Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 986: Emergence Of The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City

Chapter 986: Emergence Of The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City

"What is it? Have you captured the remaining spies?" Lakul asked, shifting his attention towards the god's chosen with a frown etched on his face. He was displeased by the sudden interruption, but he knewit had to be important if they were approaching him.

The other leaders also fixed their eyes on the god's chosen, curious about what urgent matter had prompted this interruption.

"No, we haven't captured the last spy yet. But I've just received critical information from the watchtower that another Runaway City is rapidly approaching our direction," the god's chosen responded hastily.

Upon hearing these words, all nine leaders furrowed their brows in concern.

A Runaway City in this territory? They all knew that no Runaway City dared to enter these lands due to its isolated and unnatural terrain, which was neither sustainable nor profitable for settlement, coupled with the myriad of terrifying legends surrounding it—some now doubted due to Paradise's existence.

So, they couldn't fathom why a Runaway City would venture here unless...

"Did you identify which Runaway City it is?" Lakul asked, his eyes fixed on the god's chosen.

The gods chosen swiftly nodded and responded, "Yes. It's the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City."

Lakul and the faces of all nine leaders scrunched up in deep frowns.

The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City!

They all recognized the name of this Runaway City and knew it was on the verge of advancing from a Grade One to a Grade Two Runaway City.

Even though it would still be inferior to an actual Grade Two Runaway City, facing off against one meant they had to give their all, possibly with the assistance of another Grade One Runaway City.

The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City ranked significantly higher in strength and capabilities. Nonetheless, previously, worry would have crept into their hearts at the thought of sacrificing something important to evade the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City's grasp. However, with the assurance of Paradise's protection, the frowns on their faces eased considerably.

"Commander Vargoth, I want you to personally deliver a message to the warriors of Paradise harvesting the Vylkr alloys. Inform them about the arrival of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City and seek their guidance on how we should approach the situation," Lakul ordered, shifting his attention towards the Commander of the gods' chosen and Chief of Security of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City.

Having glimpsed Paradise's strength, he harboured no intentions of engaging in a direct conflict with them. In fact, he was sure that even all three Runaway Cities combined would struggle against Paradise's forces, no matter how fierce their effort was.

However, in case of any uncertainties, he could only pit Paradise against the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City and observe who emerges victorious.

Nonetheless, whether the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City had ventured here in search of the Divine Artefact or had mistakenly entered for some other purpose was something he doubted, especially given its trajectory towards them.

She would likely share his concerns if the former Queen of the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City was as wise as he believed.

Commander Vargoth nodded firmly in understanding. Dressed in his ceremonial attire, his broad violet-feathered wings stretched wide as he leapt into the air and swiftly headed towards the direction of the warriors harvesting the Vylkr alloy mines.

As he departed, the remaining eight leaders immediately approached the watchtower to observe the approaching Trekking Flamingo Runaway City.

At the edge of the floating island,

After several hours of waiting outside the house, Orion showed no signs of fatigue. The 3,450 artefacts still hovered in the sky, each crackling with fierce bluish lightning, aimed towards the house before him.

Suddenly, Aerialia's ethereal figure emerged from the closed door. "You can relax now. I've spoken with her and gathered all the information we need. Come back inside so I can explain everything to you, and you can ask her any questions," Aerialia said, her brows furrowed in


Watching Orion maintain his guard for so long revealed the depth of his hostility towards the gods, which worried her a bit.

Upon hearing Aerialia's reassurance, Orion nodded and deactivated his gift. He summoned the miniature mountain once more, depositing the artefacts within. Morphic Puppet emerged from his body in a liquid inky black form before solidifying into its original state.

Orion stepped forward, following Aerialia back into the home.

Morphic Puppet closed the door behind them and held guard at the room's edge.

Ilse flinched under Orion's gaze, but instead of retreating to the bed's edge, she met his stare directly, narrowing her eyes as if scrutinizing him.

Orion frowned at her reaction. Despite not admitting it, he had felt a sense of satisfaction when the resurrected goddess seemed frightened by him.

"I've confirmed that she's a fragment of goddess Ilse divine soul who managed to escape being consumed by the Vylkr energy. However, as a result, she has lost most of her memories and some of her abilities. All she recalls is her identity as the goddess of treasures, Ilse. She's also confused about why the divine phenomenon occurred and feels uncomfortable in her new form," Aerialia explained. "As for her intentions regarding Paradise, that's a more complex matter."

"Can you explain everything in detail to me?" Orion responded.

Already aware that Naka had created a new body for Ilse using an Omnithriallian corpse, transforming her into something akin to Aegis of the Arctic Deity yet distinct, Orion wasn't surprised by Aerialia's last words.

His primary interest lies in understanding Ilse's remembered identity as the goddess of treasures, her abilities, and her intentions. Anything else could wait until he had this

foundational knowledge.

Aerialia nodded and began to explain everything in careful detail. It became clear that Aegis of the Arctic Deity had indeed intervened to awaken Ilse from her half-dead state. She had not fully emerged initially because Aegis of the Arctic Deity had sealed her, binding her will to the Primordial barrier for their mutual protection.

An hour and a half passed before Aerialia concluded her thorough explanation.

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