Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 985: Plans On Hold

Chapter 985: Plans On Hold

Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City

Queen's Palace

"Even if we have to wait here all day, we must ensure they understand we have submitted to their rule. So, I ask everyone to please endure until we find a way out of this predicament," Eleanora announced, her eyes fixed on the rest of the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City leaders standing beside her.

Eleanora was dressed in an opulent gown made from rich, flowing velvet in deep purple and red shades, adorned with intricate silver embroidery and sparkling jewels. The gown had a plunging neckline and a fitted bodice. Her long, red, waist-length hair flowed behind her, accentuating her ethereal beauty.

Her golden tiara had been sealed and hidden away because she didn't want to risk provoking Paradise by still wearing it, and she couldn't bring herself to hand it over to their new rulers.

The golden tiara was part of her nature as the ruler of the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City, so how could she give it away?

The other leaders nodded in understanding, dressed in special attire to welcome the representatives of Paradise and, most likely, its ruler.

Witnessing the Queen's gaze toward her, Commander Sy'ra nodded subtly. She wore a ceremonial suit of armour adorned with red and gold accents, polished to a gleaming shine, with intricate designs depicting her many victories. Her attire was completed by a heavy, fur- lined cloak fastened with a golden brooch on her shoulders and neatly polished tusks.

She had the most to gain among the other leaders by getting on Paradise's good side or risk bearing their wrath. So, even without Queen Eleanora's reminder, she was determined to try her best.

Under the shimmering sun, they all awaited Paradise's arrival with bated breaths.

Thirty minutes!

One hour!

Two hours!!


As the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City leaders waited for Paradise's arrival, their patience wore thin, and their opinions sank.

Could it be that they're going to arrive by noon or midnight while the moon is up? They all pondered. However, none of them knew the answer to such a question. Regardless of the reasons, all they could do was continue to wait.

Fortunately, they didn't need to wait much longer.

An enormous, mysterious beast soon entered their line of sight. It was four-legged, with sharp shredding claws, its body covered in thick white fur with two long silver feathered wings. Two transparent horns, appearing to be made of water, emerged from its head, and a tail resembling hardened rough ice trailed behind.

This beast was several meters taller than any they had witnessed before, causing their hearts to tremble at the sheer terrifying strength of each of Paradise's people.

The air around them seemed to thicken, and a sense of dread filled their hearts. It felt as though they were dealing with a force of unfathomable strength. Although they had only experienced this feeling when dealing with a Grade Two Runaway City, it still wasn't as overbearing and overwhelming as this.

As the enormous beast arrived above them, it began to decrease in size and weight, morphing into the figure of a silver-haired man dressed in rugged armour with a slender, glistening bracelet around his left wrist. The man floated downwards, gradually landing before them. "I have come to deliver a message from the Village Chief. The arrival of the representatives of Paradise will be postponed until further notice. Another messenger will personally deliver the message when he is ready!" announced the warrior, his eyes sweeping over Eleanora and the other Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City leaders.

They all nodded in understanding, their expressions clouded with disappointment. None of them dared speak up or ask any questions, having learned from past experience the consequences of inquiring too much from the messengers sent by Paradise.

They immediately noticed the strange bracelet around the warrior's left wrist, causing them to furrow their brows in deep thought. It appeared similar to the Devourer Bracelet but was slender and more refined. However, no matter how they looked at it, it certainly wasn't the Devourer Bracelet.

Commander Sy'ra and Mistress Isolde couldn't help but narrow their eyes at it, their minds racing as they tried to figure out the mysterious bracelet. They both felt a sense of familiarity with it but couldn't quite place it.

Of course, the warrior noticed their gaze. However, he merely disregarded it, activated his gift, and took off into the sky towards the direction of the Sleeping Fox Runaway.

"Did you see that thing on his wrist?" Mistress Isolde muttered, turning to Commander Sy'ra. As the Mistress of the Forgpalace, responsible for maintaining the tools of the gods' chosen and the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City, Mistress Isolde already suspected it was related to the Devourer Bracelet. However, she couldn't reach a conclusion based on her intuition alone.

Commander Sy'ra nodded. "Yes, it looks familiar, but I can't quite place what it is," she responded.

Without knowing the specific energies used by the inhabitants of Paradise, who displayed a range of abilities from elemental manipulation to beast morphing, she couldn't identify the

bracelet either.

Mistress Isolde sighed and nodded.

"Everyone should return to their tasks. Be prepared to be summoned at any moment,"

Eleanora announced, turning around and heading back to the palace.

The other leaders also began to disperse one by one.


The Sleeping Fox Runaway City

Royal Den

After receiving the message from the warrior, Lakul and the other leaders of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City watched him disappear into the distance.

"It seems they intend to test our patience, to see how we will react," Lakul remarked, his arms folded regally behind his back as he stared into the distance with a wry smile.

All nine leaders of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City were dressed in ceremonial attire, awaiting the arrival of the Paradise representatives. However, upon receiving the news, they couldn't help but feel this was a deliberate test by Paradise.

Why schedule such an event only to cancel it at the last moment? Clearly, they had planned this carefully.

Suddenly, a sloth demon, a god's chosen, landed before them. "Emperor, we have urgent news!" he declared.

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