's turn in reading the documents.

After the couple finished reading the legal papers, they affixed their signature. Laura gave the documents back to her father.

Simon put back the papers in the brown envelope. "Children, I'm going upstairs to rest in the bedroom. See you later at dinner time," he said and walked towards the stairs.

Graven and Laura exited the house to visit the fish pond located in the backyard a few meters away from the house.

"Let's grill a fish for dinner!" Laura suggested.

"That's awesome! Let's do it!" Graven shared her enthusiasm.

The couple spent the next hour catching big trout fish from the fish pond. They're planning to grill the fish for dinner.

One hour later, they were having fun grilling the fish over the fire.

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